Kit Creation

STORIS allows you to group one or more stock products into selling groups, for example, dining room sets. Such groups are called kits. When you enter a kit into a sales order, the program creates a line item for each component. The total cost of a kit equals the sum total of the costs of its individual components.

You can specify special kit pricing for

To designate selected products as sellable only in kits, use the Kit Component field on the Settings tab in the Product file.

Kit Masters

Kits are identified in the system by kit masters.  Kit masters are products that have been designated as kit masters via the Product Kit Settings.  You create a kit master and then assign kit components to the kit master. The product you create to be a kit master CANNOT

 The settings for the first three of the above reside on the General tab of Product settings.

Creating Kits

When creating a kit, follow these steps:

  1. Ascertain whether the kit is a hard kit or a soft kit.  

  2. Create a product in the Product file on which to base your kit.  The product name you specify in the Product field is the name you enter into the Kit Master ID field in the next step, and is also the product name you use to identify the kit in the system.

  3. Go to the Product Kit Settings (Kit Master Creation) routine to create your kit master file. Enter the product number from the previous step into the Kit Master ID field. In this routine, you specify kit type (hard or soft) and add the components that make up the kit.

 Kit masters received from purchase orders linked to sales orders must be fully received before they can be delivered.

Linking Warranties to Kits

Note the following when linking warranties to kits.

Purchase Statuses