Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate
Tabs: Order
Deposits, Process
Receivables, Gift Cards
and Certificates,
In-Store Payments
Use this routine to enter one or more payments
and/or payment types in a single session. To apply payments to open orders,
use the Order Deposits tab. To apply payments to completed orders, use
the Process Receivables tab.
For example, if you have a separate cashier who enters payments after
sales orders have been entered, you can use this program to enter multiple
payment types in a single session.
You can also use the Gift Cards and Certificates tab to process gift
cards and certificates, and the FR In-Store Payments tab to process
in-store finance payments.
To add or delete line items
on orders to which deposits and/or financing have been applied, users
must have access via the Delete/Edit line items on transactions with deposits
applied field in the Extended Security
settings. For unqualified users, line items on such orders are inactive.
This program restricts finance deposit refunds on orders containing unapproved
deposits, even if the order contains approved financed deposits as well.
To provide the option to print a receipt at the conclusion of payments
made through this routine, use the POS
Payment, Refund, Gift Certificate Receipt field in the Point of Sale Control Settings. If
entering a deposit for an existing order (via the Order Deposits tab),
the program prints the sales order instead of a receipt and includes the
new deposit as part of the total deposits for the order.
To search for orders involving an EMV credit or debit transaction, use
Order Credits.
You cannot apply payments to installment or RTO plans using the Order Deposits
tabs. In addition, you cannot use these types of plans on the Process
Receivables or Gift Cards and Certificates tabs. FR In-Store Payments
can be entered for installment and RTO plans and settlement for these
plans occurs at the time the payment is applied.
If your settings allow, you can apply overpayments to charged off balances.
See also: Overpay
Charged Off Accounts for more information.
Pre-authorized payments as defined in the Allow Pre-Authorized Deposits
field of Payment Card and Device Settings
are not displayed and are not available for maintenance in this routine.
Header Area
The following fields comprise the Header section
of this routine, appearing at the top of all tabs. Before you can access
the other tabs, you must specify a date, a location, and a customer code.
The date and location default to "today" and the "current
log-on location", respectively. You can edit these fields until you
specify a customer, at which time the header fields lock.
the code of the location for which to post payments or deposits. The default
location (if any) appears from the log-in
screen. Note that this field is inactive if the Balance By field
in the Cash
Balancing Control Settings is set to Drawer.
If you click on the Arrow button, a list of locations available to you
appears from which you can choose. Note
that here and at any other Location field, the list of locations available
to you may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Customer Code
Billing Information, Home, WorkAfter
you specify a customer code (or complete the entry of an "on-the-fly" customer), the customer's billing name,
address, home phone, and work phone display from the Customer
you specify a customer code (or complete the entry of an "on-the-fly"
customer, the customer's home phone displays from the customer master
WorkAfter you specify a customer code (or complete
the entry of an "on-the-fly" customer, the customer's work phone
number (if available) displays from the customer master file.
Order Deposits
Use this tab to enter deposits against an open
sales order. You can process only one deposit per session. To manipulate
deposits, STORIS recommends you use the Maintain
Customer Deposits routine.
In order to issue a deposit refund on this screen, you must have permission
via your User/User
Group Receivables Security settings (Enter a Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate
- Issue Deposit Refund setting).
Use Configure
Document Signature Capture and Configure
Document Archive to establish parameters for capturing electronic
signatures and business document archiving, respectively. If these features
are enabled and the appropriate signature capture hardware exists, the
signature capture ceremony is launched and this signed business document
is archived. Note that if the Use
Extended Payment Receipt setting in Accounts
Receivable Control Settings is enabled, the Cash Application form
is used for both payments and refunds; when this setting is NOT enabled,
the Sales Order form is used for both payments and refunds.
the order number to which you want to apply this deposit. The order number
must reference an existing sales order. If you click on the Search button,
you access View a Customer's
Open Transactions. This screen displays all open orders for the selected
customer. Double-click on the item you want.
When you select the order you want, the Payment Summary window appears.
Use this window to apply one or payment types to this order.
Order TypeThe order
type appears, either regular sale or exchange.
Order DateThe original
order date appears.
Previous DepositsThe sum
total of all deposits existing against this order appears.
Amount FinancedThe amount
financed (if any) via third-party financing appears. If the Finance Receivables
module is not active on this system, this field is inactive.
Previous Balance DueThe order
total minus all previous deposits and financing appears.
Payment AmountAfter you enter payments
or deposits using the Payment Summary screen, the sum total displays here.
Balance DueThe current balance due from
the customer for this order/invoice displays here. This amount reflects
current payments.

Process Receivables
Use this tab to apply payments made against an
accounts receivable balance or to place money on account in Accounts Receivable
for later use. You can also use this tab to apply payments to revolving
receivables, including MMP payments, auto-payments, pre-payments, and
additional payments.
This tab is also accessed directly from Maintain
Order Credits in order to process a refund using a credit or debit
Use Configure
Document Signature Capture and Configure
Document Archive to establish parameters for capturing electronic
signatures and business document archiving, respectively. If these features
are enabled and the appropriate signature capture hardware exists, the
signature capture ceremony is launched and this signed business document
is archived. Note that if the Use
Extended Payment Receipt setting in Accounts
Receivable Control Settings is enabled, the Cash Application form
is used for both payments and refunds; when this setting is NOT enabled,
the Payment Receipt form is used for both payments and refunds.
Auto Pay
Payment on AccountTo place
the payment on account (but not against any particular outstanding invoice),
check the box. When you check the box, the Payment
Summary Window appears, in which you enter the on-account payment
information. If you check the box, you cannot access the Completed Order
Number field. If applying a payment or issuing a refund for a completed
order, leave the box blank.
If on-account monies are already on file for
this customer, the system allows negative on-account postings.
ReferenceYou can indicate a completed
order to which you are applying a payment, or you can indicate an on-account
payment or credit receivable item for which you are issuing a refund.
If you click the Search button, the View
a Customer's Current Balance Details (Open Item Receivables) screen
appears via which you can locate the receivable reference number.
If you select a receivable item with a debit balance, the Payment
Summary Window appears and you can enter the payment. If you select
a receivable item with a credit balance, check the box next to the Issue
Refund By type to indicate the method you are using to process the refund.
Current BalanceThe contents of this field
varies depending on the status of the Payment on Account field. When the
Payment on Account field is checked, the Current Balance field represents
the customer’s entire account balance, not including any deposit liability
information. When the Payment on Account field is unchecked, the Current
Balance field represents the balance due or credit balance on the order
specified at the Completed Order Number field.
After checking the Payment on Account box or entering a valid order number,
the Current Balance field populates. The Payment
Summary Window appears if applying a payment. You can enter multiple
Payment AmountThe sum total of all payments
entered appears.
Refund AmountThe amount of the refund
New BalanceThis field
displays the new balance amount after payments and refunds have been applied
to the Current Balance.
Issue Refund By
These fields are active only if you select a credit item for processing.
You must also have permission to access these fields via your User/User
Group Receivables Security settings (Enter a Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate
- Issue Refund by Check, Issue Refund by Gift, and Issue Refund by Other).
CheckTo create
an AP bill for the purpose of issuing a refund check, check the box at
this field. Enter the amount of the refund into the Amount field next
to this field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
remove a check from the cash drawer and return it to the customer, use
the Other field.
AmountEnter the check refund amount.
The open credit amount appears as a default amount. You can edit this
field, but you cannot enter an amount larger than the open credit amount.
Gift To issue
a refund in the form of a gift card/certificate, check this box at this
field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Note that if the Refund Gift Balance field is not checked in the
Receivable Control Settings, your system does not permit refunds via
gift cards/certificates and this field is inactive.
AmountEnter the gift card/certificate
refund amount. The open credit amount appears as a default amount. You
can edit this field, but you cannot enter an amount larger than the open
credit amount.
OtherTo issue a refund in a form
other than check or gift card/certificate, check the box. (For example,
use this option for cash refunds.) Otherwise, leave the box blank.
When you check the box, the Payment
Summary Window appears.
You can select a check payment type, but this option should only
be used if you are NOT issuing the refund as an accounts payable check.
(Use the Check option above to create an AP bill and issue the refund
as an AP check.) Use the Other option and check payment type if, for example,
you are removing the check from the cash drawer and returning it to the
For refund payments, you can enter only one payment type per session.
To enter multiple types, you must re-enter the routine for each additional
payment type.
These fields are active only if you select Gift at the Issue Refund
By prompt. If the Card Swipe button is active, you can swipe the card.
TypeEnter the payment type code
of the gift card/certificate you want to issue. If you click on the Search
button, a list of available gift card/certificate types appears from which
you can choose.
NumberEnter the number you want
to assign to this gift certificate. If the Card Swipe button is active,
you can swipe the card.
If automatic numbering has been activated for gift certificates via the
Next Number field in the Accounts
Receivables Control Settings, the next available number appears here.
Otherwise, you must manually enter it. You can enter the digits into the
field, or if card-swiping is active on your system, click on the Card
Swipe button to initiate your card-swiping device.
If the Card
Swipe button is active, you can swipe a gift certificate card.
After a successful card swipe, the system displays the card number in
the Gift Certificate Number field. If the Card Swipe button is not active,
either your swipe device is not connected properly, Signature
Capture is not active on your system, or both.

Gift Cards and Certificates
Use this tab to
process gift cards/certificates,
purchase new gift cards/certificates,
add funds to existing gift
cards/certificates, or
refund the balance of an existing
gift card/certificate.
In order to access
this tab, a check must appear at the Purchase
Gift field in the Accounts
Receivables Control Settings. Otherwise, the tab is inactive.
Select an Action
The availability of the following three options is determined by controls
in the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings and the Create
a User settings. Even if all three have been made available via the
system settings, only one of the three options can be selected on this
screen at one time. The other options become inactive.
Purchase GiftTo enter the sale of a new
gift card/certificate, check the box. Note that for this field to be active
(and for the entire tab to be active), a check must appear at the Purchase
Gift field in the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings.
Gift Certificate TypeEnter
the code of the gift
certificate payment type to use for this new gift card/certificate
purchase. If you click on the Search button, you access a list of available
gift certificate types from which you can choose.
Once the type has been indicated, the Gift
Certificate Number Entry Window appears if your system is not set
to automatically assign the card/certificate number. Use this window to
enter or swipe the number assigned to this card/certificate.
The Payment
Summary Window appears next, prompting you for the type and amount
of the payment for this gift card/certificate purchase.
Funds To add funds to an existing
gift card/certificate, or to enter a contribution to a gift registry certificate,
check the box. Note that for this field to be active, a check must appear
at the Add Funds to Existing field in the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings.
Refund Gift Balance
Certificate #
Gift Certificate AmountThe current
amount of the gift card/certificate appears.
Payment AmountAfter you enter the payment
for this gift card/certificate sale using the Payment
Summary Window, the payment amount displays here. The sum total of
payments entered appears. This field is populated only when gift certificates
are being purchased or funds are being added to an existing gift card/certificate.
Refund CheckTo refund
the balance in the form of an A/P check to the customer, check the box.
Otherwise, leave the box blank. This field is active only if Refund Gift
Balance is selected.
Refund AmountThis field
indicates the total amount of the gift card/certificate that is being
refunded. If you are issuing an AP check to refund the money, you enter
the refund amount in this field. This field is active only if Refund Gift
Balance and Refund Check are both selected. If you are not issuing an
AP check (Refund Check is not selected), this field displays the amount
entered in the Payment
Summary Window, but is not available for change.

In-Store Payments
Use this tab to enter in-store
finance payments. This tab is active only for users with
a check at the Enter FR Payments field in the Create
a User routine. The following must also be true:
the Finance Receivables (FR)
module is active,
the finance provider you select
has a payment type defined at the In-Store Payment Type field in the
Finance Provider Settings,
you are either transmitting
to the finance provider using STORIS online processing or you are
using offline processing.
You have contracted with the
provider to accept customer payments and if processing online payments,
have contracted to transmit customer payments,
you edit this tab first (once
you edit a tab in this routine, you inactive the others). To edit
another tab, click on the Clear button or the Exit button to start
Finance ProviderEnter the code of the finance
provider for this in-store payment. If you click on the Search button,
a list of active finance
providers appears, from which you can choose. If only one finance
provider exists on your system, that provider defaults and you cannot
edit the field.
Finance Account NumberFor on-line
providers, if the selected customer has an account number for the provider
entered in the Customer
Settings, that number displays here if the Default Account field in
the Finance Provider Settings
is checked. If no account number exists, and the Account Numbers
On-the-Fly field in the Finance Provider Settings is set to allow account
numbers to be entered on-the-fly, then
you can enter an account number here.
Payment Information
After you enter a valid account number, the Payment
Summary Window appears. After you enter the payment, the payment type
and amount appear below.
Enter payment corrections (if any) in the same manner as the original
payment. For example, to correct a situation in which a customer
paid $50.00 in cash but the payment was entered as $500.00, re-access
the customer and enter payments of -$500.00 and $50.00. The system
rejects negative payments that do not match an existing FR Authorization
record unless the Allow Negative FR Payments for Different Day’s Activity
in the User file is checked for the user.
To create a listing of in-store
finance payments received from customers, use the Report
Customer Financing Payments routine.
Payment TypeThe payment type for the
current transaction displays. The program accepts multiple payment types,
including cash, checks, and credit cards (provided a check appears at
the Allow Credit Cards for In-Store Payments field in the Financing
Control Settings).
Payment AmountThe payment
amount for the current transaction displays. The program accepts negative
payments, for example to correct erroneous payments.
Only certain finance providers permit the transmission of payment
reversals. Check with your finance provider and with STORIS for more detail.
(See also: Payment Reversal field in Finance
Provider Settings.)