Report External Credit Card Transactions


If using the Online Credit Card Processing feature, use this routine to produce a list of externally processed credit and debit card transactions. You can use this list to reconcile the transactions against a report produced by your external credit card processing company.  This report provides balancing information so you can confirm that STORIS is in agreement with your external credit card processing company in terms of the number of transactions and the monies received or expended.

The report sorts by location, transaction date, and transaction time. For each specified location, the report lists

 All of the above sections sort by and break on the Final Disposition column. When processing with Shift4, if they return an error that displays in the Response column, this is an indicator that there could potentially be an issue with the customer's transaction. The person who handles credit card balancing needs to verify the transaction on Shift4's website. (Dollars on the Net)

Once you identify the incomplete transactions, you can use the Resolve Abandoned External Card Transactions to reconcile the transactions.

Date Code

Starting Date

Ending Date

Store Location  

Pin Pad Identifier

Send Output to

Export Path

Once you select your run-time options, choose Run to produce the report.