System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Sales and Service System Settings > Service Control Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Service Control Settings
Tabs: General, Parts and Labor, Scheduling, Document Print
The settings in this routine control the functionality within the Customer Service module.
Status for New Orders(LOCKED - STORIS access
ONLY!) The Service Status code entered here is used as the default Status
code when new service lines are entered in the service order entry process.
Status for Closed Orders(LOCKED
- STORIS access ONLY!) The Service Status code entered here is used as
the default Status code when service lines are closed (completed).
This field cannot be set to a status code that is set to Close Without
Completion in the Status Code
Deposit Holdback is %Enter
the percentage of the deposit to hold back on partially completed service
Keep Status Data for DaysThis
is the number of days the system will retain status analysis data, used
for the Status Analysis Report, prior to purging the information.
Default Service LocationUse
this field to specify the warehouse location you want to use as the default
service location. Depending on the type of service order, the shipping
location, and your Regional
Processing settings (if any), the system may use this location if
it cannot determine another service location.
Enter a default service type. You have the following options:
Quick In-Shop.
The system references this field when creating a new service document.
Allow Service with no Coordinator
This field indicates whether or not the entry of a service coordinator is mandatory in Enter a Service Order. If you check the box, users can create a service order without specifying a coordinator (Coordinator field left blank & None Assigned indicated).
If you leave this check box blank, users must indicate a coordinator when creating a new service order. Entry of a coordinator is not mandatory on existing pending service orders.
If you check
this field and then leave the Coordinator field blank when creating
the service order, an End-of-Day process automatically assigns service
orders to coordinators based on availability, regardless of the service
order status.
The coordinator is NOT assigned when forcing pending service orders,
created by users without security
to create full service orders, regardless of this setting.
Allow Service Order to be Reinstated
This field indicates whether or not a merchandise line on a service order can be reinstated once it has been completed. Non-merchandise and stock service order lines are not available for reinstatement. The option to reinstate a line closed on another service order or on the currently accessed service order, is only available if this field is selected and the user has the required user security.
Allow Problem Text ChangeIf this
option is selected, changes may be made to existing problem description
text (as well as adding new text) in Service Order entry. If this option
is not selected, users will only be permitted to add problem description
text to the order.
Allow FinancingThis
flag indicates whether or not service order payments may be financed.
Perform Credit CheckThis
field indicates whether or not the system will perform a credit check
on customers and put service orders on credit hold as needed. The credit
checking is based on the Sales Order ACF settings.
To require users to provide their user ID and password before creating a new service transaction, check the box. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you check the box at this field, the Transaction Entry - User Log In Screen appears immediately after entering the order number for a new transaction. To continue, you must enter a valid user ID and password into that screen. Once you enter a valid user ID and password, those credentials override the log-on user's credentials for the current order so that the current user becomes associated with the order. Once you save the order, the log-on user's credentials once again take precedence.
your system is set for cash balancing
by cashier, this field is inactive.
This field also appears in the Point
of Sale Control Settings for sales orders, exchanges, returns,
and dollar adjustments; and the Quick
Sale Control Settings for quick sale orders.
Store Location is Same as Service Location
If you check this box, the store location is automatically changed to be equal to the service location following entry of the customer during Enter a Service Order. Any additional manual changes to the service location are also applied to the store location. If the store location is changed independently of the service location, the service location is not updated.
If you leave this box blank, the store location is not changed automatically.
Default Labor Rate Per HourThis is
the labor rate that will be used as the default in Service Order creation
if the rate cannot be determined from the labor technician's Staff record.
Allow Labor Rate ChangeThis field
is used to indicate whether or not defaulted labor prices may be changed
in Service Order entry. Sales Order exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered.
checking, such as below cost check, variance from retail, etc., will apply
to these changes.
Default Labor Cost Per HourThis is
the labor cost that will be used in Service Order entry when it cannot
be determined from the labor technician's Staff record or in the Product
Labor Time Increments (hhmm)This is
the minimum labor time, entered in minute increments, to be used in determining
labor charges. For example, if set to “10”, any entry for labor time will
be adjusted up to the next 10 minute increment.
Minutes Unit of Measure CodeThis is
the user-defined code that represents minutes. The code entered here must
exist in the Unit of Measure
Settings file .
Hours Unit of Measure CodeThis is
the user-defined code that represents hours. The code entered here must
exist in the Unit of Measure
Settings file.
Allow Parts Price ChangeThis field
indicates whether or not defaulted parts prices may be modified in Service
Order entry. Sales Order exception checking, such as below cost check,
variance from retail, etc., will apply to these changes.
Our company's Vendor CodeThis is
the code of the vendor record that was created for the retailer's company.
The code entered here will be used as the default when entering a product
with an inventory type of 2 (retail labor), 4 (service labor only), 5
(service charge only), and 6 (non-merchandise service).
Enter the method you want to use to handle the reimbursement of parts charges that are the responsibility of a third party. You have the following options:
D-Debit Payable: A debit AP bill generates for the third-party vendor upon completion of this Part line.
V-Vendor Receivables: Vendor Receivables updates for the third-party vendor upon completion of this Part line.
R-Report Only: Neither Payables nor Receivables are posted. The chargeback information appears only on the Vendor Chargeback Report.
This field is active only for extended
warranties, factory warranties, or warranties from third-party companies,
and if Accounts Payable and Vendor Receivables modules are both active
(other user settings can also affect this field).
If neither the Accounts Payable nor Vendor Receivables modules are
active, this field is inactive and the system uses the Report
Only option. If only one of those modules is available, this
field is also inactive and the system selects the appropriate option.
Depending on modules active on your system, the system may reference
this field if a vendor chargeback method has not been specified at
the Chargeback Method field in the Vendor
Payables Hold CodeEnter
the AP hold code (if
any) you want to apply to AP bills created automatically for completed
service orders. The system assigns this hold code to all AP bills
generated automatically from customer service chargebacks (you create
a customer service chargeback when you finalize a service order for which
the reimbursement method is set to Debit Payable).
On-the-Fly PO's on HoldTo place
on Hold all "parts" purchase orders created on-the-fly Performed simultaneously, in the midst of another routine. For example, creating a new product during sales entry rather than leaving the sales process to create the product in product settings.
in Enter a Service Order,
check the box. In this way, you can review the orders before processing
them. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Verify Warranty ExpirationThis field
indicates whether warranty expiration dates should be enforced when assigning
responsibility for charges. If the field is not selected, the user may
assign warranty responsibility after the expiration date.
Auto Adjust Parts on Quick In-ShopTo enable
operators to make automatic
stock adjustments when insufficient quantity exists in the system
to fill quick in-shop service orders (including line items for obsolete
products), check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Tickle Processing ActiveUse this
field to indicate whether or not Tickle processing is active. If not active,
service employees will not be notified of any conditions that would cause
auto assignment of a task. If this field is not selected, the following
three fields controlling Customer Calls will be set to null and will not
be active.
After Last Call DaysIf the
Tickle Processing Active field is selected, this field is used to set
the number of days to tickle the Coordinator after the Last Contact Date.
Entry of “0” will tickle on the exact day that the tickle process is run.
If left null, the tickle process will disregard this field.
Call Customer DaysIf the
Tickle Processing Active field is selected, this field is used to set
the number of days to tickle the Coordinator before the Next Contact Date.
Entry of “0” will tickle the day after the Next Contact Date. For any
tickling to be active you must have this field set with a value other
than null. If this field is NULL, the tickling process will not work during
End of Day (Generate Daily Reports) processing.
Call Before In-Home DaysIf the
Tickle Processing Active field is selected, this field is used to set
the number of days to tickle the Coordinator before the scheduled In-Home
service date. Entry of “0” will tickle the day after the scheduled in-home
service date. If left null, the tickle process will disregard this field.
Average Travel TimeThis field
is used for route capacity planning. Enter the average amount of travel
time (hours) you want to allow to lapse between in-home service calls.
The program adds the travel time you enter here to scheduled stops.
Print Problem on COG DocumentThis field
is used to indicate whether or not Problem Description text is to print
on COG (customer's own goods) A feature of the Customer Service module via which you can identify an item on a service transaction as customer goods, for example the repair of a customer-owned item. documents.
Manifest Update from PickingTo activate
the Update Manifest field in Pick
List Entry, thus providing the option to generate or update a service
manifest, check the box at this field. If you leave this field blank,
users must generate
service manifests manually.
Cut Off Routes
Days Prior to Scheduled Date
You can use this setting to automatically close routes to scheduling on specific dates, based on the number of days you enter in this field. The field appears in Logistical Route Settings, Service Control Settings, and Point of Sale Control Settings and is used for delivery and service type routes only. If you leave the field blank in the Logistical Route Settings for any delivery/service route, the system uses this field in the Point of Sale Control Settings or Service Control Settings, depending on the route type (delivery/service). Once you enter a number of days in the field, the system uses this number and today's date to determine the dates that should be closed and displays them as unavailable in the route calendar during scheduling.
If you leave this field blank in all three settings routines, this
feature is ignored and you can close dates in the normal manner, using
Route Capacity Settings
and/or Route Capacity Control
If you use this feature to close dates, they remain closed even if
you access this field again and change the number of days. You can
"re-open" the closed dates only by doing the following:
1) change the number of days in this field (in control settings and/or
route settings) and then 2) access the dates via Route
Capacity Settings and change the maximum number of stops for those
Select the print form you want to use when printing in-shop work orders.
Select the print form you want to use when printing in-home work orders.
Select the print form you want to use when printing service orders.