System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Interface System Settings > Web System Settings > Web Control Settings
System Administration > System Settings > General Administration System Settings > Interface System Settings > Web System Settings > Web Control Settings
Tabs: Virtual Store, Service, Administration, Export
Use this routine to set the parameters for the eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store". Virtual Store system for use on the internet.
the salesperson code you want the system to use for all eSTORIS sales
Selling StoreEnter
the code of the store location you want to use for all eSTORIS sales orders.
To facilitate reporting, STORIS recommends you set up a separate location
for use exclusively with web transactions.
Add Store to Manual POS
Choose how you want web order transaction numbers that are manually assigned to be handled in STORIS. Your options are:
Point of Sale Control Setting - Select this option if you want manually assigned order numbers submitted via the web to be handled in the same manner as orders created in STORIS. If you choose this option, the Add Store To Transaction in your Point of Sale Control Settings determines whether or not the store number is added to the manually assigned transaction number for web orders.
Add Store to Transaction - This option indicates that the selling store number is to be added as a prefix to manually assigned web order transaction numbers. This option controls web order numbers only.
Do Not Add Store to Transaction - This option indicates that the store number is NOT to be added as a prefix to manually assigned web order transaction numbers. This option controls web order numbers only.
Parcel RouteEnter
the code of the parcel route you want the system to use to ship parcels
ordered on eSTORIS. Click the Search
button at this field to access a list of valid parcel route codes.
This field is optional. You can use this field to calculate the delivery charge for direct ship line items that come from the web. To use this feature, enter an existing delivery company code. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Select the delivery scheduling method you want the system to default for all eSTORIS orders. You have the following options:
CWC (Customer Will Call)
Estimated Delivery Date (EST)
Scheduled Delivery Date (SCH)
If using the Pre-Authorization feature, if you select SCH at this field, pre-authorization is not available because the system then processes all eSTORIS orders as sales.
Use the following settings to define the default order sources for eRoam, eBridge and eSTORIS transactions.
Click the Arrow button to select an order source to default for eRoam/eBridge/eSTORIS transactions. These defaults are automatically added to the transactions that are created via the eRoam / eBridge / eSTORIS processes.
The following three fields do not apply to EMV
credit card processing via the web.
Disable Credit Card AuthorizationsTo prevent
the system from automatically processing credit card orders entered through
eSTORIS including pre-authorizations,
check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. This field is active only
if Credit Card Processing
is active on your system. Note that this setting does not affect
web pick-up orders.
If you check the box, eSTORIS assigns the order a Hold status of Pending
Auth, and sends it to the Process
Web Payments routine where you can review the transaction and authorize
it or reject it.
Use Auth/Capture for Credit CardsTo activate
the Pre-Authorization
feature for use when processing credit cards via eSTORIS, check the box.
Otherwise, leave the box blank.
This field is active only if STORIS has enabled this feature for you internally
and the eSTORIS Drawer field in the Cash
Balancing Control Settings is populated.
If you want STORIS to transmit a message to the credit card acquirer informing them of a reversal, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
In order to enable this setting, you must also check the box at the
Use Auth/Capture
for Credit Cards field.
Credit Hold Authorized DeliveriesTo place
on I2
credit hold all orders submitted via eSTORIS and then authorized,
check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If you check the box at this field, the system places approved web orders
on hold so you can review them before final processing. For example,
if you are set up for automatic authorization of web orders, you can use
this field to put those orders on hold so you can perform a final review
of the orders.
This field is active only if the box at the Disable Credit Card Authorizations
field is empty.
Click the Arrow button and select the default provider for credit applications submitted via eSTORIS.
Minimum Number Of Lead DaysEnter
the minimum number of days from the date of the order you want to expire
before scheduled orders ship.
Allow Auto PO CreationTo activate
purchase order creation from eSTORIS, check the box at this field.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Require Available MerchandiseTo apply
a product availability check throughout the shopping cart and checkout
process, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field
If you check the box at this field, eSTORIS prevents customers from adding
products with a zero quantity-on-hand to a shopping cart. If a customer
accesses an existing shopping cart containing one or more products with
a zero quantity-on-hand, an error message appears indicating the products
are not available and the program removes the products from the shopping
Accept Out-Of-Stock Discontinued Products, Accept Out-Of-Stock Dropped Products
Check the box at either or both of these fields to indicate that when a web order contains a line item for an out-of-stock dropped or discontinued product, the system checks for scheduled purchase orders with any order lines containing the dropped or discontinued product. If found, and the appropriate setting on this screen is enabled, the sales order line item is automatically linked to the purchase order line item.
In order for this process to complete successfully, the following conditions must be met:
The purchase order contains a line for the Discontinued or Dropped product.
The purchase order's delivery location must match the stock location of the order line.
The purchase order must be a type that has the Allow Sales Order Linkage to Purchase Order setting enabled.
Use this setting to indicate if this type of purchase order should be considered when linking sales orders to purchase orders. The default for this setting is the box is checked.
If this box is checked, the linkage process (used by the order item entry process as well as Generate Daily Reports to assign back-ordered items to purchase order) allows a sales order to be linked to a purchase order. If this box is not checked, sales order linkage is restricted from this type of purchase order.
This setting does not have
any effect on linking purchase orders and sales orders through
the Enter
a Purchase Order process.
The purchase order line must be able to completely fulfill the sales order line. This takes into account quantity already received and quantity already assigned to other sales orders.
The purchase order cannot be on Approval Hold.
If the conditions above are not met, or the appropriate setting (discontinued/dropped) is not checked, the entire order is rejected.
Warehouse Product Availability
Select the method you want the system to use when calculating availability of products ordered on the web. You have the following options:
Main Warehouse
Regional Warehouse
Closest Warehouse
Specific Warehouses
If you select Specific Warehouses, you activate the Search button next to that option. Use this option to select one or more specific locations you want the system to reference when calculating availability of products ordered on the web. If you click on the Search button, a list of available locations appears, from which you can choose.
If you select Specific Warehouses at the previous field, you activate the Search button next to that option. Click the Search button and select one or more specific locations you want the system to reference when calculating availability of products ordered on the web. The result of your selection appears in this field.
Last Number UsedThe
last gift certificate number used by eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store".
appears. STORIS initially defines "1000" as the last gift certificate
number used. You can edit this field. If STORIS comes across a number
that has already been used, it ignores it and searches for the next unused
Add Store to NumberTo add
the location code of the store you use for eSTORIS to each gift certificate
number, check the box. The system affixes the store code to the beginning
of the gift certificate number.
Specific Gift (Payment) TypeSpecify
the gift certificate type you want to use for eSTORIS purchases of gift
certificates. If you click on the Search button, a list of gift
certificate types appears from which you can choose.
Customers can enter service orders via eSTORIS.
transmits service orders to STORIS immediately upon completion,
assigns a status of Pending, and
generates alert emails to the service coordinator designated at the Account 'To' for Notification EmailsEnter the email address you want to use as the “to” address for service orders or assistance requests you receive on the web. The system sends a notification to the customer and a copy of the notification to the address you specify here. field.
Default Service LocationEnter the service location
to which you want the system to direct service orders placed on the web.
To facilitate reporting, STORIS recommends you set up a separate service
location for use exclusively with web service orders.
Default Service CoordinatorEnter
the service coordinator you want to use for service orders placed on the
web. STORIS recommends you create a “house” coordinator (for example,
WWW) for use exclusively with service orders on the web.
Estimated Date Add-On DaysEnter
the number of days you want to add to the date of the service order when
determining the next action date for service orders placed on the web.
Enter the email address you want to use as the “from” address for service orders for which you send “auto-email” alerts to customers.
This field is used only if the U2 server is operating under
Windows® NT.
'To' Email AddressEnter
the email address of the service coordinator you want to use as the “to”
address for service orders or assistance requests you receive on the web.
The system sends a notification to the customer and a copy of the notification
to the address you specify here.
Days to Retain Remote Order DataEnter
the number of days you want remote
order data to remain in the system before purging. You can enter a
number from 1 to 99.
Days to Save StatisticsEnter
the number of days you want the system to retain statistics based on searches
conducted on the web. You can enter a maximum of 99 days. The system purges
statistics that are older than the number of days you enter here.
Days Product is Featured
as 'New'Enter the maximum number
of days that you want products in web categories to display as "new"
on the web. To display products as "new" on the web, you must
enter a number of days (0-99) in this field and then check the box at
the Designate as New field in
Web Category Settings for the
categories that include those products. The system automatically removes
the "new" designation from the products on the web after the
number of days specified in this field has passed. Note,
an entry of zero in this field allows the product to be new for that day
If you leave this field blank, the Designate as New field is inactive and
you cannot feature products as "new" on the web.
Top Selling Items in Web
CategoryEnter the number of products
that you want to feature on the web when displaying the top selling items
in a web category. If you leave this field blank, top selling items are
not displayed on the web.
Suggested ItemsWhen a
customer adds a product to the shopping cart on the web, additional "also
purchased" items can be automatically displayed as suggestions. Use
this field to enter the number of products to be displayed as suggested
items. If you leave this field blank, no suggested products are displayed
automatically on the web.
Select the method by which to sort the various drop-down lists that appear in the Administration area of eSTORIS. You have the following options:
For example, at the Product Brand field on the Product Maintenance page, the drop-down list shows the code and description of each available brand. The Sort Admin Area Lists By field allows you to sort that list by either code or description.
(LOCKED field - STORIS access ONLY!) You can use this field if you want your eSTORIS customers' passwords to be encrypted.
WARNING! Once this box is checked there is no way to undo this process. If this field is currently unchecked, checking this field encrypts all the previously plain text customer passwords.
Icovia Web URLIf
using the Icovia Room Planner program with eSTORIS, enter the URL (uniform
resource locator) of the eSTORIS page you want Icovia to link to. This
is usually the URL for the eSTORIS Product Details page.
Use this field to specify whether or not to send order confirmation e-mails to customers, and if so, whether to send them from the STORIS database server or the eSTORIS server. You have the following options:
Do Not Send - do not send order confirmation e-mails to customers for orders placed on the web using eSTORIS.
From Database Server - send order confirmation e-mails to customers from the STORIS database server.
From Web Server - send order confirmation e-mails to customers from the web server.
Disable Auto Email When Credit Card is Authorized/DeclinedTo disable
the automatic e-mail feature from the STORIS system for customers whose
credit card transaction is either authorized or declined, check the box.
Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Web Pickup LocationsUse
this field to specify the locations you want to make available for web-order
customer pickups. If you specify no locations at this field, the
system assumes you do not want allow customer pickups for web orders.
If you click on the Search button, a list of available locations
appears from which you can choose.
If you select one or more locations at this field, then when a customer
clicks on the Choose Pickup Location button on the on the Cart Display
page on eSTORIS, the list of available locations displays and the customer
can choose a pickup location.
Product Purchase Statuses for Clearance
Use this field to specify the purchase statuses you want to designate as "clearance" for web products (web products are products that have been assigned to a web category). You have the following options:
D Dropped
T Discontinued
M Markdown
Whenever you assign a web product to one of the purchase statuses selected here, the system
checks for the existence of a web category code consisting of the product's web master suffixed by the contents of the Clearance Suffix field below.
If that web category exists, the program adds the product to that web category.
If the web category does not exist, the system makes a note of it.
Clearance web categories display only on eSTORIS.
If you return all products in a clearance web category back to a purchase
status other than one of the above, you remove all products from the
web category, so the system deletes it.
Clearance SuffixEnter
the suffix code you want to use to differentiate web categories from their
associated clearance web categories.
Use this tab to maintain which of the STORIS provided columns are included in the eSTORIS product export status. You can select the fields, delimiters, and name of the file to be used when data is exported.
Indicate the location (path) and file name where the product data is to be exported. No validation check is performed; user may specify new or existing location and file name.
Click the Arrow button at this field to select the primary field delimiters (separators). The primary field delimiter is used to separate every grid column that is chosen.
Click the Arrow button at this field to select the secondary field delimiters (separators). The secondary field delimiter is used to separate data elements that exist within major fields of the grid but still contain data that requires further separation. Example: The dimensions field contains length, height and width therefore you would want to select a secondary field delimiter to separate into three sub-fields.
Check the box next to each data field you want included in the output file. Leave the box blank if you want the field excluded.
Web Data Fields - This column indicates the name of the column heading used in the output data field.
Export Sequence - This column contains a number indicating the order that a field is placed in the export file when a column is checked. This number is incriminated in all appropriate fields when a new field is selected in the output string and is decremented when a field is removed.
If the field is mandatory; the field contains the word 'mandatory'. If the field requires additional processing time, the field contains a phrase stating 'extensive processing time may be required'.