Point of Sale > Settings > Product Settings
Customer Service > Settings > Product Settings
Purchasing > Settings > Product Settings
Inventory > Settings > Product Settings
Accounting > Vendor Receivables > Vendor Receivables Settings > Product Settings
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 10 - Merchandise > Product Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Purchasing and Logistic System Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Vendor Receivables Systems Settings > Product Settings
Support Files: Product Group, Vendor, Brand, Commission Matrix and Collection.
Tabs: General, User Defined Settings
You can create product records using either this routine or the Advanced Product Settings program. The Product Settings routine is a simpler version of the Advanced Product Settings, allowing you to create the initial "skeleton" of the product, then use the Advanced Product Settings program to add additional information later. However, for most products, the Product Settings entry method is sufficient.
A counter next to the Product
field indicates a product list
is currently active. The counter indicates which record in the list is
currently being edited and the total number of records in the list.
To edit or view an existing product, enter
the code of the product. If you click on the Search button, you access
the Search
for a Product window, where you can select a product or create
a list of products to edit or view.
To create a new product, enter a unique code that distinguishes this
product from others in the system. STORIS uses this number to track
the product throughout the system. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric Consisting of both letter and number characters and often other symbol characters such as punctuation marks. characters. If auto-numbering is active
at the Next Product Number field in the Inventory
Control Settings, press Enter
or click the Plus
button to automatically assign the next sequential number.
If set for automatic numbering and the Format field in your Inventory Control Settings is set to Dynamic Identifier, the Product code is generated based on the information you defined in the Dynamic Identifier section of Inventory Control Settings. Once a product has been created, the Product ID is permanent. If you change the product information for components used to build the Product ID, you need to delete the product and recreate it in order to have the Product ID generate using the new settings.
DescriptionEnter in this field the first
line of a text description for this product. The system uses this field
throughout the STORIS system in conjunction with this SKU/model number.
If the product is flagged as Special Ordered, this field should be generic
(without fabric or other "special" characteristics noted). The
"physical" product should be described without the "cosmetic"
special order details.
If the camera icon to the right of the field is active, you can click on
it to view a picture of the specified
product. If the camera is dimmed, no image exists for the product at this
Second DescriptionEnter in this field the second
line of description for this product, if necessary. Only the Label and
Tag Print Routines use this second description field.
Use this field to specify the inventory type of the product you are creating or editing. You have the following options:
Retail Inventory - the product is a "regular" inventory product A tangible item in your Product file that exists in inventory, for example a table or chair. that can be sold on sales orders.
Retail Part - the product can be sold on service and sales orders.
Retail Labor - indicates a labor product that can be sold on service and sales orders.
Service Part Only - the product can be sold only on service orders.
Service Labor Only - indicates a labor product that can be sold only on service orders.
Service Charge Only - a charge that can be entered only on service orders and not on special orders.
Non-Merchandise Service - the product represents a service that is not product-related, for example an in-home service order can be created for the repair of a scratched floor.
Once you set this field and save the product settings, you cannot
change the Inventory Type. If you assign an incorrect type to a product,
you can delete the product and re-create it, provided no quantity
on hand exists for the product and it does not appear on any open
purchase or sales orders.
If you are creating a special-order "on-the-fly Performed simultaneously, in the midst of another routine. For example, creating a new product during sales entry rather than leaving the sales process to create the product in product settings."
product via Special
Order Entry, the Inventory Type field defaults to Retail
Inventory and you cannot edit it.
Brand NameEnter
the code of the brand name you want to associate
with this product. Note that many reports sort by brand.
Vendor CodeEnter
in this field the code of the primary vendor from whom you buy this product.
Enter the model number that the vendor uses for this product. When you enter purchase orders for this product, the number in this field prints on the purchase order. If you leave this field is left blank, the SKU/model number prints on the Purchase Order. Additionally, the system uses this field for Product cross-reference inquiries.
The Inventory Control Settings
(Inventory Module ACF) record offers the option to print inventory
reports using the vendors' model numbers or Product (SKU) numbers.
If the Report Sort By field in the Inventory Control settings is set
to Vendor Model, it is extremely important that the Vendor Model field
for your products be filled in.
Enter the code of the product group in which you want to include this product or use the Search button to choose a group from the Group lookup window. The system uses this information to organize product records into logical groups for reporting and inquiry purposes. All products must be associated with a group, and all groups must fall within a product category.
You cannot select or enter a group that is set as inactive (Active
field in group
settings is not checked) or one that is associated with a category
that is inactive (Active field in category
settings is not checked).
If you change the product group for a product and the product appears
on existing orders, the orders do not update with the change.
Use this field to enter the manufacturer’s list cost for one purchase unit of this product. This value defaults into the Unit Cost field as the purchase order cost in Enter a Purchase Order.
To give selected users the option to automatically
update this field whenever they edit the Unit Cost field in the Purchase Order Entry,
Order Acknowledgement, and Product
Performance and Purchase Recommendations routines, use the Update
Product Replacement Cost Within Purchase Entry screens field in the
Security settings.
To give selected users the option to automatically update this field
whenever they edit the Unit Cost field in the Enter/Update
Individual Vendor Invoice routine, use the Change Product Replacement
Cost During Vendor Invoice Entry field in the Extended
Security settings.
For Service Labor products (specified at the Inventory Type field),
use this field to specify the hourly cost for labor.
Enter into this field the weighted average cost for this product. This field allows up to 6 characters for dollars and 2 characters for cents.
Once this product has quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse.,
you cannot update the average cost.
Selling PriceEnter
the price at which your company will be selling this product. This field
will be used with the Sales Order entry programs. You may enter up to
6 characters for dollars and 2 characters for cents.
Suggested Retail PriceThis is
the manufacturer's suggested retail price. This field is used for memo
purposes, and product tags and labels only. It is not used for any calculations.
Commission CategoryWhen this
product is sold, this field will be used in conjunction with the Commission Category field in the
Customer file to access a Commission Matrix record for commission
calculation. This field is only used if the matrix method of commission
calculation has been selected in the Sales
Order Account Control File record.
Style CodeIf applicable,
enter a seven-character code or word that describes the style of this
product. Examples: “CONTEMP”
(Contemporary), “TRAD” (Traditional), “ORIENT” (Oriental)
field) Use this field to indicate the collection or collections to which
this product belongs. Enter a single collection code in this field, click
the Search button to select from
a list of valid Collection codes, or click
the Action button and use the
Multiple Collection Selection
window to enter multiple collection codes. An unlimited number of collection
codes may be listed. The first collection entered will be considered the
“primary collection." (When obtaining general information about a
specific product in an inquiry, the primary collection will be displayed
as the Collection to which this product belongs.) As this field is completed,
the Collection
Settings record(s) will simultaneously be updated with this
product code.
Enter the shipping volume for one unit of this product. The system references this field when calculating receiving volumes from vendors and delivery volumes to customers.
You can specify the precise cubic volume of the product, or you can enter an amount based on a unit of measure of your choice. For example, you can enter 3 for a three-cushion sofa, or 2 for a two-cushion sofa.
For accurate delivery capacities, use the same measurement type for
all products.
When creating new products, if the WMS
interface is active on your system, the program defaults the shipping
volume (if any) from the associated Product
Group into the Shipping Volume field here.
Product Type CodeEnter
the product
type code you want to assign to the selected product.
To serial-track this product, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If this product is on an open purchase order or sales order and you attempt to edit this field, an error messages appears and the system rejects your change.
You cannot serial-track piece-less (non-referenced) products.
For products you create on-the-fly, to specify a default setting for
this field, use the Default
Product Settings.
To allow users to special-order this product, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If the PO From Order Entry field is enabled, this field is inactive.
quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse. exists
open sales orders exist
open purchase orders exist
the product is a kit component for which the Use Package Price field in the Product Kit Settings is enabled
If you check the box at this field, we suggest you
- enter a "generic" description into
the Description field above, and
- use the Special
Order Information Window to enter specific qualifications for
the piece (for example, Color/Grade, Fabric/Finish, etc.).
In addition, when you enter a special-order product A product whose characteristics you can modify such as color or fabric. STORIS lists these custom options in descriptions for special-order products, allowing you to identify individual products based on their unique characteristics.
in Sales
Order Entry, the option to enter cosmetic details for each piece
is available via the Special
Order Entry routine.
For products
flagged as special-ordered, the system does not maintain average cost.
The system tracks average cost, replacement cost, and exact cost on
a per-piece basis.
If you check this box, then each time this product appears on a
sales order, if insufficient quantity exists for the product to fill
the order, a prompt appears asking if you want to add the item to
a purchase order. If
you say Yes, the system creates
a new purchase order.
Use this field for products you don't keep in stock. This option is
available only for inventory products.
If a kit A group of stock products organized into a set so as to be sold as a package or suite. In STORIS, you can create hard or soft kits. component with this
box checked appears in a sales order, the system ignores the check.
To apply this functionality to hard-kit masters, use the Product Kit Settings.
If the Special-Ordered field is enabled, this field is inactive.
If you check the box at this field, the program excludes this product
from the Purchase
Order Replenishment process. However, you can override this
restriction via the Include Orderable Products field in the Purchasing
Control Settings.
When you create a purchase order from Sales
Order Entry, if the Buying
Group feature is active (that is, the Activate Buying Group field
is checked in the Purchasing Control Settings), the system does not
specify a buyer and the purchase order is placed on hold. You must
re-access the purchase order later to specify a buyer before the purchase
order can be taken off hold.
For products you create on-the-fly, to specify a default setting for
this field, use the Default
Product Settings.
This field also affects eSTORIS
WMS GroupEnter the WMS
Group (if any) you want to associate with this product. This
field is active only if the Warehouse
Management System (WMS) Interface is active on your system. If WMS
is active, this field is required for all products except non-inventory products.
The paper clip icon appears
on the button bar next to the Actions button. If this icon is active on
a tab ,
it indicates a file
attachment exists for the selected tab
or for an item in
the order related to the selected tab
(for example, a customer
or product). If the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist.
Use this tab to enter additional information for the current product. The active prompts that you defined via User Defined Settings are displayed in the first column of the grid on this screen. In the second column, you can enter responses to any of the prompts listed. In the third column, if there are predefined responses you can click the Select button to specify your response.
You can also use this screen to edit a response. Entries on this screen are for information only; no processing occurs based on this information.
The active user defined prompt codes that you established via User Defined Settings display in this column. Using the next column, you can enter responses to any or all of the settings displayed.
To enter a response to a setting, click in the response column of the corresponding setting and type the response to the setting. To edit a response, click inside the entry box in this column and type in the new response. When finished entering/editing responses to the settings, click the Save button to update.
Click on the Select button to specify a predefined response. If a predefined response does not exist you are warned that the response must be manually entered.