Balance a Cash Drawer

(Blind Cash Balancing)


This routine is a "back office" cash control feature operators and cashiers can use to enter their receipt totals into the system at the end of the business day. Use the Group Payments by field in the Cash Balancing Control Settings to run cash balancing by drawer, cashier, or store. Additionally, the Extended Cash Balancing setting in Cash Balancing Control Settings must be checked, as well as Number of Tries or Post to Suspense.

The program separates the totals by payment type (cash, check, credit, etc.). You run this routine for user-defined range of hours and for a selected day, then use the Blind Cash Balancing Screen to enter the totals for each payment type posted that day. 

Cash balancing exceptions display on the Report Cash Balancing Exceptions routine that runs during Generate Daily Reports.


Start Time, End Time

Cashier, Store, Drawer

Once the fields on this "pre" screen have been entered, click the Run button at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the Blind Cash Balancing Screen.