The STORIS Menu Builder is a Windows®-based application you use to create, edit, and view the menus that provide access to the routines in your STORIS system. You can create multiple menus, each providing access to a different set of routines. You assign user access to menus via the User Group file. You access the Menu Builder via the Set Up Menus routine.
STORIS comes delivered with several standard menus you can use when setting up your user files, including the STORIS Business Menu. This menu contains all your menu options, organized in a generic way. Other standard menus have been designed for specific employee types. For example, the Service Staff menu provides access to the routines a typical service representative requires while restricting service reps from accessing other routines they don't need.
You cannot edit standard menus. However, you can use them as-is or you can clone them and edit the clones to your specifications. You can specify the routines you want to appear on your menus, and you can structure the menu "trees" for each in any way you like. You can also create brand new menus. You can create as many different menus as you like, and you can restrict access to them (that is, apply security restrictions) via the User and User Group files.
give users quick access to routines they frequently use, use the Quick
Launch Menu.
When you click on this option, the User Authentication window appears, providing a layer of security protecting your menu system from unauthorized users. For more information on this window, check with your system administrator.
The Menu Builder screen consists of three panes:
STORIS Menu Builder Toolbar - contains your options for editing a selected menu, for example Copy and Delete menu items.
Menu Tree - displays the structure of the selected STORIS menu. Menu trees are expandable and collapsible. That is, when you first load a menu, the menu is fully collapsed - only the menu items in the top of the hierarchy display. However, if you click on the plus sign (+) next to a menu item, you can expand the menu to display the hidden items it contains.
Program List - displays a list of programs in your STORIS system. This list is long, so STORIS provides ways to organize the list (for example, grouping and/or sorting by column). You can also drag-and-drop items from the Program List onto the Menu Tree, as well as specify Menu Fastkeys.
You must associate a user group with each menu you create, and each user group can have only one menu associated with it.
To create a new menu, click on New on the STORIS Menu Builder Toolbar. The New Menu window appears. The user groups (if any) to which no menu has been associated appear in the left pane of the New Menu window. If no user groups appear, you must create one before you can create a new menu.
If using Multi-Lingual
Processing when creating a new menu, the New Menu window lists only
those user groups whose language (specified at the Language Code field
in the User Group file) matches the language associated with the STORIS
Login ID used to access the Menu Builder.
Note that the ID you use to access the Menu Builder (that is, your STORIS
Login ID - see the Help for the Logon ID field on the Security tab in
the User file) is not necessarily
the same as the User ID you enter at the User
Log In window.
For example, if the STORIS Login ID used to access the Menu Builder is
set to English, then the New Menu window lists only user groups set to
After you select an empty menu (user group), select a menu to copy (that is, an existing menu on which to base your new menu), then select Create New Menu. The new menu appears in the Menu Tree, adopting the name of the user group. Note that to select an existing menu, you must first click on the Copy From Existing Menu option.
To create a brand new menu, select the Empty Menu option and click on Create New Menu. A blank menu appears in the Menu Tree, adopting the name of the user group.
First, select a menu from the Menu Selection option (on the left-hand side of the Menu Builder Toolbar) by clicking on the Arrow to display a list of existing menus and then selecting a menu. If a check appears in either the Read-Only or STORIS Standard columns for a menu, you can view but not edit that menu.
If using Multi-Lingual Processing, the language that displays on
the screen is determined by the Language Code field in the User
file (or the User Group file) for the user accessing the Menu Builder.
For example, if your language is French, you can access only menus
that have been translated into French.
The menu you select appears in the Menu Tree window in collapsed form. A plus sign (+) next to a menu item indicates it contains hidden menu items. To expand a menu item to display its hidden contents, click on the plus signs (+) until no more remain. You can also use the Expand All and Collapse All options to expand or collapse the entire menu via a single click.
Once you edit a menu, you activate the Save option and if you attempt to exit or load another menu, a message appears and you must decide whether to save or abandon your changes.
The Export Menu option provides access to the following three export destinations:
Print Preview
Menus display in a tree structure, consisting of two types of tree nodes:
menu options - provide access to sub-menus containing other menu options or program shortcuts.
program shortcuts - provide access to a STORIS routine, and represent the end of the menu hierarchy for the selected menu item.
You can create any number of levels of sub-menus and add any number of program shortcuts to each sub-menu. To edit the text of a tree node , click on the node item or right-click on the node item and select Edit from the Pop-up Menu that appears. Once you are in Edit mode, the text highlights and you can edit the text. You can also use the Clipboard section of the toolbar to access your editing options.
To add a root or sub-menu, right-click on a menu option and select Add Root Menu or Add Sub-Menu from the menu that appears. You can add a sub-menu only if a menu item is selected. If a program shortcut is selected, the Add Sub-Menu option is disabled.
Use the Move Item Up and Move Item Down options to move items up and down within the same hierarchy level. To move items to another hierarchy level, use the Cut and Paste options.
To edit the currently selected tree node, use the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete Item options. If you copy a menu option and paste it to a another menu option, any sub-menus and program shortcuts associated with the selected menu option copy and paste as well.
If you edit a program shortcut name in the menu tree, the application automatically updates all program shortcuts with the same program ID throughout the tree, as well as the associated item in the Program List.
The Program List section of the STORIS Menu Builder Toolbar contains two options that affect the Program List pane only:
View All Paths - displays all menu paths to a selected routine. Select a menu at the Menu Selection option, select a routine in the Program List, then click on View All Paths. All menu paths display in the Program List below their associated routines.
Copy Path - if View All Paths is selected, this option copies the menu paths associated with the selected routine in the Program List to the clipboard. You can then paste the text, for example to a .txt file.
The Program List pane contains a list of all available STORIS programs. The list is long, so the Menu Builder provides many filtering options to help you manage the list, similar to the options available in the Personal Report Viewer (PRV ).
Use the Program List to drag selected items over to a menu option in the Menu Tree pane and insert a program shortcut for the selected routine into the desired menu option. The Program List pane contains the following columns for each item in the list:
Program Shortcut - initially displays the STORIS standard name for each item, but you can edit this name.
Program Type - displays the program type: either Entry, Inquiry, Report, or Form Print.
Program Family - displays the program family: either Sales Order, Purchase Order, Report Builder , DTS , etc.
FastKey - This feature is not available in the current release. To create program shortcuts, use Quick Launch Icons.
Program ID - displays actual STORIS program name.
ID - displays the internal number STORIS uses to identify the routine within the menu system.