Create a Report


Tabs:  Headings, Output, Prompts, Selection, Sorting

Create a Report is the first step in creating reports using the Report Builder feature. You can access the Report Builder feature from any module menu in STORIS.

Use the Report Builder feature to create custom reports based on a source file you specify, for example the Order file. You specify

STORIS provides a reference list of the source files and the associated dictionaries that are available to you via Report Builder routines. When planning your report, you can use the list to identify the files and dictionaries you want to include on the report.

STORIS uses numeric transaction codes throughout the system.  You can include them in reports using the TRANS_CODE dictionary in the Create a Report routine. Click here for a list of these codes.

To download the latest source file list, which is in Microsoft® Excel format, click here. Enter the User ID and Password you established when you registered for access to the Customer Service web site. After logging in, click on the Documentation menu at the top of the screen, then click on Vision, and then select Spreadsheet Downloads. Scroll down to the bottom of the downloads page. In the Report Builder Source Files List section, click on the link for your revision's list. For example, if you are on STORIS release 9.5, click the 9.5 Report Builder Source Files List button. The File Download window appears, where you can Save the file to your PC.

You access report builder reports via the Run a Report routine or you can use the Set Up Menus routine to Add Reports and DTS Views to Menus.

Report Name



Source File


Sub Title


Run Time Information



Creation Date

Run Time Language Code



Use the fields on this tab to select the detail information you want to include on the report, as well as how you want the information to display (for example, column headings, column widths, sorting, breaks on data, alignment of data, and totals.

Dictionary Item

Column Heading



New Page


If you choose a dictionary item for break and another for total, you invoke the Summary Only field to appear when you run the report in the Run a Report routine. If you check the Summary Only field, the report omits the details and includes only the totals for the item you selected for break.

Total Report Width


Use the fields on this screen to set up additional run-time prompts for this report. You establish prompts for selected dictionaries, and the prompts appear on the report when selecting criteria for the report.  

Dictionary Name

Prompt Name

Prompt Label


Specific Edits  

Prompt Type



Use the Selection tab to establish condition statements that further limit selection of data for the report.  

Dictionary Name



You can also exclude or include a value of "blank" for a specific field. For example, if you are reporting customers with email addresses, select the Dictionary Name EMAIL_ADDR (Email Address) on this Selection tab. Next, select NE at the Operator field and at this Value field, enter "" (two quotation marks, no space). Your report includes only those customer records that have an email address and excludes any where the email address field is blank.  


Use the Sorting tab to specify how you want to sort the report data.

Dictionary Name

Sort Order

When you finish building the report selections, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save this report. If you have not already Added Reports and DTS Views to Menus, a prompt appears asking if you want to. The next step is to process the report using Run a Report (Run Query Wizard).