Country Settings



Tabs:  General, Masking

Use this routine to establish parameters used in foreign processing, and also to determine how currency and address prompts (for example, zip code, city, state, province) and their associated data display in the system. All systems must have a domestic (that is, home) country, which is determined by the Home Currency field in the General System Control Settings. STORIS includes pre-built country codes for Canada (CAN) and the United States (USA).

You also use this routine to set up masks for the various countries you use in your system.

 If you attempt to edit settings for your domestic country, an error message appears. To edit settings for your domestic country, contact your STORIS representative.

Country Code



Name of Currency

Name of Fraction

Currency Symbol

Nbr of Decimals

Symbol Placement

Accounts Payable GL Account

Exchange GL Account

Estimated Exchange Rate

Actual Exchange Rate

National Tax Code

Dial Prefix

TPA Equivalent

Date Format (Domestic Country Only)


The following is a list of codes you can use to create masks.

First Address Mask

First Address Prompt

First Delimiter

Second Address Mask

Second Address Prompt

Second Delimiter

Third Address Mask  

Third Address Prompt

Telephone Number Mask

To select a domestic currency, click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen and select Set Domestic.