How do I remove a reservation on a sales order and/or re-assign it to another sales order?
To remove a stock reservation from a sales order, follow these steps.
Access the open order using Enter a Sales Order, and then select the Merchandise page.
Select the product line item for which you are removing the reservation and click the Edit button.
Click the global Actions button to select Additional Line Item Details. Your ability to change the reserved quantity is determined by the Manually reserve stock merchandise setting in the user/user group actions - logistics security. If you do not have permission to change this quantity, the Security Override Screen appears. You must then obtain the initials and password of a user with access in order to proceed.
On the Additional Line Item Details screen, select the Sales Order tab.
Use the Reserved Quantity field to change the number of pieces you want to remain on reservation for this order.
To remove all quantities reserved for this line item, enter zero (0) in the Reserved Quantity field.
To reassign a reservation from one sales order to another, use the Reassign a Sales Reservation entry screen. In this way, you can remove and add a reservation within one entry screen, thus making it a more efficient process.
Once the purchase order is received and items are reserved to the order, the line item links are removed. The line item linked quantities are zeroed out, indicating that the PO quantity needed to fulfill the sale has been received. The order still shows the linkage, but not on the individual line items.
Completed/closed orders cannot be directly updated. However, you can create other transactions to correct errors on completed orders. Below are some examples of how you can update information on a completed order.
To make dollar adjustments to completed orders: Use the Adjust Dollars on a Completed Order program to make debit or credit dollar adjustments to specific completed orders without affecting inventory.
To change any information on a completed order: Use Enter a Return or Enter an Exchange to access the order and complete the return/exchange. Then create and complete a new sales order with the adjusted information (customer, salesperson, product, payment type, etc.). The "new" sales order can be back-dated to the original (incorrect) order, if necessary.
To change the salesperson for a completed order: Use the Enter a Commission Adjustment routine to correct the salespeople associated with an order. Use the Salesperson field on the adjustment screen to edit the salesperson and/or adjust the commission split.
Why is the option to complete the order unavailable?
If you are unable to complete an order, check that the following are true:
A scheduled delivery/pickup date exists on the order.
Merchandise is reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item. to the order.
No credit holds exist for the transaction.
A delivery/pickup ticket has been printed and/or a pick list printed and a pack list processed. (Pick/pack lists are optional.)
Refer to the Order Completion Process topic for steps and further details about this process.
How do I update the Stop Time and Route for an order?
To update the stop time and route for a single order, click the Actions button on the Customer page of the order entry screen and select Customer Order Information. When the Customer Order Information screen displays, click the Shipping tab to access the Logistics field group, where you can edit the route and time for the current order.
Accounting > Receivables > Point of Sale > Enter a Sales Order
Merchandising and Distribution > Logistics > Delivery Processing > Point of Sale > Enter a Sales Order
Customer > Point of Sale > Enter a Sales Order
Customer > Coordination and Logistics > Delivery Processing > Point of Sale > Enter a Sales Order
Page Headings: Step 1 - Customer, Step 2 - Merchandise, Step 3 - Payment
Use this program to: create new sales orders, and edit, view, or delete open sales orders, create a sales quote A sales transaction in which a customer receives a documented selling price for specified merchandise in exchange for the customer's contact information. No merchandise is reserved and no deposits are accepted. (Order Type field) and convert existing quotes to sales orders, convert shopping carts created via the Create/Edit a Shopping Cart routine to sales orders, create layaway A sales transaction in which a customer leaves a deposit to reserve specified merchandise. orders (via the Order Type field) and convert existing layaways to sales orders, and create multi-ship master documents you can use when you want to assign multiple delivery destinations to merchandise from a sales order.
To add or delete line items on orders to which deposits and/or financing
have been applied, user access must be granted via the Delete/Add
line items on transactions with deposits applied field in User/User
Group Sales Security settings. For unqualified users, line items on
such orders are inactive.
If using the Auth/Capture
feature, a "Pending Deposit"
message may appear in the upper-right of the screen for eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store". orders.
Depending on your permissions via Point of Sale User Verification settings
on the Advanced page of Point
of Sale Control Settings, you may be required to enter your user ID
and password in order to create a new order or update an existing one.
If required to enter your credentials, a prompt opens after a new or existing
order number is entered into the Order Number field.
Enter the transaction number for this sales order. If the auto-assign transaction numbers feature is active in the Point of Sale Control Settings, click the Plus button to automatically assign the next sequential number. (If the Plus button is highlighted, you can press Enter to assign the number.)
To view an existing transaction, enter the order number. If you click on the Search button, a menu appears with the following options you can use to locate an existing order:
If you click on the Action button, the Route Calendar window appears, where you can view available delivery dates for a selected zip code or delivery route.
To convert a shopping cart to a sales order, enter the cart number. If a cart contains multiple hard kits, the sales order process creates a line item for each kit A group of stock products organized into a set so as to be sold as a package or suite. In STORIS, you can create hard or soft kits. when you convert the cart to a sales order,
If the Automated & Manual POS Numbers feature
is active in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings you have the option of manually assigning an
order number or letting the system automatically generate a number
for you.
Use this page to identify the customer making the purchase, as well as other information about the transaction such as order type (for example, delivery or take-with).
The type of order defaults from the POS Transactions setting in Point of Sale Control Settings, but if you have permission you can change it. Select the type of order by clicking the Arrow button and choosing one of the following:
Sales Order - Select this option to designate this order as a sales order.
Layaway A sales transaction in which a customer leaves a deposit to reserve specified merchandise. Order - Select this option to designate this order as a layaway order. All products must have a purchase status of A (Active). You cannot add as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. products or kits to layaway orders. You cannot change a layaway order to a sales quote, or vice-versa. To include special-order products on layaway orders, the following must be true:
The Fill Layaway Orders field in the Point of Sale Control Settings must be enabled (checked).
The (Allow) Layaways field in the Special Order Control Settings must be enabled (checked).
Sufficient quantity must exist in inventory.
Items must be reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item. in full before adding them to layaway orders.
Sales Quote A sales transaction in which a customer receives a documented selling price for specified merchandise in exchange for the customer's contact information. No merchandise is reserved and no deposits are accepted. - Select this option to designate this order as a sales quote. A prompt to enter a route may appear depending on your settings for Sales Order Entry - Require Route Code for Sales Quotes located on the Logistics page of Point of Sale Control Settings. To include special-order products, the (Allow) Quotes field in the Special Order Control Settings must be enabled (checked). Products can have a purchase status of A (Active), D (Dropped), or T (Discontinued). You cannot add as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. products or kits to quotes, nor can you add special order items that are obsolete. You cannot change a sales quote to a layaway order, or vice-versa.
Multi Ship Master - Select the Multi Ship Master option to create a master sales document from which you can create multi-ship-to sub-documents. If this option is chosen, the delivery status defaults to CWC (customer will call). Ship-To Sub displays for existing multi-ship-to sub orders.
If you select a type that you do not have security access to create
settings in Sales Security), you must obtain a security
override from an authorized user to process this type of order.
The transaction date displays. For new orders, the current date
defaults. You can change the date by entering a new date directly
or by clicking on the Calendar
Icon to select a date, but the date you specify cannot be a future
date or for a closed period.
Note that only qualified users can backdate orders from an overlap For accounting purposes, STORIS can have only two months open at one time. If you have two months open, the new month is called the overlap month. On the twentieth day of the overlap month, if you have not closed the previous (current) month, STORIS warns you are in "overlap condition".
month back to the previous (current) month. See the Backdate Transactions
field in the Extended
Security settings for more on this restriction.
This field remains active throughout the entry process. You can indicate one or more salespersons on the order. You can enter a salesperson code directly in this field or click the Search button to access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window, where you can make your selections. If you click the Action button, you access the Multiple Salesperson Selection Window, where you can select multiple salespeople. For new orders this field may default, depending on your settings. See the following.
If the Sales Order Salesperson Default field on the Pricing and Commissions page of Point of Sale Control Settings is set to default the salesperson from the current user's login (and the current user is set as a salesperson), the salesperson defaults as soon as the order number is indicated when creating a new order.
If the Sales Order Salesperson Default field in Point of Sale Control Settings is set to default the salesperson from customer settings, the salesperson defaults after the Customer Number is indicated on a new order.
If the Sales Order Salesperson Default field in Point of Sale Control Settings is set to Not To Be Defaulted, the salesperson field does not default on a new order.
If you enter or edit the salesperson field prior to indicating the customer number, that salesperson entry overrides the salesperson associated with the customer and does not change when you enter the customer number.
To edit the Salesperson field, log-on users accessing
an existing order must have permission via the Change
the salesperson indicated on an open transaction setting in
the Extended
Security (Sales) settings.
If you specified a default response for this field at the Point of Sale Defaults, Fulfillment Methods - Sales Orders field on the General page of Point of Sale Control Settings, the default method is automatically selected. If you did not specify a default or to edit this field, click the Arrow button to select one of the following options.
Delivery - regular delivery of merchandise to customer.
Customer Pickup - customer will pick up merchandise at store or warehouse.
Take With - customer takes merchandise with them at time of sale (not available at WMS locations). If insufficient quantity is available at the sell location, the system may attempt to perform an automatic stock adjustment based on the setting at the Auto Adjust Stock on Take-With in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
Direct Ship - merchandise is delivered to customer directly from manufacturer.
Split Ticket - order contains combination of fulfillment methods.
The default location from the log-in
screen appears, if any. You can override the default response.
Enter the code of the selling location
for this transaction.
If you click on the Arrow button, you can choose from the drop-down
list of locations available to you. Note
that here and at any other Location field, the locations you see (that
is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions.
Identify the customer for this order. If your entry is numeric, the system assumes you are entering a customer code. When you enter a valid customer code, additional customer information appears below and you can proceed with the order. If you enter a number that does not exist in the Customer file, a warning message appears. Enter another number.
If your entry includes one or more alpha characters and no numbers (for example, a customer last name), the Customer Name Information Window appears which you use to locate your entry (if it exists) in the system.
To search for an existing customer, click on the Search button to access the Search for a Customer screen from which you can select a customer.
To create a new customer "on-the-fly", click on the Action button to access the Customer Settings. Note that if the Always Search for Customer field is active in the Point of Sale Control Settings, the Search for a Customer screen appears first.
The customers you can access at this and other Customer fields may
be restricted by Regional Processing.
Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension,
Primary Email Address
Once a customer number has been indicated, the full name displays from customer settings. If available, the customer's home telephone number, cell phone number, work telephone number, work extension number, and primary email address display from Customer Settings.
Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code
The customer's billing address displays from Customer Settings. If changing the Shipping Information for this order, you have the option of also changing the Billing Information. (See below)
Name, Home
Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Email Address
Once a customer number has been indicated, the shipping name, phone numbers, and email address display from Customer Settings. If separate shipping information has not been indicated in customer settings, the shipping information and billing information are initially the same when creating a new order. You can enter shipping information for the order by clicking the Actions button and selecting Shipping Information. To select an existing ship-to address, use the Customer Order Information Screen from the Actions button, and select the Deliver To field.
Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code
The customer's shipping address, if any, displays from Customer Settings. If a separate shipping address has not been indicated in customer settings, the shipping information and billing information are initially the same when creating a new order. In either case, you can enter a shipping address for the order by clicking the Actions button and selecting Shipping Information. To select an existing ship-to address, use the Customer Order Information Screen from the Actions button.
If the Multiple
Delivery Dates feature is active on your system, you
can use the Schedule
Delivery Lines option on the Merchandise page's Actions
button to enter multiple delivery dates for this order. If multiple delivery
dates have been defined for this order, Multiple Delivery Dates Defined
displays below the Next Date field.
Enter an estimated or scheduled delivery date for this order. If you click in the Calendar Icon, a calendar appears from which you can select a date. If you click on the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
Note that if you haven't already specified a route code for the order, then when you click on the above options, the Route Code Entry Window appears. Once you specify a route code for the order, the proper routine appears.
If you enter multiple delivery dates for this order, the next delivery date on that list appears in this field and you cannot edit it. As you process each of the multiple delivery dates, the program updates this field with the next available delivery date.
If using the Consolidate Delivery Dates feature, the system checks for other orders scheduled for this customer.
This field is active only if the Fulfillment Method field is set to either Delivery or Split-Ticket, and the Status field is set to either Estimated or Scheduled.
This field is active when the order Fulfillment Method is set to Delivery or Split Ticket. Click the Arrow button to select the delivery status:
Scheduled - delivery date is a scheduled delivery date
Estimated - delivery date is only an estimate
As soon as possible - no delivery date provided at this time
Customer will call - no delivery date provided, customer will call
The default status depends on the Default Delivery Status field on the Logistics page of the Point of Sale Control Settings. To change the Status for the current order, you must have permission via the Change Delivery Status setting in your user settings.
If you select Sales Quote at the Order Type field, the Scheduled
option is not available.
If you enter multiple
delivery dates for this order and then attempt to change the status
to either As Soon As Possible or Customer Will Call, a warning message
appears and the program removes all delivery dates unless you abort
the status change.
For Multi-Ship-To
master documents, you cannot specify a status of Scheduled. The default
status is Customer Will Call.
If you attempt to file an order with a delivery status of Estimated
and a check appears at the Confirm Delivery Status on Save field on
the General page of Point
of Sale Control Settings, a warning message appears with the following
- OK
- return to the General page and change the delivery status to Scheduled
- Ignore
- save the order without changing the delivery status to Scheduled
Enter delivery or pickup instructions here. This field provides for entry of up to two lines at 30 characters each. These instructions appear on printed delivery/pickup tickets. In the case of a direct ship order, these comments are carried forward to the Shipping Instructions section of the purchase order.
To print extended shipping instructions, check the box at this field. The Extended Instructions Text Box appears, via which you can enter additional shipping instructions. If this field defaults to checked, extended instructions exist in the Advanced Customer Settings for the selected customer. To edit existing extended instructions (if any) for this order, click on the Action button. These instructions appear on printed delivery/pickup tickets under the words "Extended Instructions".
Enter an estimated or scheduled pickup date for this order. This field is active only if the Fulfillment Method field is set to either Customer Pickup or Split Ticket, and the Status field is set to either Estimated or Scheduled.
This field is active when the order Fulfillment Method is set to Customer Pickup or Split Ticket. Click the Arrow button to select the pickup status:
Scheduled - pickup date is a scheduled pickup date
Estimated - pickup date is an estimate
As soon as possible - no pickup date provided at this time
Customer will call - no pickup date provided, customer will call
If you select Sales Quote at the Order Type field, the Scheduled option is not available.
Indicate the warehouse or store location where the customer wants to pick up this order. The default location is determined by the Pickup Location field in the Customer Pickup Locations section of the Inventory & Logistics page in Warehouse/Store Location Settings. To select a different location, click the Arrow button and select the location from the list.
At this and any other Location field, the list of locations
available to you may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Right-click menus are user-defined menus available in selected routines. Some of the available options come delivered with STORIS, but you can edit these menus using the Dynamic Escape Settings. If you right-click anywhere on the Customer page, a menu similar to the following appears.
Print Cumulative Sales Order - This option is only active for completed orders. Use this option to print the order and payment information on a single document.
Print Order - This option is only available for completed orders. Select this option to print a copy of the order.
Trade/Designer Information - Enter additional trade designer information, including how the trade discount is to be applied.
View Signature - view customer signature for completed pickup order.
If Signature Capture is active and the customer signature was captured, you can click on this option to view the customer signature signed via the Complete a Pickup without Accessing Order Entry. Note that this option is active only for completed orders for which a pickup ticket has been printed.
Assign Payment Terminal - Select this option to access the EMV Terminal Selection screen, where you can view and edit the current payment terminal assignment.
Use this section to specify the merchandise requested for purchase by the customer. You also specify item quantity and price, as well as the location at which the merchandise is stored and the location from which merchandise is shipped. Note that you must enter some basic information on the Customer page before you can access this page.
If you add a configured
product to an order, the system calculates a price for the total configured
product instead of using the Selling Price from the Product
If you enter a hard kit, the line item displays section lists the hard kit A kit with selling and stocking restrictions designed to ensure that when ordered, all components of the kit are sold together from the same location. For example, you cannot edit the contents of a hard kit, nor can you substitute components of a hard kit on a sales order. master as well as the individual
To sell a "kit A group of stock products organized into a set so as to be sold as a package or suite. In STORIS, you can create hard or soft kits. only"
component product on sales orders in any quantity and apart from their
assigned kit, you must have permission via the User/User
Group extended sales security setting called Sell
kit component products separately from their assigned kit.
Indicate the code of the product being purchased. You can enter the product code or the vendor model number.
The following buttons appear to the right of this field:
Search button - accesses Search for a Product
Action button - accesses a menu with the following options:
- Special Order Sales - create a special order product on-the-fly and/or access the Special Order Configurator screen.
- PreVue Easy Order Configurator
- D-Tools Import - this selection is inactive if the D-Tools Interface module is not active in General System Control Settings.
- Pro Kitchen Import - import product data and populate merchandise lines from spreadsheet provided by Pro Kitchen (3rd party software).
- Choose Substitutions - use to substitute products for components in component or product priced soft kits.
- Flexsteel Import - use to import the Flexsteel XML file.
Camera button - if this button is active, click on it to view a picture of the specified product. If the camera is dimmed, no image exists for the product at this time.
A product's settings in the Direct
Ship section of Advanced
Product Settings as well as the Direct
Shipments section of Point
of Sale Control Settings affect this field.
If the Allow Warranty Only Once Per
Order setting is checked in the Warranty
Category Settings, only one warranty per category is allowed per
open order.
If the
Prompt User in POS setting in Advanced
Product Settings is activated, the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window displays when a product is added to the order.
You can then select one or more prep codes to be associated with the line
item. Please note, if prep codes were defaulted based on the prep code
setting in Advanced Product Settings, those show as already selected in
this screen. The defaulted codes can be deselected if needed.
If inventory
formations have been associated with the product entered, the Related
Product Selection screen displays when you click the Add button to
add the product to the order.
Enter the order quantity for the selected product. Click the Action button to link an open purchase order to the line item. The Purchase Order Reservations Screen opens, provided the screen is active via the Sales Order Linkage Access field in Purchasing Control Settings.
If multiple delivery dates exist for the line item and you edit this field, the Update Line Item Delivery Dates opens.
When adding a soft kit to an order, the Quantity prompt may be enabled
or disabled, depending on your SOFT KIT – Allow Quantity Ordered Greater
Than One setting in Point
of Sale Control Settings.
ordered quantity on the sales order displays as individual sales order
lines each with a quantity of 1 if:
-the Daily
Discount Schedule contains a discount that
is set as either Apply
to Additional Item of Equal or Greater Value (BOGO) or Apply to Additional
-the Pricing and Commissions page of Point
of Sale Control Settings has the Discounts - Set Ordered Quantity
to 1 to Ensure Optimal Discounting if Required by the Daily Discount
Schedule check box checked. Once the quantity has been applied as
individual sales order lines, the quantity cannot be changed and additional
quantities must be added as a new line.
Non-inventory merchandise can be sold as a partial unit. This can be
done by setting a Conversion Unit in the Miscellaneous page of Advanced Product
The quantity ordered that is available at the stock location is displayed.
The selling price of one unit of the product is displayed. You can override the default selling price for this sale; note that this action inactivates the Discount Code field. If you have selected a discount code that has the Line Discounts - Apply to Suggested Retail Price setting in Sales Discount Settings enabled, the SRP is displayed. Click the Action button for the following options:
Remove Price Override and Discounts - Use this action to remove a price override as well as any discounts from a specific line item. To remove all price overrides for the entire order, use the Remove All Price Overrides and Discounts option from the global Actions button.
Once the price is overridden, the
Discount Code field becomes
inactive. If the Unit Price is changed after a Discount Code is entered,
a warning appears and the discount code is removed; the Unit Price
remains updated.
The variance between an entered price and the default price is evaluated
when the line item is added to the order. If the variance exceeds
the percent defined in the Price Variance Hierarchy, the Exceeds
Variance Alert, Reason Required
and/or Comment Required settings
are enforced. The hierarchy checks theses settings in the following
order: Advanced
Product Settings, Warehouse/Store
Location Settings, Point
of Sale Control Settings. If the Comment Required setting is enabled,
the Enter
Exception Comments screen appears.
In this field, the program displays the price multiplied by the quantity ordered, less any discount amount.
Indicate the code of the sales discount you want to apply to this line item. Click the Arrow button to choose a discount code from the list of available discount codes. This field is inactive if the merchandise price was overridden in the Unit Price field.
any inventory formations associated with the product,
discount codes available to the current selling location, and/or
discount codes only available for As-Is/Saleable merchandise.
To enter multiple discounts for this line item, click the Action button and select the Enter Multiple Discounts Per Line.
If the discount code you select is set as an Amount type discount and is set to allow an override, the Override Discount Amount window appears. You can accept or override a defaulted amount, or enter the amount when a default does not exist. You can access the Override Discount Amount window for an existing discount by clicking the Action button and selecting Override Discount Amount.
field is active only if the product is set as Discountable in the
Product record and the DISCOUNTS -
Apply Discount Codes to Individual Line Items field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings is checked.
To edit this field, you must have access via the "Access sales
order line discounts" user
security setting or via a security override by an authorized user.
The ability to apply a discount to a quote prior to the starting date
of an advertised sale depends on the Sales Quote Starting Date field
in Sales Discount Settings.
If a Discount Code is applied before changing the Unit Price, a warning
message appears and the Discount Code is removed; the Unit Price remains
If you are selling an As-Is piece (As-Is box is
checked on this screen) the discounts that appear as available in the
drop-down list at this field may be affected by restrictions. Discounts
with one or more Reason Code(s) indicated in Sales
Discount Settings are only available for selection if the reason code
assigned to the piece associated with this order line matches a reason
code in the discount's settings.
Since these
types of discounts can only be applied to merchandise with an As-Is reason
code, the discount is not available for selection until you designate
the merchandise line As-Is and select the As-Is piece. Once
the piece has been assigned, all discount codes that contain that reason
code and meet all other requirements are available for selection at this
If a discount has been applied to the line item, the calculated or fixed discount amount displays here.
The fulfillment method defaults from the Customer page. If you specify Sales Order at the Order Type field, you can edit this field for a selected line item. You have the following options:
Customer Pickup
Direct Shipment
You cannot edit this field if the order is a quote, layaway, or multi-ship master. For Split Ticket order types, use this field to specify the line type. To convert all delivery lines on the order to a pickup or all pickup lines to a delivery, use the Convert Delivery/Pickup Lines options on the Actions button menu.
A product's settings in the Direct
Ship section of Advanced
Product Settings as well as the Direct
Shipments section of Point
of Sale Control Settings affect this field.
The default stock location is determined by first checking the Stock Location settings in the Inventory & Logistics page in Warehouse/Store Location Settings. If the Use POS Control Settings field is enabled for the selling location, the default stock location defers to the settings in the General page of Point of Sale Control Settings.
Here and at any other Location field, the list of locations
available to you may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
The product's brand displays from the product settings.
The default ship-from location appears. You can edit the default for individual line items by clicking the Arrow button and selecting another ship location. Note that for multi-ship-to master documents, the ship location defaults and you cannot edit it. Changing the ship location for one line also changes the ship location of all other lines with that same fulfillment method. For example, if an order with 2 delivery lines and 1 pickup line has a ship location of 00, changing one of the delivery lines to ship location 21 causes both delivery lines to change to ship location 21, while the pickup line retains the original 00 ship location.
For pickup and take-with orders, the ship location defaults from the Pickup Location field on the Customer page. If you edit this field, the Pickup Location field reflects the change.
The ship location can be the same as the stock Location. If you specify a location different from the stock location, and the Auto Schedule Days field is set in the Point of Sale Control Settings, the system creates an automatic transfer for the line item.
Here and at any other Location field, the list of locations
available to you may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
If a purchase order has been created for this product, the purchase order number displays here.
This field indicates whether or not the product being purchased is a special order product.
Use this field to indicate when the current line item is being delivered. Click the calendar icon to select a date from the drop-down calendar. Only dates for which there is available route capacity are eligible for selection.
If you click the Action button at this field, the following options appear:
Override Route Capacity Date - Use this option to select a date outside of the available delivery dates for a route that is otherwise full, thus overriding the route capacity date. If you do not have permission to override the route capacity date, a prompt appears to allow a user who has permission to enter their credentials. Permission to override the route capacity date is found at the Override capacities when scheduling routes that are full in Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security.
Select a Delivery Date - Use this option to select one of the delivery dates currently on the order.
Update Line Item Delivery Dates - This option is active if: 1) the "DELIVERY DATES - Allow multiple on order line" setting is checked in your Point of Sale Control Settings OR 2) the order line you are maintaining currently has multiple delivery dates. Use this option to select multiple delivery dates for the same line item.
Whether this field is active or inactive depends on several factors.
here for more detail.
When initially adding a product to the order, the Fulfillment Date
field is inactive. All line items should be added to the order before
scheduling individual line items. Otherwise, the first delivery date
you enter for a line item becomes the default date for any subsequent
line items you add to the order.
This date displays by default if your Point of Sale Control Settings "ATP CALCULATION - Default display of ATC date in Point of Sale" field is not checked. This is a display-only field that provides the calculated date of availability for the selected line item. If the line item is reserved in full, the current date displays. If the line is not reserved in full, the next projected date of availability, as determined by the ATP calculation, is displayed.
If your Point of Sale Control Settings "DELIVERY DATES - Restrict based on available date" field is checked, a security override is required to perform the following:
Schedule a line item for a date earlier than that line's Available to Promise Date.
Schedule an order for a date earlier than the Available to Promise Date for any of the order's line items.
To toggle the view to display the Available to Customer Date, click
the Actions button at the top of the screen and select Toggle Display
of ATP/ATC Dates.
This date displays by default if your Point of Sale Control Settings "ATP CALCULATION - Default display of ATC date in Point of Sale" field is checked. This is a display-only field that provides the calculated date of availability for the selected line item. The date is based on both merchandise availability as well as delivery route capacities.
The system selects either the first open date on the order's route or the delivery date on the line (if the order is scheduled).
If the line item is reserved in full, the current date displays. If the line is not reserved in full, the next projected date of availability, as determined by the calculation, is displayed.
If your Point of Sale Control Settings "DELIVERY DATES - Restrict based on available date" field is checked, a security override is required to perform the following:
Schedule a line item for a date earlier than that line's Available to Customer Date.
Schedule an order for a date earlier than the Available to Customer Date for any of the order's line items.
To toggle the view to display the Available to Promise Date, click
the Actions button at the bottom of the screen and select Toggle Display
of ATP/ATC Dates.
To skip the calculation of the ATP date, do NOT check any of the following
ATP Calculation settings in your Point
of Sale Control Settings: Include New Purchase Orders, Include
Stock Transfers, Include Unlinked Purchase Orders.
If you are not set up to calculate the ATP date via these settings,
the following information is not shown on this screen.
-The Available
to Promise Date and Available to Customer Date fields
(above) - neither the labels nor data are displayed.
-The ATP Date in the line item display - this information is
not included in the line item display section.
-The option called Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates is not listed
on the Actions menu.
To select an as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. piece
from inventory for purchase, check this box. If no as-is inventory
exists for the specified product at the specified storage location,
a message appears. You can select another product (click on Clear
first to clear the existing product from the Product field) and/or
storage location. If an as-is product does exist, you can click on
the Search button to access the View
As-Is Product Details inquiry for the selected product, where
you can view as-is inventory quantities at various locations. When
you check the As-Is box, the system activates the Serial/Reference
Number field and you must then specify a serial/reference number to
identify the as-is product.
If the product you specify at the Product field is an as-is kit A group of stock products organized into a set so as to be sold as a package or suite. In STORIS, you can create hard or soft kits.
master, you must also check the box at this field and then specify
a reference number for the kit master. However, you cannot access
this field unless all the components of the as-is kit exist at the
storage location specified at the Stock Location prompt. Note that
you cannot use as-is products or kits in quote A sales transaction in which a customer receives a documented selling price for specified merchandise in exchange for the customer's contact information. No merchandise is reserved and no deposits are accepted.s
or layaway A sales transaction in which a customer leaves a deposit to reserve specified merchandise.s.
To sell floor sample items, you must have access via the Sell designated floor sample merchandise
field in the User/User
Group settings.
If Serial Tracking is active, and you check the box at the As-Is field, use this field to select the serial/reference numbers of the specific as-is pieces you are adding to this order. Click the Search button to access the following options.
Following entry of the product information, click the Save + Add Another button to add this item to the order and reset the product entry fields so another product can be entered. If this is a direct-ship order (Fulfillment Method = Direct Shipment), the Purchase Order Linkage Detail Maintenance screen appears, where you can edit the Scheduled Delivery Date, Vendor, and Purchase Order linking information.
Following entry of the product information, click the Save button to add this item to the order and list all products on the order in the Line Item Display section.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated. When the product information has been entered, click Save + Add Another to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click Save to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item, along with information for that item, contained within its own row. Rows cannot be edited directly; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove button to delete the row from the order.
Product, Description, Fulfillment Method, *Status, Quantity Ordered, Quantity Reserved, Discount Code, Discount Amount, Unit Price, Extended Price. *Any one of the following can appear in the Status field:
A – As Is
C – Linked to a COM (customer's own materials) A STORIS feature allowing customers to add their own materials when creating special order items.
H – Line on Hold - items on hold are not shipped, regardless of reservation or assignment. For example, if there are 5 items on an order but 3 are on Hold, no more than 2 (order quantity minus hold quantity) are shipped.
L – Line-item comments exist
P – Linked to a PO
S – Linked to an open service order
T – Linked to a transfer
U -Unscheduled; used with the Multiple Delivery Dates feature and with orders with a single delivery date to indicate that some quantity of the item is currently unscheduled
W – Linked warranty
Click to display additional information about the product on that line. Information displays from product settings and from the order and cannot be edited directly in the line item display section. The following additional information fields appear: Second Description, Vendor Model Number, Special Order Information, Fulfillment Date, Available to Promise Date/Available to Customer Date, Quantity Assigned, Purchase Order Number, Regular Selling Price, Suggested Retail Price, and Extended Suggested Retail Price.
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
After adding an item to the order, the line is checked to ensure the route
capacity has not been exceeded. If exceeded, a warning displays "Route
X is full for MM/DD/YYYY. Do you wish to override the capacity limit?".
If Yes is selected, the capacity limit is overridden, which requires permission
found in "Override capacities when scheduling routes that are full"
in Create
a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security; if No is selected, the
line is added to the line item display as unscheduled. The warning appears
every time merchandise is added or changed that causes an increase to
route capacity. If the added or changed merchandise reduces the already
exceeded route capacity, no warning appears, even if the reduction still
results in over capacity.
If the DELIVERY DATES - Select After Entering Merchandise field in your
of Sale Control Settings is checked, then when you leave the Merchandise
page, the Select
a Fulfillment Date screen appears provided the following is true.
1) You must have one or more lines of merchandise on the order.
2) The delivery or pickup status is NOT As Soon As Possible or Customer
Will Call.
3) You have not entered delivery dates for any of the line items.
If the DELIVERY DATES - Consolidate Multiple Orders field in your Point
of Sale Control Settings is checked, and you have other orders of
the same delivery type, the system prompts you to use the same date as
those orders. If you do not have this setting checked or are not consolidating
orders, you are prompted to use the Select
a Fulfillment Date screen.
Right-Click Menu
Right-click menus are user-defined menus available in selected routines. The options listed below come delivered with STORIS, but you can edit these menus using the Dynamic Escape Settings.
Click the Actions button to display a menu of options.
Enter a Discount on Multiple Lines - Select this option to apply a discount to all eligible lines.
Remove All Price Overrides - You can use this action to remove all price overrides from all line items at the same time. To remove an override on a specific line item; use the Action button at the Price $ field.
Start Automated Line Discounting - This action applies the discounts using the daily discount schedule and starts the Auto-Apply process. If you make changes while the Auto-Apply process is running, the discounts are refreshed, which means that all existing discounts are discarded and reapplied using the daily discount schedule.
Suspend Automated Line Discounting - Remove Discounts - This action removes all line discounts from the order and suspends the Auto-Apply process.
Suspend Automated Line Discounting - Retain Discounts - This action requires that the Sales Security setting Discounts - Suspend Automated Line Discounting while Retaining Discounts is enabled for the user. This action suspends the Auto-Apply process while retaining the discounts on the order. This allows the user to make modifications to the sales order while retaining the current discounts.
Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates - Use this option to change the field label from Available to Customer Date to Available to Promise Date and vice versa. This also changes the ATP/ATC Date column label in the line item display accordingly.
View Discount Schedule Applied to this Order - Select this option to view a read-only version of the discount schedule for the order.
View Order Discounts - View a ledger of how line discounts have been applied to the order.
Use this page to establish payment and finalize the sales order. The order is finalized once Save is clicked.
If the Require Additional Comment on Sales Order setting is enabled on
the General page of Point
of Sale Control Settings, you are prompted to enter comments in the
Enter Additional
Comments window. This window does not appear if comments have already
been entered in the Additional
Comments window accessed through the Actions button on the Customer
page of this process.
The customer's name displays from the Customer page of the order.
Enter a single coupon code or click the Action button at the Discount Code field to access the Enter Subtotal Discount Codes screen, where you can select multiple discount codes and/or sales coupons.
Use this field to apply discounts to the order subtotal via discount codes and sales coupons. This type of discount is applied to the order subtotal, rather than individual line items. If the discount code you select is set as an Amount type discount and is set to allow an override, the Override Discount Amount window appears. You can accept or override a defaulted amount, or enter the amount when a default does not exist. Click the Arrow button at this field to select a discount code or click the Action button to access these options:
Discount Codes - select multiple codes and/or enter a sales coupon.
Override Discount Amount - select this option to access the override discount amount window for an existing discount.
To edit this field, you must have access via your Sales
security user settings or via entry of a security override from
an authorized user. This field is active only if DISCOUNTS -
Apply Discount Codes to Subtotal field is checked on the Pricing
and Commissions tab of Point
of Sale Control Settings.
The system prevents you from entering a total discount percent that
exceeds the maximum percent specified at the Maximum
Subtotal Discount % field in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
The ability to apply a discount to a quote prior to the starting date
of an advertised sale depends on the Sales
Quote Starting Date field in Sales
Discount Settings.
A prompt may appear confirming that the discount(s) applied are reduced
to the subtotal amount if the DISCOUNTS
- Reduce Subtotal Discount Amount when it exceeds the Open Order Subtotal
field is checked in the Pricing and Commissions tab of Point of Sale
Control Settings.
If a subtotal discount has been applied via discount code, the amount of the discount displays here.
Use the next two fields to apply an additional discount to the total merchandise amount of this order. You can enter a dollar amount or a percentage of the subtotal to determine the discount amount. Click here for more information about applying subtotal discounts.
Enter a percentage into this field to apply a discount that is calculated as a percentage of the subtotal amount.
To enter a fixed amount to be applied as a discount to the subtotal amount, enter the dollar amount here.
The calculated delivery charge from the Delivery
Company Settings defaults. This amount can be $0.00. To
edit this field, you must have access via Override
System Calculated Delivery Charges or via entry of a security
override from an authorized user.
Enter the amount (if any) you want to apply to this order to cover
delivery expenses. This field is active only if the order includes
one or more of the following line item types:
direct-ship (provided the Direct-Ship Delivery Charges field is active in the Point of Sale Control Settings).
For orders that contain both a delivery item and a direct-ship
item, this field may still be inactive. If so, you can use the
Delivery Charges option on the Actions button of the Payments
tab to apply delivery charges (provided the Direct-Ship Delivery Charges
field is active in the Point of Sale Control Settings.)
For split orders, the system
applies the full delivery charge during the initial release for completion
of the order. That is, even if only a portion of the order is for
delivery, the system still calculates delivery charges based on the
entire order. You can override this amount.
To automatically recalculate delivery charges on existing orders, use
the Automatic
Delivery Charge Calculation Feature.
CHARGES - Prompt for Reason Code if Overridden setting is enabled
the Enter
Reason Code window displays and you must enter a reason code.
Installation ChargeEnter
the installation charge (if any) you want to add to the order total.
If any miscellaneous fees were applied to the order, the total amount displays here.
If this is a taxable sale, a running total of calculated sales tax displays for the current order.
Use this field to enter the deposit payment type. Either enter the type directly into the field or click on the Action button to access the Payment Summary Window in order to enter deposits for this order. If you enter a valid payment type into this field, the associated payment entry screen appears into which you can enter the payment.
ability to enter deposits as cash, check, third-party-financed, credit
card, or gift certificate depends on various system settings.
After you enter a payment via order entry, the payment amount becomes
a deposit liability. The deposit remains linked to that order
through order completion. For open or deleted orders, you can
use the Deposit
Maintenance screen, available from Actions on the Payment
Summary screen to
- move the deposit to other open orders,
- put the amount on-account, or
- refund the amount through accounts payable.
If a pre-authorized deposit is used as payment, financing cannot be
used. The Financing - Payment Type Code field becomes inactive.
After the Payment Type Code for this Payment section has been specified, the total amount to be refunded to the customer appears in this read-only field.
Use this field to finance the order. Enter the payment type in this field. To select from a list of valid Financing Payment Plan Settings (third-party payment type) codes, Installment Receivables Payment Plan Settings, or Revolving Payment Plan Settings codes, click on the Search button.
If the Require Credit Application field in Credit Application Control Settings is checked, the system determines if a valid credit application exists for the customer. If not, a warning is issued and you are prevented from entering the financing payment type until a credit application is entered for the customer. To enter a financing, installment, or revolving credit application, click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen and select Finance Credit Application.
Once you select the payment type, you access either the Finance Receivable Entry Screen, Revolving Worksheet (Short), Revolving Worksheet (Full), or Installment Worksheet, depending on the type of financing (third-party finance, installment, or revolving) and your control settings.
Once an amount has been financed, you can click the Action button at the Payment Type Code field and select Financing Entry to access the Finance Receivable Entry, Installment Worksheet, or Revolving Worksheet window. For unapproved third-party financing, you can change the Account Number, Insurance, and Amount fields and enter an Authorization Number. If an Authorization Number was previously entered, you cannot edit the financing information. For revolving financing, you can change the Insurance code, Finance amount, and Payment amount, if applicable.
If the Required Percentage Paid before Add-on Allowed field in Revolving Receivables Payment Plans is set to a value greater than zero, a window appears with what the plan balance must be before add-ons are allowed. In order for a user to override the required percentage restriction, they must have access via the Revolving Worksheet; Override Required Percentage Paid for Add-on field in Receivables Security or obtain an security override by an authorized user.
If you enter a revolving plan manually
and the system determines it is not eligible, an error message displays
giving you the option to review the plan requirements. You can
click yes to view the message(s) in the Revolving
Plan Restriction Results window or click No to return to the payment
This field is inactive if pre-authorized deposit is used as payment.
After the Payment Type Code for this Financing section has been specified, the total amount to be financed displays in this read-only field.
Select the code of the current marketing promotion (if any) you want to apply to this sales order. This field is active only if the First Marketing Code field in the Point of Sale Control Settings is set to either Optional or Mandatory. Click the Search button to select a code from the Read-Only Lookup Window. Note that this lookup listing may be restricted by activation/expiration dates established in Marketing Code Settings.
Select the code of the additional marketing promotion (if any) you want to apply to this sales order. This field is active only if the Second Marketing Code field in the Point of Sale Control Settings is set to either Optional or Mandatory. Click the Search button to select a code from the Read-Only Lookup Window. Note that this lookup listing may be restricted by activation/expiration dates established in Marketing Code Settings.
The total dollar amount displays for the merchandise ordered, before tax and discount amounts are applied.
To discount line item prices by adjusting the subtotal amount, enter the new subtotal amount in this field. With this type of discount, the line items are re-priced to total the newly adjusted subtotal amount.
This field is only available for change if, on the Pricing and Commissions tab in the Point of Sale Control Settings the DISCOUNTS - Apply to Sales Order by Adjusting Subtotal Amount option is enabled and the Maximum Subtotal Discount % field is set to zero or null.
If the order
has an applied Sales
Discount or Sales
Coupon, and the order subtotal is now less than the minimum required
subtotal amount established in the discount code or sales coupon,
a message displays. The message states that the subtotal is below
the minimum but you can continue saving the order provided you have
permission via the Override the Minimum Purchase Requirements on Discounts
security, or have obtained an override from a user with this security
The total of discounts, if any, being applied to the subtotal via discount codes and/or an additional amount/percentage is displayed.
The total amount of all the fields shown in the Charges and Fees section of this screen automatically appears here.
This field displays a running total of merchandise on the order, including discounts applied and additional charges (for example, sales tax, delivery, installation charges). This total does not include deposits or financed amounts.
If you click the Action button at this field, you access the Adjust the Net Total screen, where you can enter a new Net Total amount (a.k.a. "Out The Door" total), provided you have the proper security.
Only users with sales security access
via the Change
the Net Total on Sales Orders user/user group setting can access
the Adjust
the Net Total screen to make changes. If you do not have the necessary
security, the Security
Override Screen appears when you click the Action button at this
Net Total field. You must obtain clearance from a user with the security
setting enabled in order to change the Net Total amount.
Adjusting the net total and applying sales
coupons is mutually exclusive. If you apply discount codes or
sales coupons, and then you adjust the net total, the sales discount
codes or sales coupons are cleared and no longer apply to the order.
If a sales coupon is removed, the redeemed flag for the coupon is
The total of deposits/payments applied to this order is displayed.
The total amount due on this order displays here. The following equation calculates the balance due:
(total order amount) - (deposits and/or financing amounts)
To print a delivery ticket for this order, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. This field is active only if the following are true:
The Prompt for Ticket Print field in the Point of Sale Control Settings is set to Delivery Only, or Both.
The delivery status is Scheduled.
The delivery date is within the Delivery Lead Days defined in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
At least one item on the order is reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item..
The order is not on credit hold.
The order does not have an open balance exceeding the amount in the Maximum Balance field in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
The Print a Delivery Ticket Within POS Entry field on the Logistics
tab in the User File Extended Security routine restricts unauthorized
users from accessing this field.
To print a pickup ticket for this order, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. This field is active only if the following are true:
The Prompt Ticket Print in Order Entry field on the Logistics tab in the Point of Sale Control Settings is set to either "Pickups Only" or "Deliveries and Pickups".
The delivery status is Scheduled.
The pickup date is within the Delivery Lead Days (Inventory tab of the Point of Sale Control Settings), or is equal to the current system date, depending on the Customer Pickups for Today field (Printed Documents tab of the Point of Sale Control Settings).
At least one item on the order is reserved.
The order is not on credit hold.
The order does not have an open balance exceeding the amount in the Maximum Balance field (Deposits tab of Accounts Receivable Control Settings).
The Print a Customer Pickup Ticket
Within POS Entry field on the Logistics
tab in the User Extended Security routine restricts unauthorized
users from accessing this field.
When printing a single ticket for an RF bar code Radio Frequency (RF) Bar Code - an inventory bar code scanning process in which you scan labels using an RF scanning device and update STORIS in real time without having to return to a port or station. STORIS also provides other scanning processes called batch bar code and store bar code.
location with Picking
active, the system adds the products to RF Picking so bar code users
can pick them that day.
Once the items are in picking status, you cannot change the delivery/pickup
status, route/truck code, and delivery/pickup date fields on the order.
If changes are required, use the Remove
Items From Picking (Radio Frequency) routine to remove the picking
status and then access the order to make your changes to delivery/pickup
status, route/truck code, and delivery/pickup date.
Use Configure
Document Signature Capture and Configure
Document Archive to establish parameters for capturing electronic
signatures and business document archiving, respectively. If these
features are enabled and the appropriate signature capture hardware
exists, the signature capture ceremony is launched and this signed
business document is archived.
Direct ship orders cannot be completed if the order contains a linked
PO on hold. For split-ticket orders containing direct ship items,
the direct ship items cannot be completed if any one of them contains
a linked PO on hold.
Use this field to submit the order, or a portion of the order, for completion.
If completion is not available, the option text changes to Not Available and the field is not active. If completion is available, the drop-down menu displays the below options. Note that the options that actually display depend on the order type.
Do Not Complete
Take-With - If this option is available, it is the default option and the field cannot be edited.
This field is active only if:
the SALES ORDER ENTRY - Allow Completion After Print Ticket field on the Logistics tab of Point of Sale Control Settings is active,
at least one of the above completion types is available for this order,
for Delivery and Pickup types, a delivery/pickup ticket has been printed for the order, or either of the above Print Ticket fields is active and checked,
for Delivery types only, the Assign Specific Pieces Event field on the Inventory tab of Point of Sale Control settings is set to Ticket Print.
If all pieces for a selected completion type are not available
for printing and therefore not available for completion, the system
completes only the qualified pieces and back-orders the rest.
For deliveries and customer pick-ups, this field is inactive for orders
with a ship-from location for which the WMS
Interface active.
Before releasing an order for completion,
the system checks that the following are true:
- A scheduled delivery/pickup date
exists on the order.
- Merchandise is reserved to the order.
- No credit
holds exist for the transaction.
- A delivery/pickup ticket has been
printed or a pick list printed and a pack list processed.
Right-click menus are user-defined menus available in selected routines. The options listed above come delivered with STORIS, but you can edit these menus using the Dynamic Escape Settings.
COD Worksheet - this option is available only for delivery orders that include a debit exchange.
Finance Application - submit a revolving or financing application
Multiple Delivery Charges - apply delivery charges to direct-ship items.
Remove Delivery Override Flag - recalculate delivery/pickup charges