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Enter a Sales Order


Page Headings:  Step 1 - Customer, Step 2 - Merchandise, Step 3 - Payment

Use this program to: create new sales orders, and edit, view, or delete open sales orders, create a sales quote (Order Type field) and convert existing quotes to sales orders, convert shopping carts created via the Create/Edit a Shopping Cart routine to sales orders, create layaway orders (via the Order Type field) and convert existing layaways to sales orders, and create multi-ship master documents you can use when you want to assign multiple delivery destinations to merchandise from a sales order.

To add or delete line items on orders to which deposits and/or financing have been applied, user access must be granted via the Delete/Add line items on transactions with deposits applied field in User/User Group Sales Security settings. For unqualified users, line items on such orders are inactive.

If using the Auth/Capture feature, a "Pending Deposit" message may appear in the upper-right of the screen for eSTORIS orders.

Depending on your permissions via Point of Sale User Verification settings on the Advanced page of Point of Sale Control Settings, you may be required to enter your user ID and password in order to create a new order or update an existing one. If required to enter your credentials, a prompt opens after a new or existing order number is entered into the Order Number field.

Order Number

Step 1 - Customer

Use this page to identify the customer making the purchase, as well as other information about the transaction such as order type (for example, delivery or take-with).

Basic Information

Order Type




Fulfillment Method


Customer Information

Customer Number

Billing Information

Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Primary Email Address

Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code

Shipping Information

Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Email Address

Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code

Fulfillment Information

Delivery Information

If the Multiple Delivery Dates feature is active on your system, you can use the Schedule Delivery Lines option on the Merchandise page's Actions button to enter multiple delivery dates for this order. If multiple delivery dates have been defined for this order, Multiple Delivery Dates Defined displays below the Next Date field.

Next Date



Print Detailed Instructions

Pickup Information



Pickup Location

Step 2 - Merchandise

Use this section to specify the merchandise requested for purchase by the customer. You also specify item quantity and price, as well as the location at which the merchandise is stored and the location from which merchandise is shipped. Note that you must enter some basic information on the Customer page before you can access this page.

If you add a configured product to an order, the system calculates a price for the total configured product instead of using the Selling Price from the Product File.

If you enter a hard kit, the line item displays section lists the hard kit master as well as the individual components.

To sell a "kit only" component product on sales orders in any quantity and apart from their assigned kit, you must have permission via the User/User Group extended sales security setting called Sell kit component products separately from their assigned kit.  


 If the Prompt User in POS setting in Advanced Product Settings is activated, the Multiple Selection Lookup Window displays when a product is added to the order. You can then select one or more prep codes to be associated with the line item. Please note, if prep codes were defaulted based on the prep code setting in Advanced Product Settings, those show as already selected in this screen.  The defaulted codes can be deselected if needed.

If inventory formations have been associated with the product entered, the Related Product Selection screen displays when you click the Add button to add the product to the order.

Quantity Ordered

Quantity Available

Unit Price

Extended Price

Discount Code

If you are selling an As-Is piece (As-Is box is checked on this screen) the discounts that appear as available in the drop-down list at this field may be affected by restrictions. Discounts with one or more Reason Code(s) indicated in Sales Discount Settings are only available for selection if the reason code assigned to the piece associated with this order line matches a reason code in the discount's settings.

Since these types of discounts can only be applied to merchandise with an As-Is reason code, the discount is not  available for selection until you designate the merchandise line As-Is and select the As-Is piece. Once the piece has been assigned, all discount codes that contain that reason code and meet all other requirements are available for selection at this field.

Discount Amount

Fulfillment Method

Stock Location


Ship Location

Purchase Order Number

Special Order

Fulfillment Date

Available to Promise Date

Available to Customer Date

To skip the calculation of the ATP date, do NOT check any of the following ATP Calculation settings in your Point of Sale Control Settings: Include New Purchase Orders, Include Stock Transfers, Include Unlinked Purchase Orders.

If you are not set up to calculate the ATP date via these settings, the following information is not shown on this screen.  
 -The Available to Promise Date and Available to Customer Date fields (above) - neither the labels nor data are displayed.
  -The ATP Date in the line item display - this information is not included in the line item display section.
 -The option called Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates is not listed on the Actions menu.


Serial/Reference #

Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.

Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.

After adding an item to the order, the line is checked to ensure the route capacity has not been exceeded. If exceeded, a warning displays "Route X is full for MM/DD/YYYY. Do you wish to override the capacity limit?". If Yes is selected, the capacity limit is overridden, which requires permission found in "Override capacities when scheduling routes that are full" in Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security; if No is selected, the line is added to the line item display as unscheduled. The warning appears every time merchandise is added or changed that causes an increase to route capacity. If the added or changed merchandise reduces the already exceeded route capacity, no warning appears, even if the reduction still results in over capacity.

If the DELIVERY DATES - Select After Entering Merchandise field in your Point of Sale Control Settings is checked, then when you leave the Merchandise page, the Select a Fulfillment Date screen appears provided the following is true.

1) You must have one or more lines of merchandise on the order.
2) The delivery or pickup status is NOT As Soon As Possible or Customer Will Call.
3) You have not entered delivery dates for any of the line items.  

If the DELIVERY DATES - Consolidate Multiple Orders field in your Point of Sale Control Settings is checked, and you have other orders of the same delivery type, the system prompts you to use the same date as those orders. If you do not have this setting checked or are not consolidating orders, you are prompted to use the Select a Fulfillment Date screen.  

Step 3 - Payment

Use this page to establish payment and finalize the sales order. The order is finalized once Save is clicked.

If the Require Additional Comment on Sales Order setting is enabled on the General page of Point of Sale Control Settings, you are prompted to enter comments in the Enter Additional Comments window. This window does not appear if comments have already been entered in the Additional Comments window accessed through the Actions button on the Customer page of this process.

Customer Name


Coupon ID

Discount Code

Discount Amount

Additional Discounts

Use the next two fields to apply an additional discount to the total merchandise amount of this order. You can enter a dollar amount or a percentage of the subtotal to determine the discount amount. Click here for more information about applying subtotal discounts.

Discount %

Discount Amount

Charges and Fees

Delivery Charge

Installation Charge

Miscellaneous Fees

Sales Tax



Payment Type Code

Total Deposit Amount


Payment Type Code

Total Financed Amount

Marketing Information

Marketing Code 1

Marketing Code 2


Merchandise Subtotal  


Charges and Fees

Net Total


Balance Due

Ticket Print

Print Delivery Ticket

Print Pickup Ticket


Direct ship orders cannot be completed if the order contains a linked PO on hold.  For split-ticket orders containing direct ship items, the direct ship items cannot be completed if any one of them contains a linked PO on hold.

Fulfillment Method

Before releasing an order for completion, the system checks that the following are true:

      - A scheduled delivery/pickup date exists on the order.

      - Merchandise is reserved to the order.

      - No credit holds exist for the transaction.

      - A delivery/pickup ticket has been printed or a pick list printed and a pack list processed.