View a Gift Certificate
Use this inquiry to view information on purchased,
refunded, and/or redeemed gift certificates. Inquiry is by gift certificate
number or customer code.
The output of this inquiry may be affected by
Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers
and locations to which you have access.
If your system uses the card-swiping
feature, the Card Swipe button
is active. Click on the Card Swipe
button to initiate your card-swiping device, then swipe the card to view
its activity. This button is active if using Shift4 processing; it is
not active if using Tender Retail processing.
If you have pre-purchased gift cards with bar codes, you can use a point-of-sale
scanner to scan the gift card number into the system. The bar codes must
be either "3OF9" or "CODE128". Note that the
card's number prefix must match the number entered at the Card Number
Prefix field in the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings.
Gift CertificateEnter the number of the gift
certificate you want to view. If you do not know the number, you can identify
the customer at the Customer Code field then use the Action
button back at this field to access the Gift
Certificate Lookup screen. Use that screen to view a list of
gift certificates for the selected customer, from which you can make a
Customer CodeIf you
do not enter a gift certificate, you can enter the customer code of the
customer for whom you want to view gift certificates. If you click on
the Search button, you access
the Customer
Code Look-Up screen, from which you can select a customer code.
After you select a customer, the
customer's name, home phone number, and work phone number appear on the
The customers you can access at this and other
Customer fields may be restricted by Regional
Payment Terminal
Registry IDIf viewing activity for a
certificate/card that is linked to a gift registry, the ID for the registry
displays here. This is the customer code of the registry "owner".
Registry TypeIf viewing
activity for a certificate/card that is linked to a gift registry, the
type of registry
(gift, bridal, etc.) displays here.
Purchased AmountThe original dollar amount
of the gift certificate purchased displays here.
Purchased DateThe date
the gift certificate was purchased displays.
TypeThe gift
certificate payment type under which this certificate was purchased
Remaining AmountThe remaining
dollar amount (less amount redeemed, if any) of the gift certificate displays
Expiration DateIf the gift certificate was
purchased via the Customer Rewards process, this field will display the
expiration date that was assigned based on the "Number of Days Gift
Certificate Valid" field in the Customer
Rewards Control Settings.