Balance a Cash Drawer > click the Run button
Use this screen to enter cash balancing totals for the cashier, store, or drawer you specified on the Balance a Cash Drawer screen.
Cash Drawer RefThe reference number assigned to this cash drawer batch displays. The number is assigned automatically based on the Next Reference Number field in the Cash Balancing Control Settings.
This field displays a running balance of the operator-entered payment type totals.
operator-entered total
system-recorded total
When you finish entering totals for all payment types for this drawer, click the Save button to update the entries. The system compares the operator-entered totals and system-recorded totals. Click here for detail on how the routine handles balanced and out-of-balance totals.
When you click the Actions button, you can select the Petty Cash Disbursement feature. In order to use this feature, you must:
First, select a payment type of Petty Cash from the grid on the Balance a Cash Drawer routine and enter the amount you want to disburse.
To do so, double-click on Petty Cash in the grid so that Petty Cash appears in the Payment Type field, then enter the disbursement amount in the Total field and click Add.
The disbursement amount appears in the Total column in the grid next to Petty Cash.
Next, click on the Actions button and select Petty Cash Disbursement.
The Petty Cash Disbursement window appears.
To disburse the amount you entered for petty cash, click the Actions button and select the Petty Cash Disbursement feature. Use the screen that appears to indicate how you want to disburse the petty cash amount. To use this feature,
In the Payment Type column of the grid, locate the line for Petty Cash.
Then enter the total amount you want to disburse in the Total column of the grid.
The petty cash amount is added to the Drawer Total above the grid.
Next, click on the Actions button and select Petty Cash Disbursement.
The Petty Cash Disbursement window appears.
Payment Type - Depending on the Prompt For field in Cash Balancing Control Settings, the grid lists either all payment types set up on your system, or only those types to which the day's receipts were posted.
Total - Use the total column to enter the total amount received for the payment type. The amount you enter is added to the Drawer Total above the grid.
Balanced - If the operator-entered total matches the system-entered total, this column displays Yes. If not, the column displays No.