Maintain Report Dictionaries
(Query Wizard Dictionary Maintenance)
Use this routine to add a dictionary to a source file. This routine allows you to add new information to a report that was not originally available within a source file. To add a dictionary from a different source file, use the File Join Assistant available from the Actions button at the bottom of the screen.
You can also access this routine from within the Create a Report (Query Wizard Builder) process by selecting Edit Dictionaries from the Actions button located at the bottom of the Headings tab.
STORIS provides a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet containing a list of the source files and their associated dictionaries available to you via Report Builder routines. When planning your report, you can use the list to identify the files and dictionaries you want to include on the report.
To download the latest source file, click here. Enter the User ID and Password you established when you registered for access to the Customer Service web site. After logging in, the File Download window appears, where you can Save the file to your PC.
File NameUse this field to select the data file for which you are editing dictionaries. If accessing this maintenance process from within the Query Wizard Builder, this field automatically fills in and is not available for change.
Dictionary Name
DescriptionThis is the text description of this dictionary.
Column HeadingThis field is used to establish the text that will appear at the top of the column on the report.
Prompt NameThis field is used for reference purposes only to identify the prompt for this dictionary.
WidthThis is the default width (number of character spaces) of the field.
ConversionIf the dictionary represents numeric data, this field indicates the format to be used when displaying the data. Valid options for this field include the number of decimal places, 2 or 4 digit year (if date), etc.
AttributeIf the Dictionary Type is set to Direct Attribute, this field indicates the attribute number within the file to be used for this Dictionary.
On FileThis field is used to indicate a file that would be checked against to confirm that the data in the dictionary exists.
FormulaIf the Dictionary Type is set to Formula, this field is used to enter a calculation for this dictionary.
JustificationThis field determines the default alignment of the data for this dictionary. Select Left to have the report display the first character of the data in the leftmost position of the column. Select Right to have the report display the last character of the data in the rightmost position of the column. Select Centered to display the data in the center of this column.
Dictionary TypeThis field is used to determine the type of dictionary being created/edited. If this field is set to Direct Attribute, it will be used in conjunction with the Attribute field. If this field is set to Formula, it will be used in conjunction with the Formula field.
Specific EditsUse this field to build a list of acceptable answers if this dictionary is used to prompt for data.
Security CodeTo restrict access to the dictionary name selected in the grid, enter a field security code. If you click on the Search button, you can choose from the list of codes that appears.
When you enter a security code into this field and then Save the dictionary, you effectively restrict all users from viewing the selected data on reports (the column header appears, but no data appears in the column). To grant employees' access, go to the Field Security Group field in the User file and check the box next to the field security code you entered here. You can also grant access in the same way to user groups.