Cash Balancing Control Settings
Use this routine to set your preferences for cash balancing and set up the eSTORIS Pre-Authorization feature.
Some system control settings are personnel only.
Cash Receipt Purge Days
Extended Cash Balancing
Extended Cash Balancing Report
Include Written Financing
Include Financed Deposits
Open Cash Drawer for Cash Only
Important: The following two fields are active only if the eSTORIS module is active. Use these fields with the Pre-Authorization feature. To use the Pre-Authorization feature, you must first select Drawer at the Group Payments by field (below) and then populate the Drawer field (below). Next, you activate the feature by checking the box at the Use Auth/Capture for Credit Cards field in the Web Control Settings. (The web control setting is not available until you set the Group Payments by field to Drawer and indicate an eSTORIS Drawer.)
CashierUse this field to associate eSTORIS web transactions with a specific cashier. You can click the search button to select a cashier (user) ID from the list. This field is not required.
DrawerUse this field to associate eSTORIS web transactions with a specific cash drawer. You can click the search button to select a cash drawer ID from the list. This field is active only if you select Drawer at the Balance By field. This field is required to use the Pre-Authorization feature.
Prompt For
Group Payments by
Next Reference NumberEnter the number you want the system to use when generating cash balancing batches. The system increments this number by one each time you generate a batch.
Maximum Over/ShortSpecify the amount you want to allow operator-entered CASH totals to be over or under the system-entered CASH totals. The amount you entered here is used in The Balance a Cash Drawer references the amount you enter here. This field is mandatory if Extended Cash Balancing is checked.
If the difference between the operator-entered and system-entered cash totals falls within the maximum set here, the system accepts the totals as "balanced". If the difference between the cash totals exceeds the maximum set here, an out of balance warning appears. Click here for more detail.
Number of Tries
Post to Suspense(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) This field works with the Number of Tries field in suspending a drawer that is not in balance. When checked (default is checked), you can attempt to save and exit an unbalanced batch only up to the number of tries established in these control settings. Once that number has been reached, the screen is exited and the drawer is suspended. The totals are written to a suspense file and the drawer can only be corrected and/or approved using the Balance Approval by Manager routine. If this option is not selected (not recommended), you must balance the drawer before you can save and exit the Blind Cash Balancing Screen.
Excluded Payment Types