Maintain Customer Deposits



If the STORIS screen title indicates a read-only version of this routine, you cannot edit any of the fields. However, you can view all of the information available in the regular routine.

After you post a deposit to an account, the amount becomes a deposit liability. Use this program to either place on account, move, apply to gift certificates, or refund deposit moneys. The following options are available:

- moving the money to a new sales order,

- placing the money on account, or

- refunding the money to the customer.

- moving the money from one order to another,

- placing the money on account, or

- refunding the money to the customer.

You are prompted to print a refund receipt if the Maintain Customer Deposits Refund Receipts in Point of Sale Control Settings is set to any option except "No Receipt". You are continued to be prompted for each receipt print. The print method depends on the option chosen. If the Refund Method is an Accounts Payable refund, a receipt does not print nor is a signature captured.

Customer refunds can be checks, cash, gift cards, or credit card deposits. You specify the refund type at the Action field.

Customer Code

Total Liability

Applied, Refund, On-Account, FR Credit

Grid Area

Once you enter a customer code, deposits posted to that account display in the grid. Once you select an order, maintenance options for the order become active.



Use this field to define the action you want to perform on the deposit money. In order to access these options, you must have permission via the corresponding "Maintain Customer Deposits" fields in your User/User Group Receivables Security settings.

* If the original payment was a credit card payment, the option to refund to the credit card appears.

# To issue an immediate refund, the payment type you use for the refund must be active at the Immediate Deposit Refund Types field in the Accounts Receivables Control Settings.  Otherwise, you must use the Check Refund option to issue the refund in the form of a check.  Also, if the current date is closed for payments (via the Actions button in the Accounts Receivable Control Settings), the program prevents you from entering an immediate refund.

You can move deposits that are on a Service Order to on-account if the Service to Sales Deposit field is checked on the Deposits tab in your Accounts Receivables Control Settings.

The following rules apply when maintaining deposits financed with a revolving plan:

     If an order with a revolving deposit is deleted, the deposit is automatically removed and is therefore not available via this process.

     You can refund revolving deposits from open orders using this process, provided the Revolving box at the Immediate Deposit Refund Types field is checked in your Accounts Receivables Control Settings.

     You can NOT transfer revolving deposits from one order to another using this process.

     You can NOT transfer revolving deposits to On Account using this process.

Payment Type


Apply To

Amount to Take

Refund Method


 "MSM" in the Type column indicates a multi-ship-to order.