Personal Report Viewer (PRV)

Use the Personal Report Viewer (PRV) to customize your report output. You select report criteria and generate reports in the normal way. However, when outputting reports, select V at the Output Settings window to send the data to the PRV. Use the PRV to rearrange and hide columns, process the data through various filters to restrict report output, perform calculations on columns, and group columns together as in an Excel® spreadsheet.

You can save your changes and view them later. The PRV allows you to arrange report data in a variety of ways, but does not affect your actual data files. That is, your data files are never altered when you edit report data in the PRV.

When you send a report to the PRV, only the data and not the totals appear on the report (to see totals, perform calculations within the PRV). Therefore, if the report contains a summary-only version and you send the summary-only version to the PRV, the report will be blank.

If STORIS adds a new data column to a report, the PRV includes that column when you run the report regardless of any changes you have made to the report view in the past. You can edit the new column like any other column. Likewise, if a column has been removed by STORIS from a report, the column no longer appears in the report regardless of how you have saved the report view.

Sending a Report to the Personal Report Viewer

You access the Personal Report Viewer via the Send Output To field that appears on every report screen. If the default response at this field is not V for Personal Report Viewer, click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen. Then select the Output Settings option from the menu that appears. A pop-up window appears where you can specify a new destination for the output of the report. Choose V for Personal Report Viewer, then click on Save. The system returns you to the report screen. Click on Run to generate the report and send it to the PRV.

Using the Personal Report Viewer

The PRV is a Windows® application, so many familiar conventions apply (for example, drop-down menus, minimize/maximize, etc.). The first time you generate a report type and send it to the PRV, the report appears in the default format. That is, the columns appear in the same order as if you chose the familiar Screen or Printer options, all columns have the same width, etc. Below is an overview of ways you can modify the appearance of a report using the PRV.

Using Tools on the PRV Ribbon

The ribbon contains tools that you can use to save the report, save your customized view, print or export, and manage grid settings. You can also add ribbon functions to a Quick Access tool bar. (See Quick Access below.)  

To hide the ribbon, right-click inside the ribbon and select Minimize the Ribbon from the menu that appears. To restore the ribbon, right-click on a Quick Access "button" and remove the check mark from the Minimize the Ribbon option.  


Print and Export

Grid Settings

Quick Access

If you right-click in any of the sections on the ribbon (View, Print and Export, etc.), you access the following menu.

Saving Reports and Exiting the Personal Report Viewer

When you are finished with the present report and want to exit the PRV, you have the following options: