Use this add-on module to process credit and debit credit card transactions via an external processor for use in STORIS' point of sale programs. When using Online Credit Card Processing, payments are processed as soon as the card is swiped; secure data is not stored within STORIS. At this time, STORIS supports Shift4 and Tender Retail for EMV* external credit/debit card processing. Contact STORIS for more information and to purchase this module.
*EMV (EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa) is a technology used for online credit/debit card processing that provides enhanced security via chip and pin (Canada) and chip and signature (United States) card payment processing. With EMV technology, a payment card is inserted into a reader and an embedded chip is read versus the technology in which the card is passed through a magnetic stripe reader.
For a quick guide to setting up online credit card payments within STORIS, please see Online Credit Card Setup.
The STORIS interface with Tender Retail's centralized server works with the financial providers Chase & Desjardins. Other providers may be added in the future; check with Tender Retail and with STORIS regarding the use of other providers.
The following transactions can be processed using the Tender Retail interface:
Purchase Correction (Void)
Refund Correction (Void)
General System Control Settings: EMV-Tender Retail must be licensed and active.
Cash Drawer Settings - Use Pin Pad Identifier field to associate a terminal ID with the cash drawer.
POS Bar Code Control Settings - You must have the Use Cash Drawers field enabled and you must log in with a cash drawer.
Warehouse/Store Location Settings - On the Credit Card tab, you must set the Credit Card Merchant to 0001.
Electronic Merchant Settings - On the General tab, check the box at the Debit Card OK field for merchant 0001.
External Communications Settings - Tender Retail tab
Point of Sale Control Settings - It is recommended that you check the REFUND - Original Payment check box on the Customer tab. However, when processing with Tender Retail you are restricted to using the original payment type for refunds regardless of this setting.
The following illustrates the Tender Retail MCM Centralized Architecture. It works by placing a server on the network that controls each pin pad. The STORIS server then sends a message to the Tender Retail MCM Centralized Server that includes, as part of the message, an identifier for the specific pin pad that is to be affected by the message.
A STORIS interface with Shift4's centralized server is also available to clients for purchase. Only one EMV platform - either EMV-Tender Retail or EMV-Shift4 can be licensed and active at one time.
General System Control Settings: EMV-Shift-4 must be licensed and active.
External Communications Settings: On Shift-4 tab, the UTG Server must be configured. (UTG stands for Universal Transaction Gateway®)
Payment Card and Device Settings: EMV & EMV Signature tabs; Client ID is obtained from Shift-4.
Warehouse/Store Location Settings: Credit Card tab - EMV Enabled check box must be checked; Signature Capture option must be checked. Choose Shift-4 Location Authorization Actions option from Credit Card tab to access the Shift-4 Location Authorization window where you can retrieve the Shift-4 Auth Token for the location.
Cash Drawer Settings: The Pin Pad Identifier must be entered to identify the pin pad that being used. Balancing by cash drawer is not required, but to use the pin pad, you must log in with a cash drawer.
Credit Card Payment Settings: The External Processor Code must be identified. For example, enter VS for Visa, AX for American Express, or MC for Master Card.
Credit Card (EMV) Entry Window
Report External Credit Card Transactions
Only one EMV can be active at a time. Currently STORIS offers Shift4 and Tender Retail as available EMV processors to purchase and activate.
Legacy (the original U.S.A. credit card module that is most commonly used today) can be licensed and activated in addition to one EMV processor, allowing users who wish to switch to the new EMV technology the benefit of rolling out this conversion one location at a time.
A new manual Credit Card Entry Screen displays after typing in the credit card payment type. This initiative allows the user to un-check the Card Present box to alert the device that a card is not available. If the box is not checked, users can manually enter the credit card number directly on the pin pad.
In addition to the server based Shift4 processor, STORIS can operate using the “Shift4 UTG 4 Cloud ” process flow as well simply by checking the box for “Shift4 Local UTG”, which can be found on the EMV tab of the Payment Card and Device Settings.
Unlike the Tender Retail EMV processor, Shift4 allows for an eCommerce interface allowing credit card payments to be taken on the web.
Unlike the Tender Retail EMV processor, Shift4 allows for signature capture to be utilized for credit card and point of possession transactions defined by the setups in the EMV Signature tab of the Payment Card and Device Settings. Depending on settings, the system may or may not display the customer signature window in STORIS at the time of processing. Following processing, the signature is not stored in STORIS and cannot be recalled via the View Customer Signatures process.
To configure payment terminals for manual card entry prompts (i.e. billing zip code) UTG must not be running. Within the Shift4 Tune Up application > Devices tab, select the device you wish to edit. Then, in the Manual Card Entry section, set the CVV Code and Zip Code settings to Required and the Street Number setting to Disabled.
STORIS provides the means by which to reconcile card transactions with your external credit card processor and resolve any issues you uncover during the reconciliation process. For example, a hardware or network failure could cause STORIS to lose synchronization with your external credit card processing company. That is, credit card and/or debit card transactions may have been approved by the external credit card processor but not accounted for in STORIS because the hardware or network failure occurred before the transaction was filed.
Report External Credit Card Transactions - lists abandoned (that is, incomplete) transactions, incomplete-but-resolved transactions, and completed transactions.
Resolve Abandoned External Card Transactions - For incomplete credit card transactions, this program first attempts to void the transaction. If unsuccessful, it attempts to provide a refund. If still unsuccessful, the program performs financial updates in STORIS to properly credit a customer's account. In the case of abandoned debit card transactions, the program performs financial updates in STORIS immediately. You can run this program manually or you can set it to run automatically at a specified time.
The following is the messaging flow for transactions processed via the server-based EMV platform (UTG).
1. Client sends CC Payment Request to STORIS Server
2. STORIS Server Sends Auth Request to UTG Associated with Store / Workstation / Cash Drawer
3. UTG Initializes Payment Terminal and collects Card Data
4. Encrypted Card Data Cent Back to UTG
5. UTG Sends Auth request with Card Data to Shift4. Shift4 gets approval from Processor / Card Network
6. Shift4 sends Approval to UTG
7. UTG tells user transaction results via the terminal
8. STORIS Server receives Transaction Result
The following is the messaging flow for transactions processed using the STORIS Cloud-based EMV platform.
1. Client Sends ‘Are you There’ Message to local UTG
2. Local UTG Collects Device Token from Dollars on the Net
3. UTG hands Device Token to Client
4. Client sends CC Payment Request to STORIS Server with Device Token
5. STORIS Server Sends Auth Request to UTG Associated with Store / Workstation / Cash Drawer
6. UTG Initializes Payment Terminal and collects Card Data
7. Request for Card Data sent to device mapped to Device Token. Encrypted Card Data Cent Back to DOTN. Note that at the same time the user receives an update from the terminal (the other point number 7).
8. Shift4 sends Approval to UTG
9. UTG Tells User Transaction Result To STORIS Server
10. STORIS Client receives Transaction Result