Home > Settings > Actions and Field Details > Serial Tracking

Serial Tracking

The following two fields determine your method of serial-tracking products within STORIS:

These two fields provide the following set-up possibilities for serial tracking. Note that options 3 and 4 provide essentially the same functionality.


Inventory Control Settings >

Serial Number Tracking ENABLED

Inventory Control Settings >

Serial Number Tracking NOT ENABLED

Advanced Product Settings >

Serial-Tracked ENABLED

Scenario 1
The system 1) tracks the product throughout the system via its unique serial number; 2) requires you specify the serial number when receiving the product; 3) includes the serial number on the invoice; 4) displays the serial number in the View a Customer's Historical Purchases inquiry.

This process is known as "serial tracking on the way in".


Scenario 2
You are required to enter a serial number for the product when completing the order. During order completion, a grid appears with a serial a number for each product on the order. You can either accept the serial number provided or enter a new one. The system includes the serial number on the completed order, and displays the serial number in the View a Customer's Historical Purchases inquiry. This process is known as "serial tracking on the way out".

Advanced Product Settings >

Serial-Tracked NOT ENABLED

Scenario 3
The system tracks the product internally using a system-assigned serial number. You cannot maintain this serial number.

Scenario 4
The system assigns only a random serial number for purposes of internal tracking, and never prompts the user to enter a serial number.


 When entering serial numbers, if you attempt to enter a restricted character, an error message appears and you must enter a different character.

When a serial-tracked product is returned, the number with which the piece was sold is the number that remains with the piece when returned.

See Also:  Location Tracking