Maintain Customer Balances
Tabs: Manual Adjustments, Keyoffs, Bad Debt
Use this routine to
enter manual adjustments,
maintain existing open-item transactions,
key-off credit transactions,
reclassify past-due accounts, and
reinstate charged-off accounts.
This routine may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions. That is, you may not have access to all customers and locations.
DateEnter the date to which you want to post this transaction. The program does not accept future dates. The current date defaults in this field.
Customer CodeEnter the customer account number to be updated. Open item transactions for this customer will display. If you click on the Search button, you access the Search for a Customer (Customer Code Lookup), from which you can select a customer code.
The customers you can access at this and other Customer fields may be restricted by Regional Processing.
Manual Adjustments Tab
Use the Manual Adjustments process for back-office entry of:
Once you enter the customer code, open item transactions display in the grid.
Total AdjustmentThis is the running total amount of adjustments entered in this posting session.
ReferenceThis is the reference number for the manual adjustment. If entering an adjustment for an existing open item, enter (or select from the list) the reference number of the item to adjust. The selected reference number displays in this field. If posting a manual invoice or customer return, the system generates the reference number (when the extra action option is selected) if a value exists in the Next Deposit Number field in the Accounts Receivables Control Settings. If the field is blank, the Reference field must be user-defined.) The system automatically adds the prefix MP to the Reference number, regardless of whether the number is system or user-generated.
ActionThis field is available for change if adjusting an existing open item transaction. Select Adjust if entering a manual adjustment. Select Maintain to modify the Terms, Memo Reference, and In Dispute fields for an existing open item transaction.
In Dispute
TypeThis field indicates the type of manual adjustment being entered. For adjustments to existing transactions, this field automatically fills in and is not available for change. The field is available for change if entering a new manual adjustment transaction. Select (09) Invoice if entering a manual invoice (debit) transaction; select (39) Memo if entering a manual credit memo.
TermsIf an existing transaction is selected, this field will automatically fill in and will only be available for change if the Action field is set to Maintain. The field will also be available for change if entering a new manual adjustment transaction. Enter or modify the terms code for this transaction. When a valid code has been entered, the system will display the Open Item Terms screen. If a discount term has been entered, the program will re-calculate and display the Due Date, Discount Dates (1 & 2), and Discount Amount (1 & 2), if applicable.
Memo ReferenceThis field provides for entry of miscellaneous text (up to 10 characters) to explain the reason for this adjustment. For existing transactions, the current Memo Reference will fill in and may be modified. For new manual adjustments, the default reference (MAN ADJ) will fill in, but may be modified.
Adjustment AmountEnter the dollar amount of this adjustment. This can be a positive or negative amount, depending on the transaction Type used.
Once you enter the Action and Amount, select Add. For the transaction line selected, the grid displays the Action (P=Pay, K=Keyoff, R=Refund, O=On Account, L=Long Term Revolving) and Amount.
To place a credit amount on account, select On Account from the Actions button.
This tab is active only if you have access via the Maintain Customer Balances; Manually Adjust an Account Balance field in the Extended Security (Receivables) settings.

Keyoffs Tab
Use the Key-off process to:
Apply credit transactions to debit transactions.
Refund credit transactions, either partially or fully.
Place credit transactions on account, either partially or fully.
Apply debit and credit open items to the Long Term balance of revolving plans.
Apply credit open items to revolving MMP's.
The grid displays open item transactions for the selected customer.
In order to process customer refunds using this screen, you must have access via the Maintain Customer Balances - Refund field in your User/User Group Receivables Security settings.
RefundThis field displays the total dollar amount of credit transactions being refunded to this customer. The field updates for each refund you enter.
ProofThis is the account proof amount. The program automatically updates this amount as each key-off is entered. Each credit item you key off updates the Proof amount. Each invoice/debit transaction you pay deducts from the Proof amount. Note that to update the account, the proof amount must be zero.
ReferenceEnter (or select from the list) the transaction line to be paid, keyed off, or refunded.
PlanThis field is active if you selected Long Term Revolving at the Action field. Use this field to specify the revolving plan to which you are applying the selected open item. Click the Arrow button to select from a list of active revolving plans. Key-off's can be posted to only one revolving plan at a time.
AmountEnter the transaction amount for the action selected at the Action field. If entering a credit amount to be keyed off or refunded, include a minus sign in your entry.
Installment Contract
Once you enter the Action and Amount, select Add. For the transaction line selected, the grid displays the Action (P=Pay, K=Keyoff, R=Refund, O=On Account, L=Long Term Revolving, I=Long Term Installment) and Amount.
To place a credit amount on account, select On Account from the Actions button.
This tab is active only if you have access via the Maintain Customer Balances; Key Off a Credit/Debit Balance field in the Extended Security settings.

Bad Debt Tab
Use the Bad Debt process to re-classify accounts that are past due. The change in classification is always done manually. You can re-classify accounts as
The screen displays the current and past due amounts for the selected customer, as well as the
To enter payments to charged-off accounts, use the Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate routine or the Enter a Customer Payment routine.
The Automatic Charge-Off process is available via the Accounts Receivable Control Settings.
This tab is active only if you have access via the Maintain Customer Balances; Charge off an Account Balance field in the Extended Security settings.
You cannot assign an Alert Code of "CO" (charged off) or assign an automatic write-off code to accounts with active revolving plans or active installment contracts. Active plans/contracts must be cancelled first.
Alert Code