Review Extended Information Window
Use this screen to view and maintain extended information on a purchase order. Extended information is available for use by the Report Builder.
If the purchase order is an import purchase order (that is, if the vendor (or the vendor ship-from address, if present) has a Country code other than Domestic), the system records the most current revision of each document in the purchase order header record in the appropriate field.
BrokerEnter the code of the broker for whom you want to review purchase order information. If you click on the Action button, a list of available brokers appears from which you can choose.
FOBThe first FOB ID indicated in the Vendor Ship-From file appears. To edit this field, enter a new FOB ID or click on the Search button to access a list of FOB IDs from which you can choose.
Do Not Ship BeforeEnter the date before which you want to prevent items from shipping. This field is optional. The information is used for document printing purposes only.
Do Not Ship After dateEnter the date after which you want to prevent items from shipping. This field is optional. The information is used for document printing purposes only.
Order DescriptionEnter an order description. This field is optional. The information is used for document printing purposes only.
Shipping TermsEnter the shipping terms. This field is optional. The information is used for document printing purposes only.