View Routing Capacity Log


Use this routine to track and report changes to route and shared route capacities; changes include when new or existing order lines are saved or deleted. These changes can be searched using the provided entry fields. The search results populate in the read-only grid. Information displayed in the grid includes the current state, previous state, and adjustments made to the actual capacities.

If the search results yield a significant number of results, a message appears before loading the results, "XXXX records have been selected - this could take a while. Continue?" If you continue, the search results load in the grid. If you do not continue, the results do not load and you can narrow your search criteria and run the search again.

This routing capacity information can be purged after a set number of days using the Routing Capacity Log Retention Days setting in the Settings tab of Route Capacity Control Settings. STORIS recommends using this setting in order to keep the capacity log file small.

Entry Start Date

Entry End Date

Calendar Date

Route Type

Route Code

Shared Capacity Code

Limit Search to Over Capacity