Customer > Customer Service > Settings > Product Information Settings > Product Kit Settings
Customer > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information Settings > Product Kit Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Buyer Tools > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy > Product Information > Product Kit Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy > Product Information > Product Kit Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy > Product Information > Product Kit Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information > Product Kit Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information > Product Kit Settings
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 9 - Merchandise > Product Kit Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Merchandising and Distribution System Settings > Inventory Hierarchy Settings > Product Information Settings > Product Kit Settings
Support Files: Product
Use this program to group products together into selling units called kits. The various components of the kit display in the grid along with the quantity of each component required to complete the kit.
If a customer deletes a soft kit with an associated Web Item Add-On record, the system deletes that record as well.
If a customer removes a product from a soft kit A kit with fewer selling and stocking restrictions than a hard kit, allowing you to treat the components as individual line items. For example, STORIS allows partial shipments of soft kits., the system also removes the product from the Replaced Product field Web Item Add-On Settings, if it exists there for the selected kit.
eSTORIS shopping carts observe the Expand on Web field in this routine.
If the total price of the kit falls below the standard kit price, the ability to use kit prices inactivates for the kit.
If a customer removes a soft kit item from a cart, and that item is a non-expanding kit, the program removes all the components the kit contains.
The program includes web kit additions in kit pricing issues, but does not include kit substitutions.
Web kits on the Wish List page and the first Check Out page function
similarly to web kits on shopping carts.
Enter the code of the kit master product you want to edit. If you click on the Search button, you access the Advanced Product Search for a Product window from which you can choose a kit master product.
To create a new kit master product, you can click the Action button at this field. The Product Settings screen appears. Depending on your Purchasing Control Settings, a product code is automatically generated or you manually assign a product code to the new kit master product.
If you enter a product code that doesn't exist in the system, the program asks if you want to create a new kit master product. If you answer Yes, the Product Settings screen appears in which you can create a new kit master product using the product code you entered.
Click the Arrow button to specify the type of kit you are creating. If you are editing an existing kit, the type displays and you may change it, depending on your settings. Choose one of the following options:
Hard - components cannot be delivered separately.
Soft - components can be delivered separately.
If open orders exist for this kit master product, this field
is inactive.
If you change this setting from Hard to Soft, the program warns that
Soft kit type and Add
to a Purchase Order - From Enter Sales Order; insufficient Component
quantity settings are not compatible and asks if you want to
continue. If you answer Yes, the system removes the check from the
Enter Sales Order... field, deactivates the setting, and allows you
to change the Kit Type to Soft.
To designate the kit as an as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. kit master, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. As-is kits can consist of as-is products as well as special-order products.
This field is active only when:
"Hard" is selected at the Kit Type field,
Add to a Purchase Order - From Enter Sales Order... is NOT checked, and
no open orders exist for the kit.
Click the Arrow button to select the calculation method to use when determining the price of the kit.
If the Kit Type is set to Hard, you have the following options:
Product - Kit selling price is based on the Selling Price in Advanced Product Settings, or can be set in the Selling Price field on this screen. If there is a markdown or promotional price in the Product Settings for the kit master, the overall kit price is affected.
Component - Overall price of the kit is based upon the total of the individual components. You can define each individual selling price in the This Kit $ field on this screen. Additional rules apply to this method of calculating price.
If the Kit Type is set to Soft, you have the following options:
Product - If the Soft Kit Use Lowest Price field in your Point of Sale Control Settings is checked, pricing is based on the total of the prices derived from the pricing hierarchy for all components in the kit. If the control settings field is not checked, the selling price for the kit is determined using the Default Kit Price $ for all components in the kit. Hard Kits can be added as components. Soft kits can also be added as components but they must have the same Source of Price setting.
Component - Overall selling price of the kit is based on the total of the individual This Kit $ for each component. You must specify a total selling price for the kit in the Selling Price field. This is used as a proof amount when assigning the selling price to each component listed in the kit. When adding components to soft kits set to this option, no kits of any kind are allowed to be added as components. Additional rules apply to this method of calculating price.
Kit Package - Use the amount specified at the Selling Price field as the package price for this kit. When the components of the soft kit are exploded onto the order, the selling price for each piece is determined using the cost of each product based on the overall kit price. Hard Kits can be added as components. Soft kits can also be added as components but they must have the same Source of Price setting. Note that STORIS prevents the use of special-order products in kits with a package selling price.
When a kit's pricing is set to Component, it overrides
the Location Selling Price $
in Warehouse Inventory Settings.
The Warehouse Inventory Settings price is used only if the Source
of Price for the kit master is set to Product.
Enter the kit selling price. This price defaults on sales orders.
For soft kits, this field is active only if the Source of Price is set to Component or Kit Package.
For soft kits, STORIS prevents the use of
- promotional pricing (via the Advanced Product
Settings or the Price
Adjustment Settings) for Product or Package priced kits, and
- special-order products
in kits with a package selling price.
With component priced
soft kits, you can specify a promotion code or a promotion date range
and associated promotional prices for any of the components. The promotional
price takes precedence over the component kit selling price if the
date is within the date range specified in the promotion for the
soft kit.
To apply a promotional price to the kit, enter the code of the promotion you established via Price Adjustment Settings. The start and end dates for the promotion, if any, populate the Start and End dates below from the Price Adjustment Settings. Alternately, you can leave this field blank and apply promotional prices to components in this kit using the Promo $ field below.
Promotional pricing takes precedence over the kit price, provided the order date is within the date range specified for the promotion. If you make changes to the start and end dates that populated from the Price Adjustment Settings, a warning that the code is no longer valid is issued. The code is removed from the kit; you can then use the Promo Price $ field to apply a promotional price to components.
For component priced soft kits, only the Start and End dates of the promotion are used. If you enter a code here, it is ignored. You enter the promotional price for each soft kit component using the Promo $ field (see below).
These fields are only active for component priced soft kits. If you enter a Promotion Code, the Start and End dates (if any) fill in from the Price Adjustment Settings. If you change one or both of the dates, the system issues a warning that the promotion code is no longer valid and removes the code.
If you left the promotion code field blank, you can use these fields to establish a date range for the promotional prices you apply to components in this kit. Enter a start and end date for the promotion and then enter the Promo Price $ for the components below. Any valid date in the past or future is acceptable in these fields, provided the start date is less than or equal to the end date. If you enter a Start date, you must also enter an End date, and vice versa.
This display only field shows the total promotional price of the kit. This is determined using the Promo Price $ for all components containing a promotional price or the This Kit $ if the promotional price is blank.
Display all Kit Components on Website
To expand this kit's components when they display on eSTORIS (all components list on the screen), check the box. To "roll up" kit components so only the kit master lists, leave the box blank.
This field is active only for soft kits.
From Enter Sales Order; insufficient Component quantity
This field is available only for hard kit masters. If you check this box, then each time this kit master appears on a sales order, if insufficient quantity exists to fill the order for any component in the kit, the system asks if you want to add the item to a purchase order. If you answer Yes, the system creates a new purchase order. Note that if you check this box, the program excludes this product from the Purchase Order Replenishment process. However, you can override this restriction via the Include Orderable Products field in the Purchasing Control Settings.
Kit number when Printed/e-Transmitted
To include hard kit A kit with selling and stocking restrictions designed to ensure that when ordered, all components of the kit are sold together from the same location. For example, you cannot edit the contents of a hard kit, nor can you substitute components of a hard kit on a sales order. master SKUs on printed and transmitted
purchase orders, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Kit
components appear on purchase orders regardless of how you set this
If you check this field, you can make quantity changes to purchase
orders only on the kit master level. You can make quantity changes
to kit components only when that component has been partially received,
for example to make quantity changes in the event of an over-shipment
or under-shipment.
Kit number on e-Acknowledgements
To include hard kit master SKUs on printed and transmitted purchase order acknowledgements, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Kit components appear on purchase order acknowledgements regardless of how you set this field.
CommentsUse this mandatory field
to enter up to 30 characters of additional information relating to this
kit master. Click the Action button to access the Description
Field - Language Translation Entry screen.
Use this field to indicate the code of the product you are adding to the kit or editing. If you click on the Search button, you access the Search for a Product window, which you can use to identify a product. To edit or remove a product listed in the grid, double-click on it; the product number displays in this field.
When a product is selected, the description and purchasing unit of measurement display from Product Settings.
QuantityEnter the required quantity
of the selected product for this kit.
This field is active for component and product priced soft kits. You can use this field to associate, create, and maintain a product substitution list for this kit component.
If you enter a list ID in this field that does not exist, a message displays and asks if you want to continue. If you answer Yes, the Substitute Product List Settings screen displays, where you can create a new substitution list.
You can enter the ID of an existing list or click the Action button and select Kit Substitution List Lookup to select a list from the lookup window.
If you click the Action button at this field and select Kit Substitution List Settings, you can edit an existing list or create a new one.
The list
you indicate here must have a Kit
Price Source that matches the Source
of Price (Product or
Component) of the soft
kit. The component must exist as
one of the products within the substitution list.
To indicate that the selected product appears in the kit image (if any) appearing on eSTORIS for the selected kit, check the box. If the product does not appear in the image, leave the box blank. This field applies to soft kit components only.
If you check the box at this field, an asterisk (*) appears next to the product name on the Product Display screen on eSTORIS.
This field also exists (labeled "Image Displayed")
in the Web Kit Add-On Settings
as well as on the Product Maintenance screen in eSTORIS.
This field is active for component and product priced soft kits. You can use this field to associate, create, and maintain a product substitution list for this kit component. Enter the list name or click the Action button to access the following options.
This field is used with component priced kits only. When you add a component to the kit, this field populates from the Default Kit Selling Price (if any) or the Selling Price on the Pricing tab of Advanced Product Settings. When a component is selected from the grid, the This Kit Price $ displays here. You can use this field to change the selling price of a component when sold as part of the current kit. This gives you the flexibility to control the margin for each piece when sold in a kit, as gross margin is based on the price in this field.
For component priced hard and soft kits, the sum of the This Kit $ of each component, multiplied by the quantity, is displayed in the Total field. The amount in this field must equal the price defined in the Selling Price in the header portion of this screen. If they do not match and you attempt to save your changes on this screen, a warning message displays and asks if you want to override this mismatch. If you answer Yes, the Selling Price is changed to match the Total amount. If you answer No, you must either adjust the component prices or the Selling Price.
This field is active for component priced soft kits only. You can use this field to enter a promotional price for the selected kit component.
In order to use this promotional pricing in order entry, you must enter Start and End dates in the header section of this screen.
This promotional price takes precedence over the This Kit Price $, provided the order date is within the date range specified.
There is no proof amount for the total of the promotional pricing. The total displays in the Promotional $ field in the header portion of the screen.
The Selling Price of the component product displays from Advanced Product Settings.
This field is populated from the Default Kit Selling Price field on the Pricing tab of Advanced Product Settings. If that field is blank in product settings, the Selling Price is used as the Default $.
For each item in the list of component products, the following additional information displays in the grid. You can add components to the grid at the Product Number field above the grid. You can also edit or delete rows appearing in the grid. To select a row, double-click on it.
Product Number
Unit - the unit of measure designated at the Selling Unit of Measure field on the Miscellaneous tab When a routine is too large to fit on one screen, it is separated into one or more tabs, so called because they resemble the tabs on filing folders. in the Product record.
Selling Price $
Web Image - if the kit component appears in the associated eSTORIS image, Yes appears in this column. Otherwise, the column is blank.
Web Substitution
This Kit Price $
Promo Price $
Default Kit Price $