Accounting > Vendor Receivables > Enter a Purchase Order
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Enter a Purchase Order
Customer > Customer Service > Enter a Service Purchase Order
Tabs: General, Merchandise, Supplies, Customer's Own Material, Totals
Use this program to create new purchase orders as well as edit, view, close, delete or print open purchase orders.
can also create
purchase orders on-the-fly from within order entry or the Automatic
Purchase Order Replenishment process.
The Delete button is not active for purchase orders with outstanding receipts.
You must create an AP bill for the receipt before you can delete
the associated purchase order.
If alternate addresses exist for the current vendor, the Alternate
Shipping Address screen displays available addresses for the current
vendor. Double-click on the address you want to use. If no alternate addresses
exist for the current vendor, an error message appears.
You can assign and update multiple sales orders for each purchase order
line item. The system updates sales orders attached to purchase order
line items each time you change or delete the purchase order line item.
Use this field to assign a transaction number to this purchase order. If your system is set up to auto-assign transaction numbers, press the Enter (8) or Tab () keys to automatically assign a purchase order number. If manually assigning transaction numbers, enter the purchase order number you want to assign to this purchase order.
If the Allow Manual Entry
field is checked in the Purchasing
Control Settings, you have the option to assign purchase order
numbers manually when auto-numbering is active.
If you use the Location Prefix feature (see the Purchasing tab of Warehouse/Store
Location Settings), you can add an alphanumeric location prefix
to the purchase order number when auto-generating the number for new
If you also allow manual assignment via the Allow
Manual Entry field, you can use this feature, but only for new
PO's that are auto-numbered and it only prefixes the purchase order
based on the default location specified in the Receive
At prompt on the PO.
Also note that if you use the prefix feature and also allow manual
entry of PO numbers, once you auto-assign a new PO number that includes
the location prefix, the PO number cannot be changed by selecting
a different Receive At location.
If you click on the Search button, a menu appears and you can search for existing purchase orders using the following inquiries:
View Purchase Orders for a Specific Vendor
Payment CurrencyOnce
you specify a vendor, the currency associated with the selected vendor
VolumeOnce you specify a purchase
order number, the total volume of the order appears. The volume of individual
products is drawn from the Shipping Volume field on the Miscellaneous
tab of the Product
For this field to be active, a check must
appear at the Show Volume field in the Purchasing
Control Settings.
WeightOnce you specify a purchase
order number, the total weight of the order appears. The weight of individual
products is drawn from the Shipping Weight field on the Miscellaneous
tab of the Product
For this field to be active, a check must
appear at the Show Volume field in the Purchasing
Control Settings.
This field displays the total number of individually saleable pieces for all lines on the purchase order, regardless of any pieces received. As purchase order lines are added, changed, or deleted, this number is updated. The number displayed is based on line item data entered on the Merchandise or Supplies tab, but not on the Customer's Own Material tab.
This mandatory field is used to classify the usage of a purchase order. The default purchase order type designated via your Purchasing Control Settings displays here. Click the Arrow button to select another type from the list of Purchase Order Types.
Order DateEnter
the transaction date you want to assign to purchase order. The current
date defaults. Note that once you save the order, you can only change
the transaction date for purchase orders on hold. The system records
any changes in the PO comments file.
Enter the code of the buyer for this purchase order. For new purchase orders, this field defaults to the log-on user. For purchase orders created on-the-fly from within order entry, this field defaults to ZZZ. You can edit this field, for example to the initials of the person placing the order. To automatically audit edits to this field, select Buyer ID from the PURCHASE.ORDER file in the Track Processing Activity routine.
If using the Buying Group Feature, all products added to a purchase order must contain a buyer and they must all contain the same buyer. In addition, for purchase orders created on-the-fly from within order entry, the program does not specify a buyer and the system places the purchase order on hold. To remove the Hold status, you must re-access the purchase order and specify a buyer.
Enter the code of the vendor whose products you want to purchase. If you click on the arrow, you access the Vendor Cross Reference window, from which you can choose a vendor.
If the code you enter identifies a vendor already in the system, the system displays information on the vendor. If one or more alternate addresses exist for this vendor, a message appears asking if you want to use an alternate address. If the system does not recognize the code you enter, a message appears asking if you want to create a new vendor. If you answer Yes, the Vendor file appears.
The Actions
button includes options to select an alternate vendor address, "recall"
an existing PO from which to import products to the new PO, view or
enter PO comments, or close a purchase order.
The location defaults from the log-in screen, but you can select a different location to indicate where this purchase order is to be received into STORIS. If you click on the Arrow button, a list of available locations appears from which you can choose.
If you click on the Action button, the List Entry Window appears from which you can choose a list of purchase order destinations (lists often used, for example, for purchase order distribution). Use this option to distribute purchase orders to multiple locations. Note that once you access another tab in this routine, this option becomes unavailable.
You cannot edit this field if
- one or more line items on the purchase order
have been received,
- a distribution list was specified for the
purchase order and/or you accessed another tab in this routine, or
- the purchase order is linked to a service
At this and any other Location field, the locations you see (that is,
the list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
If an AP Bill (or Pending AP Bill) has been generated for the line
item(s) on a PO, then the Receiving location cannot be changed/edited.
The AP Bill created is tied to the Company for the original
receiving location. The AP Bill would need to be removed in
order to edit the receiving location on the purchase order.
To place this purchase order on hold, check the box. Purchase orders that are on hold cannot be printed. A blank box at this field indicates that the purchase order is not on hold and can be acknowledged and received. Your Create Manual Purchase Order On Hold and Take Purchase Order Off Hold settings in Create a User/Group Actions - Purchasing Security affect your ability to access this check box. Also, if the order quantity is less than the Minimum Stock Quantity on the Settings tab in Advanced Product Settings, the purchase order is placed on hold.
Direct Ship PO’s always allow a change in approval hold status.
If a purchase order has been previously created and the Hold field is blank (PO is not on Hold), you cannot reinstate the Hold status by checking the box. The message “Approval Hold flag may not be reinstated” displays if you try to check the box.
To remove the hold status from a purchase order, remove the check from the box.
You must remove the hold status before you can acknowledge or receive a purchase order.
If you are removing the hold status from a purchase order that is not a supply PO, the system checks the minimum order quantities for all products on the purchase order before allowing it to be released from hold.
Purchase orders placed on hold via this field are distinct from AR
credit hold codes and AP
hold codes.
This mandatory field is used to indicate when a purchase order would ideally be delivered, regardless of whether or not the date is feasible. Initially, this field defaults to the date established in the Default Requested Date in Advanced Vendor Settings, which is either today's date or the established vendor lead days. You can click the calendar icon and select a different requested date.
Delivery DateThe
default vendor ship date displays. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, a calendar appears from which you can select a different date.
When calculating the default vendor ship date, the system adds the purchase
lead days (if any) to the current date.
CarrierEnter the shipping company
to use for this order. The carrier (if any) from the Vendor record
Enter the container number (if any) to use with this purchase order. You can enter up to 14 alphanumeric characters.
multiple containers were associated with an existing purchase order
via EDI, this field displays an ellipsis (...) and the field is not
available for edit when you access the order.
Use this field to indicate where the vendor is to ship the items on this purchase order. The location initially defaults to the same location defaulted in the Receive At field and indicates this with the text "Receive At" in the entry box. The location's description appears below the entry box. If the Ship To location needs to be different than the Receive At location, you can click the Arrow button to select a different Ship To location. Alternately, if you change the location in the Receive At field, the Ship To field still displays "Receive At" but the description changes to the description of the Receive At location.
This field is used only to access the ship-to location's address information. The receiving location provides the link to all other information, such as company, region, language, etc.
All STORIS documents that are used in communication with the vendor use this Ship To location data in place of the Receive At location.
The Ship To field is included when printing, faxing, and emailing standard ELP and non-ELP purchase order forms, such as Purchase Order, Purchase Order (Buyer), Purchase Order Import, and Purchase Order Import (Buyer).
The data import process for purchase orders provides the ability to import this field.
EDI processes use the Ship To location information in all communications with the vendor in place of the receiving location.
Enter shipping instructions for this order. You can enter two lines of up to 30 alphanumeric characters each. The text appears in the Remarks section of the printed purchase order.
Existing instructions may default into this field, for example
the Vendor Settings
or from P/O
Header Comments screen, which you access via the COM
Order Entry/Maintenance screen. In the case of a direct ship sales
order, the comments entered in the Instructions field on the Customer
page default here.
EDI EligibleIf
the vendor for this purchase order is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) An optional feature of the STORIS system used to electronically transmit purchase orders to vendors and receive acknowledgements and invoices from vendors.-eligible,
'Yes' appears here. Otherwise, 'No' appears here.
this purchase order has been electronically transmitted to the vendor,
'Yes' appears here. Otherwise, 'No' appears here.
If you right-click anywhere on this tab, a menu appears with the following options:
Advanced Product Lookup/Purchasing
List Previous Open Purchase Orders
Right-click menus are user-defined menus available in selected routines. The options listed above come delivered with STORIS, but you can edit these menus using the Dynamic Escape Settings.
Close Purchase Order - When editing a previously created purchase order, use this option to close the purchase order.
Purchase Order Audit Text - When editing a previously created purchase order, use this option to view and modify purchase order comments.
Recall Purchase Order - Import the products from the PO selected in the View Purchase Orders for a Specific Vendor process into the PO being created. To access this action, you must first select a vendor at the Vendor field.
The vendor specified on the General tab displays.
Display Vendor ModelTo display
the vendor model number (if any) in the grid for the selected product,
check the box at this field. To display the product number, leave
the box blank.
Enter the code of the product you want to order. Click the Search button to access Search for a Product, which you can use to search for and select one or more products. If you click the Action button, a menu appears from which you can access the Product Settings file, the PreVue Import routine, or the PreVue EasyOrder Configurator.
If the product code entered does not exist in the Product file, a message appears asking if you want to create a new product. If you select Yes, you access the Product Settings screen where you can enter a new product on-the-fly. Note that to enter a product on-the-fly, you must have security clearance via the Create new products within purchase order entry field in Create a User/Group Actions - Purchasing Security.
If the camera icon to the right of the field is active, you can click on it to view a picture of the specified product. If the camera is dimmed, no image exists for the product at this time.
If the product you enter already exists in the order, the program
creates another line for the new entry. In this way, you can enter
the same product code on multiple lines in a purchase order. For example,
if the vendor has a special where if you buy 10 of an item, you get
the next 10 at a discount, you can use separate lines on the purchase
order to indicate the different prices.
Accessing Detail Information for Special Order and Inventory Products
If you are adding a special order product to the purchase order,
and the product contains text entered at the Maintain
PO Line Text field on the Costing page of Advanced
Product Settings, this information can be added automatically
to the purchase order. Upon
entry of the product code, a prompt displays asking "Use
product purchase order comments?" When you answer Yes, the text
is copied into the Special
Order Information Window, which displays when you click the Add
button to add the item to the order.
If you are adding an inventory product (not set as Special Ordered)
to the purchase order, and the product contains text entered at the
Maintain PO Line Text field
on the Costing page of Advanced Product Settings, this information
can be added automatically to the purchase order. Upon
entry of the product code, a prompt displays asking "Use
product purchase order comments?" When you answer Yes, the text
is copied into the CFO
Options window and the Special
Order Instructions window, both available from the Actions button
menu on the Merchandise page of the purchase order entry.
Vendor ModelThe contents
of the Vendor Model field from the Product record display.
DescriptionThe description
of the selected product.
The brand description of the selected product is displayed here.
Unit MeasureThe unit
of measure specified at the Purchasing Unit of Measure field in the Product
file appears for the selected product.
Enter the number of pieces of this product you want to order. If this item is a kit A group of stock products organized into a set so as to be sold as a package or suite. In STORIS, you can create hard or soft kits., enter the number of kits you want to order.
If the product is a special order
that is linked to a sales order, you can reduce the quantity or delete
the product if the Assignment Required
field in Special
Order Control Settings is checked. Additionally, you must
either have security access via the Reduce
Special Order quantities on Purchase Orders linked to a Sales Order
setting in Purchasing
Security or obtain a security override from an authorized user.
The replacement cost (if any) from the Product
record displays in this field for the selected product. To edit
this field, you must have access via the Update
product replacement cost within purchase entry screens field
in the Extended
Security settings.
If you have access and you enter a cost that differs from the replacement
cost for the product, a message appears with the option to update
the Product file with the new replacement cost. This option
is not available for special order products. To update the replacement
cost of a special order product, you must use the Product settings.
If this is a configured product, the Change Total Cost on a Configured
Product setting in your User/User
Group Purchasing security settings must be active in order to
edit this field.
Discounted CostThe discounted
amount (invoice minus any discounts) appears.
Extended CostThe extended
cost appears.
To add the item and its selected
quantity and cost to the grid, click on Add.
If you specified multiple distribution locations for this
line item, the Purchase
Order Line Item Distribution window appears when you click on Add. Use that window to assign line
item quantities for distribution to the various locations. To cancel entry
of the line item only, select Clear.
The grid displays the items from the purchase order, along with the following information for each:
product number or vendor model number - the heading and contents of this column depends on the setting at the Display Vendor Model Number field. Note that if you choose to display the vendor model number and none exists for the selected product, the product number displays appended by two asterisks (**).
Quantity Ordered
Unit Cost
Extended Cost
EDI Advance Ship Notice Dates - This action is available only if a line item is selected and EDI is active for the vendor.
Review Product Settings - accesses either the edit version or the read-only version of the Product file, depending on your setting at the Create new products within purchase order entry field in the Create a User/Group Actions - Purchasing Security settings.
Transfer on Receipt Locations - This option is available only if the assigned purchase order type contains an associated As-Is Reason Code. If you select this option, the Multiple Location Selection window displays, where you can indicate up to 30 locations where inventory received on this purchase order is to be distributed. You can use the up and down arrows on this screen to modify the order of the locations you list. The locations you enter and their order are reflected on the Transfer on Receipt Quantities screen.
Transfer on Receipt Quantities - Select this option to indicate the received quantities from this purchase order that are to be distributed to each location you listed on the Multiple Location Selection screen.
ProductFor non-merchandise
products, enter the product number. Only non-stocked items can be entered
Vendor ModelEnter the vendor model number
for this product.
the text description for this product.
Unit MeasureUse this field to describe
the form in which your company purchases this product from the vendor.
The unit of measure entered in this field must already exist in the Unit of Measure file. The default
for this field is EA for Each.
the number of pieces of this product being ordered.
Unit CostEnter
the cost amount for this product. This is an optional field.
Discounted CostThe discounted amount (invoice
minus any discounts) appears.
Extended CostThe extended
cost appears.
The grid contains the items currently selected for purchase as well as additional pricing information for each line item. When you finish making changes to the ordering information for the selected product, select Add to record the changes.
This tab is available only for purchase orders created via Sales Order Entry that include COM (customer's own materials) A STORIS feature allowing customers to add their own materials when creating special order items.component products.
VendorThe vendor from whom you are ordering COM (customer's own materials) A STORIS feature allowing customers to add their own materials when creating special order items. component products displays.
BrandThe brand
of the selected component product displays. You can edit this field.
ProductThe COM component products
on this purchase order displays in a list at the bottom of the screen.
You cannot add component products to the purchase order using the PO Entry
process. However, you can edit specific fields for COM component products.
To modify the ordered quantity, cost, vendor model number, description,
brand, unit of measure, and conversion factor, enter (or select from the
list) the code of the COM component product.
Vendor ModelThe vendor
model number of the selected component product displays. You can edit
this field.
DescriptionThe description
of the selected component product displays. You can edit this field.
Unit MeasureThe unit
of measure of the selected component product displays. You can edit this
Unit SizeThe value
in the Purchase Conversion field of the Product file appears here. If
this field contains a value other than one, you can order a quantity of
less than one unit for this product.
For example, assume this product is a fabric whose primary unit is one
yard long. If 4 appears at this fields, and you enter :1 at the Quantity
field in Purchase Order Entry, you in effect order a quantity of 1/4 of
the purchasing unit (that is, 1/4 yard of fabric).
QuantityThe order
quantity of the selected component displays. You can edit this amount.
If the Unit Size field contains a value
other than one, you can order a quantity of less than one unit for this
product. For example, assume this product is a fabric whose primary unit
is one yard long. If 4 appears at this fields, and you enter :1 at the
Quantity field in Purchase Order Entry, you in effect order a quantity
of 1/4 of the purchasing unit (that is, 1/4 yard of fabric).
Unit CostThe cost
of the selected component product displays. You can edit this field.
Discounted CostThe net
invoice amount of one unit of the selected product displays.
Extended CostThe extended
amount (quantity ordered X cost) for the selected product displays.
The grid contains the items currently selected for purchase and pricing information for each line item. When you finish making changes to the ordering information for the selected product, select Add to record the changes.
This tab displays the vendor and receiving location information entered on the Header tab, along with the following fields.
TermsThis code
represents the payment terms for this order. The terms code entered here
must exist in the Terms Settings.
Note that this field is mandatory if Third-Party Accounting is active.
This field is only active if the Allow Payment of Pending Bills field is checked in the Payables Control Settings and STORIS Accounting is active. The value in this field defaults from the Vendor Ship-From assigned to this purchase order. If no alternate shipping address is selected, it is defaulted from Vendor Settings. It is used to default the same setting in any pending AP bill that is created from this purchase order.
If this box is checked, a bill for this purchase order can be paid before merchandise is received. To edit this field, you must have permission via the Change purchase order Pay Before Receipt setting.
The total cost of items ordered on this PO displays, excluding tax, freight, and/or miscellaneous charges.
If a value exists for the selected vendor in the Free
Freight Minimum field in the Vendor
Settings and the sub-total of the current order is less than that
value, a warning message appears indicating the order does not qualify
for free freight. If you save such an order, an exception message
posts to the Purchase Order Comments file.
Enter any applicable freight, miscellaneous, or tax costs.
Any freight, miscellaneous, or tax charges you enter at these
fields are informational and for reporting purposes only. That
is, the amounts do not default into the AP bill - you must enter them
manually. The amounts you enter into the AP bill hit their associated
GL accounts.
Any PO report or inquiry that shows PO total amounts includes these
charges (if any) in the total, and some reports break down these charges
individually, for example the Report
Purchase Order Delivery Information routine.
If a value exists for the selected vendor at the Free Freight Minimum
field in the Vendor Settings
and the sub-total of the current order is greater than that value,
the order qualifies for free freight. If you then enter an amount
here, a warning message appears but you can continue.
TotalThe total
cost of the purchase order displays, including merchandise, tax, freight,
and miscellaneous charges.
Freight/Add-OnThis field
displays the total landed
cost for the order at the time of entry. Since this landed cost
may change by the time you receive the order, STORIS labels this field
as "estimated". The program includes this amount when calculating
the average cost of the products on the purchase order.
Note that an amount displays only for receivable purchase orders. For example,
landed cost does not display for direct-ship purchase orders.
When you finish editing
fields, click Save to process
the purchase order. If
- the print option is enabled at the Print Option
- Enter a Purchase Order field in the Purchasing
Control Settings, the Print
a Purchase Order screen appears from which you can print, email, or
fax the purchase order (except for orders on hold).
- the print option is not enabled at the Print
Option - Enter a Purchase Order field and faxing and/or e-mailing is enabled
on your system, the Transmit
Type Window appears from which you can email or fax, but not print,
the purchase order.
If neither of the above are true, the program exits.
For purchase orders that were printed previously and then modified
since the last printing, when you click on Save, the option to add the
purchase order to the Reprints
list appears and before the Print
a Purchase Order screen appears. If you choose to set the order
for reprints and then print the order, the program removes the order from
the Reprints list.