Buying Group Settings


Tabs:  Vendor, Vendor Ship-From, Product

Use this routine to assign purchasing responsibilities to users based on vendor, vendor ship-from, and individual product. In each buying group, you can specify

To activate the Buying Group feature, check the box at the GENERAL - Activate Buying Group field in the Purchasing Control Settings. If you activate this feature, all products added to a purchase order must contain a buyer and they must all contain the same (single) buyer. The system uses the following hierarchy to search for a buyer:

  1. Search the Advanced Product Settings for a buying group. If none is found,

  2. Search the Advanced Product Settings for a Vendor Ship-From address. If found, check the Vendor Ship-From record for a buying group. If none is found,

  3. Search the Advanced Vendor Settings for a buying group.

Once a buying group is established, the system pulls the buyer’s initials from the Buying Group record.

Buying Group



Buyer Initials


Vendor Ship-From

Use this tab to specify one or more ship-from locations for selected vendors in this buying group. The products you select appear in the grid below.




Use this tab to assign one or more products to this buying group. The products you select appear in the grid below.
