Pre-Authorizing Credit Cards for eSTORIS Orders

eSTORIS provides the option to pre-authorize credit card payments on eSTORIS purchases so you can postpone authorization until you print delivery tickets for the order. If you activate this feature, you can set up the system to automatically

 To use this feature, you must use PPI (that is, Payment Processing, Inc.) as your credit card authorization service.



- Pending Deposit (if Credit Card Processing is not active)

- Pending Deposit Pre-Authorized (if the card has been pre-authorized)

- Pending Deposit Not Authorized (if the card has not been pre-authorized)

- eSTORIS or either of the Delivery Ticket Print programs, the system references the Default Store field in the Web Control Settings.

- Process Web Payments or the Payment Summary Window in Sales Order Entry, the system references the log-in store of the log-on user.