It is possible to create a purchase order from within another sales entry process (on-the-fly ), including Enter a Sales Order, Enter a Transfer, Enter an Exchange, and eSTORIS.
While some of these settings apply only to special-order products, others apply to stock and hard kit master products.
For foreign
vendors, the system places on Hold all purchase orders created via
order entry.
For EDI vendors, the system
places on Hold all purchase orders EXCEPT when transmitting directly from
order entry.
A purchase order can only be created from the Enter a Sales Order process when the product on the purchase order is a special order product or if it is a stock item with an insufficient quantity, depending on your settings.
1. In Enter a Sales Order, enter the information for the Customer page as you normally would.
2. On the Merchandise page, enter the product in the Product field. From the extra Actions button, select Purchase Order.
1. In Enter a Transfer, enter the information on the General tab as you normally would.
2. On the Merchandise tab, enter the product in the Product field. From the extra Actions button, select Create Purchase Order.
A purchase order can only be created from the Enter an Exchange process when the product on the purchase order is a special order product or if it is a stock item with an insufficient quantity, depending on your settings.
1. In Enter an Exchange, enter the information on the Step 1 - Customer page as you normally would.
2. Enter the information on Step 2 - Return Merchandise page as you normally would.
3. On the Step 3 - Sell Merchandise page, enter the product in the Product field. From the extra Actions button, select Purchase Order.
STORIS provides several control settings for creating a purchase order from within a sales entry process. Please refer to these settings in order to set purchase order creation permissions for your users.
Create a User/Group Actions - Purchasing Security uses the following fields to permit individual users to create purchase orders directly from Sales Order Entry:
- Create special-order purchase orders within POS entry field to allow users to create POs for special-order products.
- Create stock product purchase orders within POS entry field to allow users to create POs for stock products.
- Electronically submit (EDI) purchase orders within POS entry field to allow users to submit purchase orders in Sales Order Entry via EDI .
The above fields do not affect direct-ship purchase orders, and
the Purchase Order /Assignment Required field (see below) overrides these
The above fields are also available in the User
Group settings.
Advanced Product Settings and/or Product Settings - Use the PO From Order Entry field to automatically create purchase orders when insufficient quantity exists for stock line items.
Product Kit Settings - Use the From Enter Sales Order; insufficient Component quantity field to automatically create purchase orders when insufficient quantity exists for hard-kit master line items.
Special Order Control Settings - Use this routine for your preferences on special order products. The below two fields are specific to creating purchase orders:
- Purchase Order/Automatically Create field automatically creates purchase orders when insufficient quantity exists for special-order line items.
- Purchase Order/Assignment Required field requires users to either create a purchase order or reserve the item when ordering a special-order product . Note that this field overrides the Allow Purchase Order Creation field in the User and User Group files.
Purchasing Control Settings - Use this routine to specify your purchasing system preferences.
- SPECIAL ORDERS - Allow Electronic Transmission of POs During Sales Entry setting allows users to transmit special-order purchase orders to vendors during Sales Order Entry.
- SPECIAL ORDERS - Place Purchase Orders Created on-the-Fly on Hold field assigns a Hold status to new purchase orders created on-the-fly via order entry.
- DIRECT SHIP - Place Direct Ship Purchase Order on Hold setting assigns a Hold status to direct-ship purchase orders. Users cannot transmit purchase orders on Hold until the Hold status is manually removed.
Point of Sale Control Settings - Use the Create a PO for Back Orderable Stock field to specify how you wish to be prompted for PO creation when insufficient stock is available for this product.
Web Control Settings - Use the Allow Auto PO Creation field to activate automatic purchase order creation from eSTORIS. For eSTORIS orders, the system does not prompt you to create a purchase order. Instead, eSTORIS creates purchase orders automatically if 1) insufficient quantity exists in inventory to fill the order, 2) the Allow Auto PO Creation field is enabled in the Web Control Settings, and 3) manual purchase order numbering is active via the Next Purchase Order Number field in the Purchasing Control Settings.