System Administration > System Settings > Merchandising and Distribution System Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information Settings > Advanced Product Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Payables System Settings > Advanced Product Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Vendor Receivables Systems Settings > Advanced Product Settings
Accounting > Payables > Payables Settings > Advanced Product Settings
Accounting > Vendor Receivables > Vendor Receivables Settings > Advanced Product Settings
Accounting > Settings > Vendor Receivables Settings > Advanced Product Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Buyer Tools > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy > Advanced Product Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy > Product Information > Advanced Product Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy > Product Information > Advanced Product Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information > Advanced Product Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information > Advanced Product Settings
Customer > Customer Service > Settings > Product Information Settings > Advanced Product Settings
Customer > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information Settings > Advanced Product Settings
Support Files: Group, Vendor, Brand, Commission, Warranty, Unit of Measure, and Collection.
Page Headings: General, Pricing, Costing, Settings, Miscellaneous, eBridge, eBridge SEO, Interfaces, User Defined Settings, eSTORIS
Use this screen to create and maintain product records for your inventory items. Note that this program contains additional fields not available in the Product Settings program.
ProductTo edit or view an existing
product, enter the code of the product. Click the Search button to select
a product or create a list of products to edit or view using Search
for a Product.
To create a new product, enter a unique code that distinguishes this product
from others in the system. STORIS uses this number to track the product
throughout the system. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric Consisting of both letter and number characters and often other symbol characters such as punctuation marks. characters.
If auto-numbering is active at the Next Product Number field in the Inventory
Control Settings, press Enter
or click the Plus
button to automatically assign the next sequential number.
If set for automatic numbering and the Format field in your Inventory Control
Settings is set to Dynamic Identifier, the Product code is generated based
on the information you defined in the Dynamic Identifier section of Inventory
Control Settings. Once a product has been created, the Product ID is permanent.
If you change the product information for components used to build the
Product ID, you need to delete the product and recreate it in order to
have the Product ID generate using the new settings.
the paper clip icon is active on a page, it indicates that a file
attachment exists for the selected page or for an item in the order
related to the selected page (for example, a customer or product). If
the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for selected page.
A counter in the upper-right of the screen indicates a product
list is currently active. The counter indicates which record in the
list is currently being edited and the total number of records in the
the first line of a text description for this product. The system uses
this field throughout the STORIS system in conjunction with this SKU/model
number. If the product is flagged as special-ordered, this field should
be generic (without fabric or other "special" characteristics
noted). The "physical" product should be described without the
"cosmetic" special order details.
Click the Action button to specify a language translation using the Description
Field - Language Translation Entry window.
If the camera icon is active, you can click on it to view
a picture of the specified product. If the camera is dimmed, no image
exists for the product at this time.
Second DescriptionEnter
the second line of description for this product, if necessary. Only the
Label and Tag Print routines use this second description field.
Click the Action button to specify a language translation using the Description
Field - Language Translation Entry window.
the code of the brand name you want to associate
with this product. You may also click the Search button to select a brand
from the Brand
window. Note that many reports sort by brand.
Enter the model number the vendor uses for this product. For purchase orders you create for this product, the number in this field prints on the Purchase Order. If you leave this field blank, the SKU/model number prints on the Purchase Order. Additionally, this field is used for Product cross-reference inquiries.
The Inventory Control Settings
(Inventory Module ACF) provides the option to print inventory reports
using vendor model numbers or Product (SKU) numbers. If the Report
Sort By field in the Inventory Control Settings is set to Vendor Model,
it is important that the you fill in the Vendor Model field for your
VendorEnter the code of the primary
vendor from whom you buy this product or click the Search button to search
for a vendor using the Vendor
Name Search.
Enter the code of the product group in which you want to include this product or use the Search button to choose a group from the Group lookup window. The system uses this information to organize product records into logical groups for reporting and inquiry purposes. All products must be associated with a group, and all groups must fall within a product category.
You cannot select or enter a group that is set as inactive (Active
field in group
settings is not checked) or one that is associated with a category
that is inactive (Active field in category
settings is not checked).
If you change the product group for a product and the product appears
on existing orders, the orders do not update with the change.
Use this field to specify the inventory type of the product you are creating or editing. You have the following options:
Retail Inventory - the product is a "regular" inventory product A tangible item in your Product file that exists in inventory, for example a table or chair. that can be sold on sales orders.
Retail Part - the product can be sold on service and sales orders.
Retail Labor - indicates a labor product that can be sold on service and sales orders.
Service Part Only - the product can be sold only on service orders.
Service Labor Only - indicates a labor product that can be sold only on service orders.
Service Charge Only - a charge that can be entered only on service orders and not on special orders.
Non-Merchandise Service - the product represents a service that is not product-related, for example an in-home service order can be created for the repair of a scratched floor.
Once you set this field and save the product settings, you cannot
change the Inventory Type. If you assign an incorrect type to a product,
you can delete the product and re-create it, provided no quantity
on hand exists for the product and it does not appear on any open
purchase or sales orders.
If you are creating a special-order "on-the-fly Performed simultaneously, in the midst of another routine. For example, creating a new product during sales entry rather than leaving the sales process to create the product in product settings."
product via Special
Order Entry, the Inventory Type field defaults to Retail
Inventory and you cannot edit it.
Product TypeEnter
the product
type code you want to assign to the selected product. If open orders
exist for the selected product, you cannot edit the product type. Choose
Bulk Product
'Temporary' Special Order
To track activity for this product for reporting via the Kardex system, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
The following
fields on the General tab in the Inventory
Control Settings allow you to include or exclude certain data
from Kardex tracking:
- Track Bin-To-Bin Transfers
- Track As-Is Activity
- Track As-Is Reason Code
To serial-track this product, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If this product is on an open purchase order or sales order and you attempt to edit this field, an error messages appears and the system rejects your change.
cannot serial-track piece-less (non-referenced) products.
For products you create on-the-fly, to specify a default setting for
this field, use the Default
Product Settings.
To allow users to special-order this product, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If the PO From Order Entry field is enabled, this field is inactive.
quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse. exists
open sales orders exist
open purchase orders exist
the product is a kit component for which the Use Package Price field in the Product Kit Settings is enabled
If you check the box at this field, we suggest you
- enter a "generic" description into
the Description field above, and
- use the Special
Order Information Window to enter specific qualifications for
the piece (for example, Color/Grade, Fabric/Finish, etc.).
In addition, when you enter a special-order product A product whose characteristics you can modify such as color or fabric. STORIS lists these custom options in descriptions for special-order products, allowing you to identify individual products based on their unique characteristics.
in Sales
Order Entry, the option to enter cosmetic details for each piece
is available via the Special
Order Entry routine.
For products flagged as special-ordered...
- the system does not maintain average cost.
The system tracks average cost, replacement cost, and exact cost on
a per-piece basis.
- the Pieces Per Carton field accepts only
an entry of 1.
Vendor Ship-FromEnter
the code of the vendor ship-from
address (if any) you want to associate with this product. If
you click on the Arrow, a list of the product vendor's ship-from addresses
appears from which you can choose. Note that this field is active
only if multiple ship-from addresses exist for the vendor associated with
the product.
If using the Buying Group feature,
the system associates the vendor ship-from address you enter here with
the current product for the purpose of establishing a buyer when this
product appears on purchase orders.
This field is used to indicate the date the product was created. When you create a new product, you can accept the default of today's date or you can enter a different date. Click the calendar icon to select a date. For existing products, you can enter a date only if this field was previously left blank. Once the creation date has been updated for a product, it cannot be edited manually or via conversion spreadsheet.
If you check this box, then each time this product appears on a
sales order and insufficient quantity exists for the product to fill
the order, a prompt appears asking if you want to add the item to
a purchase order. If
you say Yes, the system creates
a new purchase order.
Use this field for products you don't keep in stock. This option is
available only for inventory products. If a soft kit A group of stock products organized into a set so as to be sold as a package or suite. In STORIS, you can create hard or soft kits. component with this box checked appears in a
sales order and there is not enough product on hand, the system prompts
for creation of a purchase order. To apply this functionality to hard-kit
masters, use the Product Kit Settings.
If the Special-Ordered field is enabled, this field is inactive.
If you check the box at this field, the program excludes this product
from the Purchase
Order Replenishment process. However, you can override this
restriction via the Include Orderable Products field in the Purchasing
Control Settings.
When you create a purchase order from Sales
Order Entry, if the Buying
Group feature is active (that is, the Activate Buying Group field
is checked in the Purchasing Control Settings), the system does not
specify a buyer and the purchase order is placed on hold. You must
re-access the purchase order later to specify a buyer before the purchase
order can be taken off hold.
For products you create on-the-fly, to specify a default setting for
this field, use the Default
Product Settings.
This field also affects eSTORIS
If district settings have
been entered for this product in the District and
Regional Product Settings, "District settings active" appears
in the header area of this page.
Note how STORIS'S Pricing Rules affect prices
on orders.
To apply a sale or promotion price to multiple products at once, use the
Price Adjustment Settings.
For Service Labor products (specified at the Inventory Type field), use
the Selling Price field to specify the hourly rate for labor.
Enter the selling price for this product. You can enter up to 6 characters for dollars and 2 characters for cents.
The various programs in the pricing hierarchy reference this field when determining a default selling price for a line item. Thus, the price you enter at this field may not actually default into sales order line items.
For Service
Labor products (specified at the Inventory Type field), use this field
to specify the hourly rate for labor. Enter the hourly rate
divided by 60 (the number of minutes in an hour). In this way, you
can specify fractions of an hour on service orders.
For example, if you charge $60 per hour for this service labor product,
enter 1 at this field.
Suggested RetailEnter
the manufacturer's suggested retail price. The system uses this
field for memo purposes and product tags and labels only, but not for
any calculations.
Kit Selling PriceTo establish a selling
price that defaults in Product Kit
Settings when you add this product to a kit,
enter the default price here. If you leave this field blank, the Selling
Price on this screen is used as the default price in Product Kit Settings.
Enter a markdown price (if any) for the selected product.
This field is active only if the purchase status for the product is set to one of the following:
M - Markdown
D - Dropped
T - Discontinued
you edit this field, the date
of the edit displays to the right of the field.
If a product has a status of M,
D, or T
and you change it to another status, for example, A
(Active) or O (One-Time-Buy),
both this field and its associated date field clear and inactivate.
You can also specify markdown prices by region,
as well as via the Single
Product Review Screen.
For information on markdown lists,
see the Purchase Status field on the Settings tab.
Price CodeEnter
the Price Category code to be used in the Customer
Price Settings. During Sales Order entry, this field is used in conjunction
with the Price Category field in the Customer
record to access the Price Matrix file. Use of the Price Matrix file allows
for different pricing of this product for each customer.
DiscountableTo indicate
that this product is eligible for line item discounts, check the box at
this field. To exclude this product from line item discounting options
set in the Point of Sale Control Settings, leave the box blank.
This field is used when applying sales discounts that are set, via the Minimum Eligibility Required - Quantity field, to require a minimum quantity sold in order to qualify for the discount. The default for this setting is not checked. If you check the box at this setting, the sale of this product is excluded when accumulating the eligible quantity for the sales discount. This applies to discounts with minimum quantity requirements based on the quantity of the entire sales order or on individual sales order line quantities. When accumulating the quantity of a Hard or Soft Kit for the minimum quantity required, the quantity of all components is included. Therefore, to exclude any components of a kit from being considered for the minimum quantity requirement, check this box for the component products.
Maximum Discount of ____ % for Trade MerchantUse this
field to indicate the maximum discount percent that can be given for a
sale of this product. If you enter a value here, it is offered as
the default during entry of a trade/referral sale of this product. If
you leave this field blank, the Maximum Trade Discount field from the
Vendor Settings (if any) is used as
the default. Depending on your sales
security settings, the maximum trade discount can be changed or removed
during order entry. This field only applies to trade/referral sales and
works independently from other discounts. The Discountable field has no
affect on trade discounts.
Enter the code of the price adjustment (if any) you want to apply to this product. Click the Search button to choose from a list of promotion codes using the Code window.
you enter a promotion code here, to activate the promotional price
you must also specify a range of dates in which to apply the pricing.
Use the Start Date and End Date fields below.
Codes appearing in the Search list have not yet been loaded from the
Price Adjustment Settings
Enter the promotion selling price for the selected product. You can enter up to 6 characters for dollars and 2 characters for cents. The system applies the price to all sales orders on which this product appears between the sale starting date and ending date.
During the sale
time period, you can apply no other discounts. For information on
changing the starting sale date for all products for a selected vendor,
category, or group, see the Price
Adjustment Settings (Product
Adjustments/Promotions) routine.
Start DateEnter
the starting date of the date range in which you want to apply promotional
pricing for the product (specified at the Code
field). If you click on the Calendar
Icon, a calendar appears from which you can select a date. For information
on changing the starting sale date for all products for a selected vendor,
category, or group, see the Price Adjustment Settings
(Product Adjustments/Promotions) routine.
End DateEnter
the ending date of the date range in which you want to apply promotional
pricing for the product (specified at the Code
field). If you click on the Calendar
Icon, a calendar appears from which you can select a date. For information
on changing the starting sale date for all products for a selected vendor,
category, or group, see the Price Adjustment Settings
(Product Adjustments/Promotions) routine.
Commission __ %Enter
the commission percentage (if any) you want to award to salespersons who
sell this product at the promotional price during a promotional sale.
For more detail, see the Commission Settings (Commission Matrix). This
commission percent is only applied to commissions if using the product
as a commission source. It does not override any commission matrix
Spiff AmountEnter
the dollar amount (if any) you want to award to salespersons who sell
this product at the promotional price during a promotional sale.
Use this field to establish a price variance percentage at the product level. Enter the maximum percentage of the calculated selling price by which users can reduce the selling price of this product. You can enter between 0.00 and 100.00. The system checks for a price variance percentage first at the product level, next in the selling store location, and finally the Point of Sale Control Settings.
If, during order entry, the modified price varies (up or down) from the selling price by a percentage greater than the percentage you enter here, the system takes the appropriate action as indicated in the Exceeds Variance Alert field below.
If you leave this field blank, you must select the Use Warehouse/Store Settings option at the Variance Exceeded Alert field and leave the Reason Required check box blank. If you enter a percentage here, you cannot select the Use Warehouse/Store Settings option.
Use this field to indicate the action to take when the price of this product is modified on an order and the new price exceeds the price variance percentage you established for the product. Choose one of the following:
Use Warehouse/Store Settings - Uses the equivalent fields in the Warehouse/Store Location Settings to determine how the price variance sales order exceptions should be handled. If a Price Variance % is not entered for the product, you must select this option and also leave the Reason Required check box blank. If you enter a Price Variance %, you cannot use this option.
Do Not Alert - The system does not check data entered against any other files and does not create an exception.
List on Exception Report - The system creates an exception, which is listed on exception reports.
Warning Message - The system issues a warning message and creates an exception.
Security Override Required - The system requires a security password to override the warning message. The system creates an exception and notes the user who authorized the override.
To require entry of a reason code when a price variance exception for this product occurs, check this box. Otherwise, leave this box blank.
Price variance
checks are performed on the line item price, modified order subtotal,
and within group pricing.
If you leave the Variance %
field blank, this check box must also be blank.
To require entry of a comment when a price variance exception for this product occurs, check this box. Otherwise, leave this box blank. This comment can be viewed in the Enter Exception Comments window via the order entry routine by selecting View/Edit Exception Comments from the Actions button on the Merchandise tab. The comment entered is associated with the entire order, and not with a particular line.
Price variance checks
are performed on the line item price, modified order subtotal, and
within group pricing. If you leave the Variance
% field blank,
this check box must also be blank.
TaxableTo indicate
that this product is subject to state and local taxes, check the box.
To exempt this product from state and local taxes, leave the box
blank. Note that this field does not affect national
National ExemptTo
exempt the selected product from national tax, check the box at this field.
Otherwise, leave the box blank. This field is active only if the
Tax Feature is active on your system.
If you change this field, a warning message appears stating National Tax
has not been activated for Domestic Country. Click OK to continue.
You can set a default for this field in Default
Product Settings.
Enter the code of the tax
class (if any) you want to associate with the selected product.
If you leave this field blank, the system determines the taxable
status of the product based on the Taxable field above. Note
that if the tax class you enter here appears in the Tax Override Class
field in the Sales
Tax Settings, then when this product appears on a sales order,
the system may override the taxable status of the line item.
If using the Alternate Tax Interface
and Vertex®
is your provider, you can use this field to classify the selected
product. Note that if either the selected product or tax class has
not been set up for your provider, the product defaults to taxable.
CommissionableTo apply
a commission when this product is sold, check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the field blank.
Commission __ %If the
matrix method of commission calculation has been selected in the Calculation
Code field of the Point
of Sale Control Settings, enter the percentage to be used to
calculate the salesperson's commission when the product is the commission
percentage source. See the Commission
Settings (Commission Matrix) for more detail.
CategoryIf the
Commissionable field is enabled for this product, then when this product
is sold, the system system references this field in conjunction with the
Commission Category field in the Customer file to access a Commission
Matrix record for commission calculation. The system references
this field only if Matrix is selected at the Calculation Method field
in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
Add To Cost __ %Enter
the percentage you want to add to the cost calculated for sales commissions
for this product. This field is optional. Sales commissions calculate
using the costing method selected at the Salesperson
Commissions field in the Costing
Control Settings plus any additional percentage you enter here, causing
an increase to the cost and a lower gross margin for sales commission
reporting only.
The number you enter must fall between -99.99 and 99.99. Any commission
add-on percentages you add here override the Commission
Add on % field on the Pricing page of Costing Control
Settings; if that field is activated, in order to apply no commission
add-on percentage to sales of this product, enter zero (0) here. The system
applies a zero percentage on the product level and overrides the global
setting as well.
Spiff AmountUse this field to create
a "spiff table". If you click on the Action
button An outlet to additional routines and functions. Identified by a blue button with a white ellipsis, Action buttons appear next to fields., the Spiff
Table Entry Screen appears.
Minimum Labor TimeIf the
Inventory Type for this product is set to Service Labor Only, this field
may be used to enter a minimum labor time.
If the Inventory Type for this product is set to Service Charge Only, this field is used to identify the types of service orders to which a service charge can be applied. Check all options that apply. Your options for this field are: In Home, In Shop, Quick Service.
If regional settings have been entered for this product in the District and Regional Product Settings, "Regional settings active" appears in the header area of this page.
Use this field to enter the manufacturer’s list cost for one purchase unit of this product. This value defaults into the Unit Cost field in purchasing routines. If you click the Action button, you access the Vendor Ship From Replacement Cost Settings screen, where you can enter replacement cost exceptions by vendor ship from location.
To give selected users the option to automatically update this
field whenever they edit the Unit Cost field in any of the following
routines, use the Update Product Replacement Cost Within Purchase
Entry Screens field in the Extended
Security (Purchasing) settings.
- Purchase
Order Entry
- Purchase
Order Acknowledgement
- Product
Performance and Purchase Recommendations
To give selected users the option to automatically update this field
whenever they edit the Unit Cost field in the Enter/Update
Individual Vendor Invoice routine, use the Change Product Replacement
Cost During Vendor Invoice Entry field in the Extended
Security (Payables) settings.
For Service Labor products (specified at the Inventory Type field),
use this field to specify the hourly cost for labor.
Use this field to enter the manufacturer’s list cost for one purchase unit of this product. This value defaults into the Unit Cost field as the purchase order cost in Enter a Purchase Order.
To give selected users the option to automatically
update this field whenever they edit the Unit Cost field in the Purchase Order Entry,
Order Acknowledgement, and Product
Performance and Purchase Recommendations routines, use the Update
Product Replacement Cost Within Purchase Entry Screens field in the
Security settings.
To give selected users the option to automatically update this field
whenever they edit the Unit Cost field in the Enter/Update
Individual Vendor Invoice routine, use the Change Product Replacement
Cost During Vendor Invoice Entry field in the Extended
Security settings.
For Service Labor products (specified at the Inventory Type field),
use this field to specify the hourly cost for labor.
Use this field to enter the weighted average cost for this product. You can enter up to 6 characters for dollars and 2 characters for cents.
Once this product has quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse.,
you cannot update the average cost.
Non-Inventory __ %Use this
field to approximate the cost of the selected product based on a percentage
you enter here. The system calculates the cost of the product by
applying the percentage to the specified retail price. If you change the
price later, the system maintains the original calculated cost.
This field is active for non-inventory
products only.
Use this field to enter the minimum gross profit percentage (if any) you want to maintain when this product appears on a sales order and the default selling price is changed during sales order entry. If the edited price does not meet the minimum gross profit percentage, the system may issue an exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered. alert, depending on the check level setting.
STORIS uses a hierarchy
to determine the minimum gross profit percentage and check level for
sales order line items.
Volume Rebate TableUse this
option to assign a pre-established VR
Rebate Plan to this product, indicating that a volume rebate is being
offered by the vendor. If you click the Action
button at this field, you access the Volume
Rebate Table.
Discount Costing TableUse this
option to pre-establish discount codes for default during Purchase Order
entry. This feature provides the ability to establish start and end date
purchasing discounts. Click the Action button to use the Discount
Costing Table.
Enter the code of a tariff (if any) you want to associate with the current product. If you click on the Search button, a list of available tariffs appears from which you can choose.
This field
requires a plug-in sub-routine. Otherwise, it is display-only.
Contact STORIS support for more information.
To apply tariffs to selected products, you must set up an add-on cost called Tariff using the Costing Control Settings, and then set the type to Calculation in the Landed Add-On Approximations field in the Advanced Product Settings. In this way, the system knows to use the calculation derived from the tariff you specify here.
When you add this product to a purchase order, the Estimated Landed Cost field includes the amount. When you receive the merchandise into inventory, the tariff amount is included in the add-on cost designated for tariffs.
you enter codes into each of the Import Tariff Code fields, your plug-in
program determines how the system applies the tariffs (that is, one
or both).
Enter the code of a second tariff (if any) you want to associate with the current product. If you click on the Search button, a list of available tariffs appears from which you can choose.
field requires a plug-in sub-routine. Otherwise, it is display-only.
Contact STORIS support for more information.
To use this field, you must set up an add-on cost called Tariff using the Costing Control Settings, and then set the type to Calculation in the Landed Add-On Approximations field in the Advanced Product Settings. In this way, the system knows to use the calculation derived from the tariff you specify here.
When you add this product to a purchase order, the Estimated Landed Cost field includes the amount. When you receive the merchandise into inventory, the tariff amount is included in the add-on cost designated for tariffs.
you enter codes into each of the Import Tariff Code fields, your plug-in
program determines how the system applies the tariffs (that is, one
or both).
Minimum Order QuantityEnter a minimum order quantity
up to 3 digits long. The Purchase Order Entry process checks this field.
If a user enters a quantity less than the quantity specified here,
a warning message appears but the user can continue. This field
is optional.
If you are using Automated
Purchase Order Replenishment and the system calculates a quantity
less than the quantity specified here, the system places the order on
hold regardless of the setting at the Automatically Hold POs field in
the Advanced
Vendor Settings.
Maintain PO Line TextThis feature is used to
enter and maintain purchase order line information for this product. Comments
entered here appear in the Special
Order Information Window.
Buying GroupEnter
the buying group responsible for
this product. Click the Search button to choose from a list of buyer
groups. This is an optional field. The buyer group you enter here (if
any) supercedes buyer group information (if any) in the Advanced
Vendor Settings or Vendor
Ship-From records.
The Cost and Type fields, including the field name, are defined in the Costing Control Settings.
Select the method by which to calculate the landed freight amount:
Percent - select this option in order to enter a percentage in the associated field to calculate the estimated landed freight cost for this product. The system multiplies the line item amount by the factor you enter here to determine the landed freight cost for the item. Click the Action button to access the Vendor Ship From Landed Freight and Addon Cost Settings screen, where you can enter landed cost exceptions for each of the ship-from locations defined for the selected product's vendor. In order to use this Percent option, the LANDED FREIGHT - Active field in Costing Control Settings must be enabled.
Dollar - select this option in order to enter a dollar amount in the associated Unit Cost field as the estimated freight amount for the selected product. If a percent was entered in the Factor Percent field, the system continuously updates this field with the latest calculated cost each time you purchase this product.
Add-On 1-4 Factor, Cost Fields 1-4
Use these fields to specify add-on landed costs such as
additional freight,
broker’s fees, and
overhead costs.
These fields, including the field name, are defined in the Costing Control Settings. In the Add-On Factor field, select
Percent if the add-on cost amount is a percentage,
Dollar if the add-on cost amount is a dollar amount, or
Calculation to apply a custom calculation. Call STORIS for information.
In the cost fields (DUTY for example), enter the amount of the add-on cost. If you click the Action button, you access the Vendor Ship From Landed Freight and Addon Cost Settings screen, where you can enter landed cost exceptions for each of the ship-from locations defined for the selected product's vendor.
Use this optional field to indicate the number of days required to receive this product after the purchase order is issued. You can enter any positive number from 0-999. If you enter zero, you are indicating that the product does not require any lead days and today's date is used as the receipt date. If you leave this field blank, the system checks the next level in the lead days hierarchy to determine the purchase lead days.
Enter the purchase status you want to assign to this product. Purchase statuses determine your ability to re-order a product. Click the Search button to choose from a list of purchase status codes.
You can also assign purchase statuses via the following routines:
Set Product Status by Region - use this routine to mass-assign purchase statuses by region.
the quantity on order for the selected product exceeds the quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse., you cannot change the purchase
status to "D" (dropped) or "T" (discontinued).
To override this restriction, use one or both of the Dropped
Purchase Status with Open POS Quantity and Discontinued
Purchase Status with Open POS Quantity fields in the Extended
Security settings.
If you use this field to change the purchase status to or from “M”,
“D” or “T”, and the Markdown Price field on the Pricing tab
contains a value when you click on Save, then a prompt appears with
the option to generate a "markdown list"
from which you can print new floor tags. To print the list,
use the Stock Type field in either of the following routines:
- Print
an Inventory Floor Tag
- Print
a Bar Code Floor Tag
DateThis field displays the
date (if any) on which the purchase
status of the selected product was changed to a status other than
A (active). If you change the
status back to A, the field clears.
Enter the date you want the product status to change. Click the Calendar icon to select date from calendar.
Enter the next purchase status for the selected product. This field accepts any purchase status that
Does not match the current purchase status
Is not "P" for purge
Is not "O" for one time buy when product type is non-inventory, temporary special order or special ordered
Only one of the following two fields can have a quantity greater
than 1.
Enter the number of boxes required to contain a single unit of saleable
merchandise. The system uses this number to generate the appropriate
number of warehouse labels for RF Bar Coding.
Once you initially save this product record, you cannot edit this field
unless a zero quantity-on-hand exists for the product.
If this field contains a number
greater than one (1), labels for this product cannot be scanned using
Batch Barcode.
Logistical Carton QuantityEnter
the number of individually saleable units of merchandise included in a
single shipping carton for the selected product. For special-order products,
this field accepts only an entry of 1.
If using the Logistical Carton Transfers
setting, this field must contain a value greater than 1.
A complete carton is comprised of multiple items that are packed and shipped together in a single case to avoid additional handling costs and reduce the possibility of damage. Use this field to require that a minimum carton quantity is ordered on a transfer, thus requiring the product be transferred in "complete carton" quantities.
If you check this box, complete carton requirements are applied to both manual and automatic transfers. The Logistical Carton Quantity field must contain a value greater than one; transfers less than the minimum carton quantity cannot be completed without an override by an authorized user. When saving a transfer with less than the minimum quantity, the Confirm Required Carton Quantity for Shipment screen displays. In order to override the minimum, you must have access via the applicable "Override Complete Carton Requirements" User/User Group Logistics Security setting.
Enter the number of items the vendor includes in one saleable unit of this product. For example, a vendor may sell a certain chair only in quantities of two or four. If you leave this field blank, the system assumes the product contains one item.
If you enter a number here (up to three digits), then whenever this product appears on a purchase order, the system divides the number ordered by the number in this field. This way, you can order the actual number of units desired, and the system calculates the number of units needed to satisfy the order.
For example, assume a customer is ordering Product A, and Product A is flagged as orderable at the PO From Order Entry field on the General tab. If the inner pack quantity of Product A is 2 chairs, and a customer orders 3 chairs, the system generates a purchase order for 2 units of Product A (that is, 4 chairs). A quantity of 4 appears for the line item. The system links 3 of the chairs to the sales order while assigning the remaining chair to inventory.
If the calculated
order quantity on the purchase order is not a whole number, a warning
message appears, but you can still order any quantity.
If the item appears on a purchase order via a direct-ship sales order,
the system ignores this field and uses the line item quantity instead.
If the selected product is UPC Universal Product Code - a type of bar code.-enabled,
check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you check the box at this field, RF bar code Radio Frequency (RF) Bar Code - an inventory bar code scanning process in which you scan labels using an RF scanning device and update STORIS in real time without having to return to a port or station. STORIS also provides other scanning processes called batch bar code and store bar code.
users can process the selected product via the use of a UPC bar code.
Unique TrackingSelection
of this option causes the system to require a scan of the UPC code to
validate the Product number and a second scan of the serial number to
ensure a unique item is processed. If this option is not selected, the
user is required only to scan the UPC code, which validates the
product. The user may then enter the quantity to be processed based on
the specific function being performed.
Vendor UPC NumberEnter
the vendor's UPC code for this product. The number entered here is used
in the POS Scanning of this product and is also used in conjunction with
the RF UPC usage feature.
Alternate UPC NumberThis field is only available
for use with POS and RF Bar Code functions. It provides the ability for
a user to scan a vendor's non-UPC bar code label and have the STORIS system
recognize it and cross-reference it back to the Product code. One alternate
UPC code may be entered here, or you may click the Action
button to enter multiple codes using the Multiple
Barcode Cross Reference Selection Window. Each code may be up to 20
alpha-numeric characters. This cross-reference is intended to be used
with vendors' labels and is not available for printing in STORIS.
The following fields are used to calculate the volume of a product when using the directed putaway process. You should enter these values based on how the product is stored.
If you use directed putaway processing, this field is required. Use this field to indicate the height of the product. The field accepts 2 decimal places and is used during the putaway process to calculate where this product should be placed.
If you use directed putaway processing, this field is required. Use this field to indicate the width of the product. The field accepts 2 decimal places and is used during the putaway process to calculate where this product should be placed.
If you use directed putaway processing, this field is required. Use this field to indicate the depth of the product. The field accepts 2 decimal places and is used during the putaway process to calculate where this product should be placed.
If you use directed putaway processing, this field can be used to indicate the weight of this product (1-99999). This setting is used by the putaway process to ensure that the maximum weight for a storage location is not exceeded when this product is placed in that location. If you leave this field blank, the weight of the product is not used when calculating putaway locations.
If you use directed putaway processing, this field can be used to indicate this product's velocity. For new products, the velocity code is defaulted from Default Product Settings but can be changed. Click the Search button to select a code from the Read-Only Lookup Window.
This setting is used by the putaway process when attempting to match the product's velocity with a storage location's velocity. To determine a product's velocity, the system checks first for a velocity code in Warehouse Inventory Settings. If that is left blank, the system uses the product's velocity setting in this field.
A null velocity setting is treated by the system as the slowest velocity
during the putaway process.
If you use directed putaway processing, use this optional field to indicate the storage category to which this product belongs. Click the Search button to select a category from the Category Window. If you assign this product to a storage category, you can then use storage category to restrict the product's placement in specific storage locations during the putaway process.
Use this field to enter the maximum quantity indicator (if any) you want to default into the Maximum field in the Warehouse Inventory Settings when you first receive the selected product into inventory at a given location.
The maximum quantity for a product is not established in this field,
but in the Maximum field in the Warehouse Inventory Settings.
Use this field to enter the minimum quantity indicator (if any) you want to default into the Minimum field in the Warehouse Inventory Settings when you first receive the selected product into inventory at a given location.
The minimum quantity for a product is not established in this
field, but in the Minimum field in the Warehouse Inventory Settings.
Depending on the Minimum Quantity field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings (Sales Order ACF), the system may generate
an exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered. for sales orders that
cause a product's quantity-on-hand to fall below the minimum stock
quantity specified here.
Use this field to enter the safety quantity indicator (if any) you want to default into the Safety field in the Warehouse Inventory Settings when you first receive the selected product into inventory at a given location.
Depending on the Safety Quantity field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings, the system may generate an exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered. record for sales orders that cause a product's
quantity-on-hand to fall below the safety stock quantity specified
Select the method by which to perform product substitutions for the selected product. You have the following options:
No Substitution - Do not substitute for the selected product.
Comparable Product - If insufficient quantity exists to satisfy an order for the selected product, substitute the product specified at the Substitute Product field. The system does not split line items in this case. The system derives the product description, the selling price, and the costs from the substitute product and posts sales analysis information to the substitute product.
Always Substitute - Whenever this product appears on an order, always ship the substitute product specified at the Substitute Product field. The system derives the product description, the selling price, and the costs from the substitute product and posts sales analysis information to the substitute product.
Enter the product number to use for product substitutions. The product number you enter here must already exist on the system. Note that substitute products cannot be kit masters. Click the Search button to open and use the Search for a Product window to select a product.
If insufficient quantity exists to satisfy a line item on an order,
and the product is set up to substitute another product in such situations,
the order program displays a message giving you the opportunity to
accept the substitution or attempt to find a location with sufficient
Use these fields to determine the reservation method to be used. The Reservation Priority and Reservation Date fields work in conjunction with each other and together they offer the following reservation methods:
Prioritize by Inventory Control Setting & reserve by Inventory Control Setting (If you select Use Inventory Control Setting at Reservation Priority you must also select Use Inventory Control Setting at Reservation Date.)
Prioritize by Order Date & reserve by Delivery Date within Auto Fill Days (fill period)
Prioritize by Delivery Date & reserve by Delivery Date within Auto Fill Days (fill period)
Prioritize by Order Date & reserve Immediately
here for more detail on these reservation settings. You can also establish
these settings at the regional product level via District and Regional Product Settings
and/or globally via Inventory
Control Settings.
Auto Fill __ DaysEnter the auto-fill
days (if any) for the selected product. You can enter a maximum
of 999 days. The system does not reserve any merchandise whose delivery
date is more than 999 days in the future.
Select the method by which to reserve inventory to sales order line items. This field works in conjunction with the Reservation Date field to determine, based on available stock, how goods are to be reserved to qualified line items. Click here for more detail on this reservation setting. Options for this field are:
Use Inventory Control Setting
Order Date
Delivery Date
Select whether to reserve based on inventory control settings, by delivery date within the fill period, or reserve immediately. This field works in conjunction with the Reservation Priority field above. Click here for more detail on this reservation setting. Options at this field are:
Use Inventory Control Setting
Delivery Date within Auto Fill Days
Code(Optional field) Use this field to indicate the
prep code(s) that should be applied when the product is added to a line.
Enter a single prep code in this field, or click the Search
button to select one or more from a list of active prep
codes. An unlimited number of prep codes may be applied to a product.
The description of the selected prep code displays next to this
field. If multiple codes are selected, an ellipsis displays. When
a sales order,
or service parts line
is entered, the prep code(s) associated with the entered product will
be added to the line.
Selecting the check box presents a list of prep codes when entering a product on a line in sales order entry, exchanges, and service order entry. You are able to select one or more prep codes to be associated with a line.
It is not mandatory to select this check box in order to use
prep codes in order, exchange, and service parts entry. The
check box only indicates whether or not you are automatically prompted
to choose prep codes for the product. The default setting for this
field is unchecked.
StyleIf applicable, enter a seven-character code or
word that describes the style of this product. Examples:
“CONTEMP” (Contemporary), “TRAD” (Traditional), “ORIENT” (Oriental)
Collection(Optional field) Use this
field to indicate the collection or collections to which this product
belongs. Enter a single collection code in this field, click the Search button to select from a list
of valid collection codes, or click the Action
button and use the Multiple
Collection Selection window to enter multiple collection codes.
An unlimited number of collection codes may be listed. The first collection
entered is considered the “primary collection." (When obtaining general
information about a specific product in an inquiry, the primary collection
is displayed as the Collection to which this product belongs.) As this
field is completed, the Collection
file maintenance records are simultaneously updated with this product
Select the type of label you want to use when printing labels for this product to a zebra printer. You have the following options:
Standard - (6.1 x 3.25)
No Label - do not print labels.
Accessory - (1.5 x 3.25)
To specify the label type you want to default here, use the Default Product Label Type field in the Bar Code Control Settings.
Check the box to designate this product as a kit component, allowing you to sell this product only as part of a kit. In this way, you can prevent the product from being sold individually. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Note that this setting does not affect products with an as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. status.
Products with this box checked can be sold outside of the kit if the
user has permission via the "Sell kit component products separately
from their assigned kit" field in their user
sales security settings.
you check the box at this field, you cannot use this product when
creating kits on-the-fly Performed simultaneously, in the midst of another routine. For example, creating a new product during sales entry rather than leaving the sales process to create the product in product settings. via the Group
Pricing Screen. In addition, the View
Product Availability routine displays "Kit Component Only"
when viewing the selected product.
Enter the product status (if any) you want to appear for this product on the View Product Availability screen. You can enter up to 10 characters of free text. Your entry is also available in the Forms Designer via the product_status field.
For example, you can enter LIMITED to indicate a product available only in limited quantities.
You can use this optional field to indicate other groups or lists of products to be associated with this product. For example, you can identify products or groups of products that are usually sold along with this product. Then when the product is added to an order, the system automatically provides the option to select items from the related product list to add to the order.
Click the Search button to access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window, where you can select one or more related inventory formations.
If you click the Action button, the following options are offered.
Create a new Inventory Formation - create a new inventory formation
Maintain Assigned Inventory Formations - use when a single formation code is specified to update the inventory formation
Multiple Inventory Formation Selection - select multiple inventory formation codes
Use this field to merge the product history of an existing product into the product history of the current product. This field is active only when creating a new product, or for existing products for which no activity has occurred.
This feature is useful if your vendor discontinues a product but then offers a new, slightly modified version of the product instead. You can add the sales history of the discontinued product to the new product for the sake of continuity.
When you merge the history of an existing product into a new product, the system
removes the product history from the existing product and adds it to the new product,
assigns a purchase status of T (Discontinued) to the existing product, and follows the rules for discontinued products, and
uses the original product code for any remaining inventory for the discontinued product. However, the system records transactions for remaining inventory in the new product's history file.
Specify the regions (if any) to which you want to restrict access to this product. You may enter the region directly into the field or click the Action button to select a region using the Multiple Region Selection Window. If you leave this field blank, the system applies no regional restrictions to this product. If you specify one or regions here, the system compares the regions specified here with the user's log-on region. If the system finds a match, the user can access the product. Otherwise, the system prevents the user from accessing the product.
activate this feature, a check must appear at the Restrict Product
Use/Lookup by Region field in the General
System Control Settings.
Select the method of measurement you want to use when calculating shipping weight and volume for this product. You have the following options:
Use field to describe the unit of measure in which your company purchases this product from your vendors. Either enter directly into the field or use the Search button to select from a list. The unit of measure entered here must already exist in the Unit of Measure Settings. The default for this field is EA (each).
If your selling unit of measure can be further broken down, enter the code that describes the form in which a piece of the selling unit may be sold. Either enter directly into the field or use the Search button to select from a list. The unit of measure entered here must already exist in the Unit of Measure Settings. The default for this field is EA (each).
Use field to describe the unit of measure in which your company sells this product. Either enter directly into the field or use the Search button to select from a list. The unit of measure entered here must already exist in the Unit of Measure Settings. The default for this field is EA (each).
Use this field to give your operators the ability to sell this product in quantities other than whole numbers. This field is available only if you are entering a new product and the Product Type field is set to Non-Inventory. Note that this field also appears on the COM Order Entry/Maintenance screen.
Enter the conversion factor used when converting a selling unit of this product and the number of pieces in a selling unit. This field defaults to 1 (whole units). If the product is sold in fractions of the selling unit, enter 2 for halves, 3 for thirds, 8 for eighths, etc. in this field. During the order entry process, users enter the line item quantity as N:NN, where the number preceding the colon is the quantity in whole units and the number after the colon is the numerator of the fraction.
For example, if the Unit conversion (this field) is 2 (halves), and the quantity being ordered is 2 1/2, the Quantity field on the sales order is 2:1. If the Unit conversion is 8 (eighths), and the quantity being ordered is 10 3/8, enter 10:3 in the Quantity field of the sales order.
When selling labor:
A retail labor product is set up with a unit conversion factor of 60 (minutes in an hour), where a quantity of one (hour) on an order equals 60 (minutes). 00, you sell a quantity equal to the unit conversion factor. Using our example above, that’s one hour of labor. If you enter :30, you're selling ½ hour of labor. If you enter 1:30, you're selling 1 ½ hours of labor.
exporting reports to Excel or Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), the N:NN format entered in the sales order
is expressed as N.NNN, where 1) the colon is converted to a decimal;
2) the number preceding the decimal remains the quantity in whole
units; 3) the numbers after the decimal are converted into the fraction
expressed as a decimal number. For example, if the Unit conversion
is 8 (eighths), and the quantity ordered is 10 3/8, while 10:3 is
entered into the sales order Quantity field, 10.375 shows on the report
(the fraction 3/8 is 0.375 as a decimal).
Use this field to give your buyers the ability to order this product
in quantities other than whole numbers. For example, if you enter
3 here, you can order this product in increments of 1/3. If you enter
4 here, you can order this product in increments of 1/4.
Assume this product is a fabric whose primary unit is one yard long.
If you enter 4 here, and then enter :1 at the Quantity field in Purchase
Order Entry, you order a quantity of 1/4 of the purchasing unit.
Or, if you have a vendor who sells a chair only in a quantity of four, enter four into the Purchase Conversion field. Then, when you order a quantity of one on a purchase order, the system adds a quantity of four to the list of items waiting to be received.
Note that once you initially save this product record, you can edit this field only if zero quantity exists both on-hand and on-PO for the selected product.
When exporting reports to Excel or Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), the N:NN format entered in the sales order
is expressed as N.NNN, where 1) the colon is converted to a decimal;
2) the number preceding the decimal remains the quantity in whole
units; 3) the numbers after the decimal are converted into the fraction
expressed as a decimal number. For example, if the Unit conversion
is 8 (eighths), and the quantity ordered is 10 3/8, while 10:3 is
entered into the sales order Quantity field, 10.375 shows on the report
(the fraction 3/8 is 0.375 as a decimal).
WeightTo calculate delivery charges by the pound, enter
the weight to use when calculating delivery charges for this product.
The system maintains this figure up to 3 characters for pounds and
2 characters for tenths and hundredths of a pound.
Enter the shipping volume for one unit of this product. The system references this field when calculating receiving volumes from vendors and delivery volumes to customers.
You can specify the precise cubic volume of the product, or you can enter an amount based on a unit of measure of your choice. For example, you can enter 3 for a three-cushion sofa.
If the product's volume is changed to a number that does match any current open order(s), a prompt appears warning that an increase in volume may cause route(s) to go over capacity. If 'Yes' is chosen at the prompt, the route calendars for all orders containing the product are updated. If 'No' is chosen, only the product record is updated; open orders containing the product retain their preexisting volume, and the route calendar(s) are not updated.
For accurate delivery capacities, STORIS recommends you use the same
unit of measure for all products.
When creating new products,
if the WMS
interface is active on your system, the program the defaults the
shipping volume (if any) from the associated Product
Group into the Shipping Volume field here.
Use this field to enter a delivery volume for one unit of this product. The system references this field when calculating delivery volumes to customers.
You can specify the precise cubic volume of the product, or you can enter an amount based on a unit of measure of your choice. For example, you can enter 3 for a three-cushion sofa.
If the product's volume is changed to a number that does match any current open order(s), a prompt appears warning that an increase in volume may cause route(s) to go over capacity. If 'Yes' is chosen at the prompt, the route calendars for all orders containing the product are updated. If 'No' is chosen, only the product record is updated; open orders containing the product retain their preexisting volume, and the route calendar(s) are not updated.
For accurate delivery capacities, STORIS recommends you use the same
unit of measure for all products.
Enter the default delivery method you want to use when this product appears on an order. You have the following options:
Non-Parcel - for standard delivery.
Parcel - for products that can be delivered only by a parcel carrier.
Either - for products that can be delivered by either of the above. If other lines exist on the order, this product line is delivered in the same way the other lines are delivered. If no other lines exist on the order or all the other lines are also ‘Either’, the freight company associated with the route code is the default freight company.
Assembly RequiredIf
assembly is required for this product, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box unchecked. Edits made to this field appear in the Review
Settings Activity routine.
If this product requires inspection and you need to prioritize picking for this product, check this box. If no special attention is required for this product, leave the box blank. This field is also exported to Data Warehouse and is available on the product conversion spreadsheet.
The check box defaults to unchecked. To allow this product to be included in the cross docking process, check the box. If you check this box, cross dock labels are printed and the piece assignment process prioritizes pieces in cross dock locations for this product. This setting is exported to Data Warehouse.
To link one or more non-inventory products to this product, indicate the product(s) here. The product(s) you link to this product must be set as non-inventory products and they can only be linked to products whose Product Type Code on the General tab is set to Inventory, Bulk Product, or Special Order. Click the Search button to access the Advanced Product Lookup Window, which you can use to locate and select the product code. Click the Action button to access the Multiple Product Selection Window, where you can select multiple product codes.
If you link non-inventory products to this product, then when this product is added to an order for sales, exchanges, or fast cash, any non-inventory products linked to the order item are automatically added to the order as additional line items. For additional processing notes, see also: Associating Non-Inventory Products.
The following three fields are used for non-inventory products.
Use this field to specify the way you want to link this warranty product to an inventory product. If it is not a warranty product, select None. You have the following options:
None - Warranty cannot be linked. If this option is selected, no linkage is possible for this product.
Mandatory - Warranty product must be linked to an inventory line item.
Optional - Linkage to an inventory line is optional.
Use this field only if the product is a non-inventory, extended warranty product. Enter the warranty code (created via Warranty Settings to establish the terms of the warranty) that represents this warranty product. Click here for more information.
The Factory Warranty Code and Extended Warranty Code fields in the
Advanced Product Settings
only accept codes created in the product Warranty Settings File.
If this product record represents the non-inventory, extended warranty
product itself, the code entered in the Extended Warranty Code field
must have the Warranty Type set to Extended in the product Warranty
If this product record is for a regular inventory product, the code
entered in the Factory Warranty Code field must have the Warranty
Type set to Factory in the product Warranty record.
Extended CategoryThis
field is only relevant for products that are designated as Non-Inventory
(Product Type Code). Use this field to indicate the Warranty Category to which
the individual warranty product belongs. This field must be defined for
the product to be linked. You may click the Search
button at this field to select from a list of valid Warranty
Category codes.
The following two fields are used for inventory products.
Extended CategoriesThis
field is only applicable to products designated as inventory
products. Warranties selected here are the extended and "special
coverage" warranties (leather care, fabric protection, etc.) that
are linked to this inventory product. You may either enter the Warranty
Category directly into the field or click the Action
button to use the Multiple
Warranty Category Selection Window to select multiple warranties.
If no categories are selected, warranty products may not be linked. This
list also facilitates the display of warranty products for the salesperson
to select from during sales order entry.
Categories entered in the Warranty Categories field of the Group
file update this field for special order, built-on-the-fly products.
Use this field to associate a factory warranty with this product each time the product appears on an order. Enter the warranty code directly, or click on the Arrow to choose from a list of available warranties. This field is active only if the Product Type Code field is set to Inventory. Click here for more information.
You can also associate factory warranties with products by vendor.
The following three fields can be used only with products whose Inventory Type is set to Retail Inventory, Retail Part, or Retail Labor. These settings can also be established in Warehouse Inventory Settings and/or District and Regional Product Settings. The system uses the standard product hierarchy to determine a product’s distribution status, checking for these settings in the following order: Warehouse Inventory Settings, District/Regional Product Settings, and then Advanced Product Settings.
Once the New Status Date and New Status have been established, schedule the Update Distribution Status process to run using the Schedule a Process program. Based on the end of day date and the status change date, the update process updates this Current Status field and the New Status Date and New Status fields are reset to null.
If you use the multi-legged transfers feature, you can use this optional field to assign a Distribution Status code to this product. The code you indicate determines the default stocking location of the product and whether or not it can be entered or reserved on a sales order, exchange or transfer. Click the Search button to access the Current Status Window, where you can select a distribution status code. Once you enter a code, the short description of the status code is displayed to the right of this field.
Use this field to update the distribution date of this product. Click the calendar icon to select the date on which you want the New Status field below to be updated. The date you select here must be greater than the system date.
Use this field to establish the updated distribution status for this product. This replaces the status in the Current Status field and is enabled on the date in the New Status Date field. Either enter the status directly into the field or use the Search button to choose from the New Status Window.
Use the following fields with the Customer Rewards feature, which you can use to award reward points to customers based on their purchases of selected products. Customers can then redeem those points for gift certificates.
Specify the method by which to calculate the reward points you want to award to customers each time they purchase a unit of the selected product. You have the following options:
No reward - award no reward points when customers purchase this product.
Amount - award a flat point amount for each of the selected products sold. Use the accompanying Unit Cost field to specify the absolute number of reward points you want to award per item sold.
Percent - calculate reward points as a percentage of the product's selling price. Use the accompanying Percent field to enter the percentage you want to apply to the selling price to determine the number of reward points per item sold.
ColorUse this field to specify
a color for the product. The contents of this field appear on printed
export documents.
SizeUse this field to specify
a size for the product. The contents of this field appear on printed export
You can use this optional field to enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters to specify the fabric for this product.
Use this field to indicate whether or not a new sales order line item for this product should initially default as a Direct Ship line type or not. This setting only applies to orders, quotes and layaways entered via Enter a Sales Order. Note that the options for sales orders function differently than that of quotes and layaways; this is because quotes and layaways cannot exist as split ticket and therefore cannot have ship instructions designated on a per line basis.
The Allow on Sales Orders,
Allow on Layaways, and Allow on Quotes settings located
on the General tab of Point
of Sale Control Settings take
precedence over the settings in this Direct Ship section for the respective
order type. For example, if the Allow on Quotes field is unchecked,
products on quotes cannot be set to direct ship, even if the settings
designated here are set to Allowed or Required. The following descriptions of the options
in this field assume that the aforementioned fields in Point of Sale
Control Settings are checked.
For sales orders: Select this option to permit this product to direct ship. This is the default for all products except for non-inventory products. If selected and the below Default check box is checked, the product is set to direct ship. If selected and the below Default check box is not checked, the product ships according to the previous line item, or, if it is the first or only line item, ships as per the sales order.
For sales quotes and layaways: The product is always a direct ship when the order is set as a direct ship in the Order Type field on the Customer page. If this setting is selected and the order is not a direct ship, the below Default check box is ignored and the product delivery type is set to that of the order.
Not Allowed
For sales orders: Select this option to never permit this product to direct ship. If the product is a non-inventory product, this is the default setting and cannot be changed to another setting.
For sales quotes and layaways: If this setting is selected and the order is a direct ship, a message appears stating that the product is not compatible with the order type. You are then returned to the sales order to select another product or perform a different action. If this setting is selected and the order is not a direct ship, the product delivery type is set to that of the order.
For sales orders: Select this option to have this product always default to direct ship.
For sales quotes and layaways: The product is always a direct ship when the order is set as a direct ship in the Order Type field on the Customer page. If this setting is selected and the order is not a direct ship, a message appears stating that the product is not compatible with the order type. You are then returned to the sales order to select another product or perform a different action.
When set to Allowed or Required, the text "Direct Ship"
or an established image will print on the following Enhanced
Laser Printing forms: Hangtag, Hantag As-Is, Hangtag Kit, Hangtag
As-Is Kit, and Inventory Barcode as well as Print
an Inventory Floor Tag and Print
a Bar Code Floor Tag. If printing for a kit (Hangtag Kit or Hangtag
As-Is Kit), the text or image associated with this ELP data tag is
available only for the kit master portion of the label and not the
kit components.
Check this box to default this product as a direct ship. This check box only applies to products set to Allowed in the above Direct Ship field.
User Product CodeThis is a free text
field that is only used with the Query Wizard report builder Formerly called Query Wizard - STORIS feature used to create custom reports. Use the
code entered here to select and sort reports when creating a report in
the Product Query Wizard.
This field allows you to establish a relationship between a product and its part(s). Click the Search button to use Search for Products to select multiple parts to associate with the product, or click the Action button to access the Multiple Product Selection Window to search and add items one-by-one.
This field is not available for kit masters and non-inventory items.
Additionally, only existing products designated as Retail
Part or Service Part Only
are eligible for this field.
When a product is deleted, it is removed from the list of related parts
for all products that reference the deleted product.
This is a free text entry field; up to 30 characters of text may be entered.
This field is available in the Design
Enhanced Laser Forms on the Design Label Form,Hangtag
As Is Kit. The data tag is product_misc_comments.
This page is used to maintain settings for the STORIS eBridge e-commerce solution. Some fields on this page also appear on the eBridge SEO and eSTORIS tabs. Updating a field on one page automatically updates the same field on the other pages.
Use this field to enter an additional description of the product that you want to appear on the eSTORIS web site. You may enter up to 50 characters. Click the Action button to access the Description Field - Language Translation Entry window.
CategoryIf using the eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store". on-line sales entry processes, use this field
to indicate that the product is available for sale via the Web. In this
field, indicate the Web Category to which
this product belongs.
Use this field to enter any additional web categories for this product. Click the Search button to choose from a list of existing web categories.
Minimum Web Stock Available QuantityEnter
the minimum web stock quantity for the selected product. Products
whose stock quantity falls below the quantity you enter here do not display
To display this product on your eSTORIS web-site, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Note that to make a product available on the web, you must enter a category in the Web Category field.
If you check the box at this field, then when the selected product appears on an eSTORIS order, the system assigns a status of direct-ship to the item. If the order also contains items not flagged as direct-ship, the system creates a split-ticket order.
Height, Width, DepthUse these fields to indicate
the physical dimensions (height, width, and depth) of the product. These
dimensions display on the product details page on the web.
Use this text box to enter any additional comments or information you want to appear for the product on eSTORIS.
separate the benefit text into separate lines, you can insert the
HTML break characters <br>
following each section of text that you want to be treated as a separate
Use this page to enter search engine optimization (SEO Search Engine Optimization - the process of improving rankings in search engine results.) information for world-wide-web searches of eSTORIS products. The data you enter here provides content to the eSTORIS web page associated with the selected product. This content assists in search engine optimization with the intention of improving the web page's ranking in search engine results, thus increasing the likelihood that customers searching the world wide web will find the product's eSTORIS web page.
KeywordsUse this field to enter
keywords the SEO process can use to improve this product's ranking in
search engine results. You can enter as many keywords as you like
for the selected product. Separate each entry with a comma.
The keywords you enter here appear in the Keywords section of the product's
web page.
Meta DescriptionEnter
a Meta description of the web page associated with the selected product
for use with the search engine optimization process.
Title TagEnter
a title for the web page associated with this product. The text you enter
here is reference by the SEO process.
Image Alt TagEnter
the description you want to appear when a user hovers their mouse over
the product image on eSTORIS. The text you enter here is reference by
the SEO process.
SEO URLEnter an SEO URL Uniform Resource Locator - a global address of a document or other resource on the World Wide Web. for the web page associated with the selected product.
When viewing this product on eSTORIS, the address you enter here displays
in the address bar instead of the actual address. The text you enter
here is reference by the SEO process.
Each URL must be unique, even across STORIS files. For example, if
the Product file has sofas/luxury.aspx, then the Web Category file cannot
use that same URL.
The following routines also
have SEO tabs:
- Web
Category Settings
- Web
Collection Settings
- Web
Master Settings
Bassett Product ClassThis
field is currently used for Bassett products only. Valid entry for this
field is NSOU (Non-Special Order
Upholstery), which allows products with the Special
Ordered flag activated to be ordered via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) An optional feature of the STORIS system used to electronically transmit purchase orders to vendors and receive acknowledgements and invoices from vendors.
from Bassett.
Warehouse Management System GroupEnter
the WMS
Group (if any) you want to associate with this product. This
field is active only if the Warehouse
Management System (WMS) Interface is active on your system. If
WMS is active, this field is required for all products except non-inventory products.
Ashley does not guarantee inventory availability until purchase orders are created and acknowledged. Therefore, you can use this field to indicate a quantity to be used as a buffer by the web service to reduce the likelihood of available to promise dates being returned for dates when quantity of this product is not actually available. To establish a quantity buffer to be used when accessing the ATP web service for this product, enter a number from 0-99 in this field. If you enter a value here, it overrides the quantity buffer established in the Ashley Interface Settings. If you leave this field blank, the buffer indicated in the Ashley Interface Settings is used.
La-Z-Boy EDI Transmission Information
Click the Action button to access the Special Order (Lay-Z-Boy) Entry Screen, where you can enter special order information required by Lay-Z-Boy.
EDI Transmission Information
Use this page to enter additional information for the current product. The active prompts that you defined via User Defined Settings are displayed in the first column of the grid on this screen. In the second column, you can enter responses to any of the prompts listed. In the third column, if there are predefined responses you can click the Select button to specify your response.
You can also use this screen to edit a response. Entries on this screen are for information only; no processing occurs based on this information.
This page is active when
more than one user defined setting record is present and at least one
of those records is set up without an associated inventory
formation. If there is only one user defined setting record assigned
to an inventory formation, the product being updated must exist in the
system in order for this page to be active.
The active user defined prompt codes that you established via User Defined Settings display in this column. Using the next column, you can enter responses to any or all of the settings displayed.
To enter a response to a setting, click in the response column of the corresponding setting and type the response to the setting. To edit a response, click inside the entry box in this column and type in the new response. When finished entering/editing responses to the settings, click the Save button to update.
Click on the Select button to specify a predefined response. If a predefined response does not exist you are warned that the response must be manually entered.
The fields on this page are for use with the eSTORIS application. Please contact STORIS Sales for information regarding the purchase of this application. If you have purchased eSTORIS, you can use the application to view product availability information.
If the eSTORIS on-line sales entry feature is active on your system, you can use the fields on this tab to establish settings for the products (if any) you make available on your eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store". web site. Note that for web products, if the selling price is less than the suggested retail price, the web displays both prices for the product, with the suggested retail price "crossed out".
If you are using the Legacy version of the eSTORIS on-line sales entry feature, click the Actions button and select Legacy eSTORIS Settings to establish settings for the products you make available on your eSTORIS web site.
To display this product on your eSTORIS web-site, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Note that to make a product available on the web, you must enter a category in the Web Category field.
If you check the box at this field, then when the selected product appears on an eSTORIS order, the system assigns a status of direct-ship to the item. If the order also contains items not flagged as direct-ship, the system creates a split-ticket order.
Minimum Web
Stock Available QuantityEnter
the minimum web stock quantity for the selected product. Products
whose stock quantity falls below the quantity you enter here do not display
Use this field to indicate that this product is only available in certain web stores. You can enter one location in this field, or click the Action button to access the Multiple Location Selection Window, where you can select one or more locations. If you leave this field blank, this product is available in all web stores.
Related Inventory Formations
You can use this optional field to indicate other groups or lists of products to be associated with this product. For example, you can identify products or groups of products that are usually sold along with this product. Then when the product is added to a web order, the system automatically provides the option to select items from the related product list to add to the order.
Click the Search button to access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window, where you can select one or more related inventory formations.
If you click the Action button, the following options are offered.
Create a new Inventory Formation - create a new inventory formation
Maintain Assigned Inventory Formations - use when a single formation code is specified to update the inventory formation
Multiple Inventory Formation Selection - select multiple inventory formation codes
Height, Width, DepthUse
these fields to indicate the physical dimensions (height, width, and depth)
of the product. These dimensions display on the product details page on
the web.
Include in Room BuilderCheck
the box to indicate that the product is available for use with the Icovia
Room Builder.
Icon IDIndicate
the image filename for this product that Icovia uses in its Room Builder.