How do I delete a sales order or a line item that has been linked to a service order?
In order to delete a sales order (or line item) linked to a service order, you must first remove the linkage. To remove the linkage and retain the service order, do the following:
Access the service order via Enter a Service Order.
Double-click the line item in the grid of the service order's Merchandise tab.
Use the Status field to change the status to CLS (Closed) and save the order.
Once you close the service line item, the system removes the linkage to the sales order.
Using Enter a Sales Order, delete the order or delete the merchandise line that was linked to the service order.
You can now complete the service order.
How do I indicate that a warehouse or store is a service location?
You can specify a default service location by checking the Store Location Is Same as Service Location field in the General Information tab of Service Control Settings. In addition, you can use the Service Location field in the Inventory & Logistics tab of Warehouse/Store Location Settings to indicate the service warehouse location you want to use for service orders originating from each location.
How do I change the service location on a service order?
The Store Location field can be edited when the Service Order is initially created; however, once a merchandise item has been specified, the Store Location field cannot be changed. In order to change the service location at this point, you must delete the service order and re-enter it by accessing the service order and then clicking the Delete button.
Merchandising and Distribution > Logistics > Service Processing > Enter a Service Order
Customer > Customer Service > Enter a Service Order
Customer > Coordination and Logistics > Service Processing > Enter a Service Order
Page Headings: Customer, Merchandise, Non-Merchandise, COGs, Parts, Labor, Charges, Total
The process of automated customer service begins with the entry of a service call into the system using this program. This program generates an initial service order detailing the customer’s information, as well as specific information about the purchase in question and the problem. The service order becomes the primary instrument to track the call from receipt to resolution.
If using eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store"., your customers can enter service orders via your eSTORIS web site. eSTORIS transmits service orders to STORIS immediately upon completion, assigns a status of Pending, and generates an alert email to the service coordinator designated in the Web Control Settings.
This routine may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you may not have access to all customers
and locations.
To add or delete line items on orders to which deposits and/or financing
have been applied, users must have access via the Delete/Edit
information on open transactions field in the Extended
Security settings. For unauthorized users, line items on such orders
are inactive.
Enter the number you want to assign to this service order. If your system is set to automatically assign transaction numbers (via the Next Point of Sale/Service Transaction field in the Point of Sale Control Settings), press Enter or click the Plus button to automatically assign the next sequential number.
To update an existing service order, enter the service order number. If you click on the Search button, a menu appears with the following options, any of which you can use to locate an existing service order:
View a Customer's Historical Transactions (Customer Buy History)
View a Customer's Open Transactions (Open Order by Customer)
Search for a Sales Order by a Specific Product (Open Order by Product)
If the Automated & Manual POS Numbers
setting is active in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings you have the option of manually assigning an
order number or letting the system automatically generate a number.
This read-only field appears after the Customer Number field has been populated.
Specify the type of service order:
In Home - for services performed in the customer's home.
In Shop - for services performed at your facility or at a third-party facility.
Quick In Shop - for services performed at your facility or a third-party facility and assumed to be complete. The system completes the service order immediately upon filing out of the entry. Note that status codes with the Close Without Completion field checked in Status Code Settings cannot be assigned to this type of service order.
Enter the number of the completed (invoiced) or open sales order, if known. Information displays from the original document such as customer, shipping and merchandise. If you do not know the original document number, you can enter a number of your choice so that you can continue creating the service order. This field is not available if the service is on a stock piece or non-merchandise service.
If the number you enter refers to an open sales order, the inventory on the sales order must be assigned A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item and assign a serial/reference number., otherwise an error message appears and you cannot continue.
If an in shop service order is linked to an open sales order, the service order must be completed prior to the delivery date.
If an in home service order is linked to an open sales order, the service should be performed on or after delivery.
Click the Search button to locate an existing document by choosing an option from the menu that appears:
Customer Buy History Inquiry (View a Customer's Historical Purchases)
Customer Ship To Address Lookup (View Customer Ship-To Address) - In order to access this option, ADDRESS - Multiple Ship-to Addresses on the Logistics page of Point of Sale Control Settings must be active.
Open Order by Customer Inquiry (View a Customer's Open Transactions)
Product Serial Number Lookup (Serial Number Look-Up)
If you select either Customer
Ship To Address Lookup or Product
Serial Number Lookup, you can merge
customer purchase histories in the event that the customer associated
with a service order is not the same as the customer who purchased
the item being serviced.
DateEnter the transaction date
for the service order document. Today's date defaults, but you can enter
a different date or select one from the calendar
The default location from the log-in
screen appears, if any, or click the Arrow button to select from
a list of available locations. For Quick In Shop orders, if the logon
location is not set up as a service location (via the Customer
Service Location field on the Inventory & Logistics page
in Warehouse/Store
Location Settings), an error message appears and you cannot proceed.
For In Shop service orders, the location you enter here determines
the service location. The system references the Customer
Service Location field on the Inventory & Logistics page
in Warehouse/Store Location Settings to determine the selling store.
If the Store Location is Same as
Service Location field in Service
Control Settings is checked, the store location is automatically
set to the service location once the customer has been indicated and
the service location determined. If you change the service location,
the store location is updated again to match the service location.
You can edit this field up until the first merchandise line item is
entered on the Merchandise page. After that, this field is unavailable
for change.
Note that here and at any other Location field, the locations available
to you may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
SalespersonThe code
of the primary salesperson from
the original completed (invoiced) order appears. If the original document
does not exist, the salesperson defined in the Customer Settings appears.
You can edit this field. If you click on the Search
button, a list of valid salesperson codes appears, from which you can
make a selection.
If this is an in-shop order to repair stock merchandise, the purchase salesperson
defaults to the house salesperson (ZZZ) and you cannot edit this field.
Enter the coordinator you want to assign to this order. Click the Search button to select from a list of coordinators.
This field is required unless the Allow Service with No Coordinator field in the Service Control Settings is checked; you can leave this field blank to allow the Day-Ending process to automatically assign a coordinator.
The customer code from the sales document appears, if available. If this customer is not the same as the customer from the original sale, you can enter a different credit-to customer. If the original sales document is a quick sale order, you must enter a valid customer. If the original sales document is not available, you must enter the customer code for whom you are creating this return.
If the code you enter is numeric, the system assumes you are entering a customer code. When you enter a valid customer code, additional customer information appears below and you can proceed with the order. If you enter a number that does not exist in the system, an error message appears.
If your entry includes one or more alpha characters (for example, a customer last name), the Search for a Customer appears which you use to locate your entry (if it exists) in the system.
To search for an existing customer, click on the Search button to access the Search for a Customer screen from which you can select a customer.
To create a new customer "on-the-fly", click on the Action button An outlet to additional routines and functions. Identified by a blue button with a white ellipsis, Action buttons appear next to fields. to access the Customer Settings. Note that if the CUSTOMER SEARCH - Always during entry field is active in the Point of Sale Control Settings, the Search for a Customer screen appears first.
The customers you can access at this
and other Customer fields may be restricted by Regional
Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension,
Primary Email Address
Customer name displays from the original order, if one was specified. Otherwise, once a customer number has been indicated, the full name displays from customer settings. If available, the customer's home telephone number, cell phone number, work telephone number, work extension number, and primary email address display from Customer Settings.
Address 1,
Address 2, City, State Zip
The customer's billing address displays from Customer Settings. If changing the Shipping Information for this order, you have the option of also changing the Billing Information. (See below)
Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Email Address
Once a customer number has been indicated, the shipping name, phone numbers, and email address display from Customer Settings. If separate shipping information has not been indicated in customer settings, the shipping information and billing information are initially the same when creating a new order.
Address 1, Address 2, City, State Zip
The customer's shipping address, if any, displays from Customer Settings. If a separate shipping address has not been indicated in customer settings, the shipping information and billing information are initially the same when creating a new order. In either case, you can enter the shipping address for the order by clicking the Actions button and selecting Shipping Information. To select an existing ship-to address, use the Customer Order Information Screen from the Actions button.
Use this field to enter text relating to the
service order, such as additional customer contact information, etc. Text
entered here displays on the Service Scheduling screen and prints on the
service order.CommentsUse this
field to enter text relating to the service order, such as additional
customer contact information, etc. Text entered here displays on the Service
Scheduling screen and prints on the service order.
Use this field to indicate the location where the service is being performed. If available, click on the Arrow to choose from a list of available service locations.
For stock service orders, the service location defaults to the location associated with the customer specified at the Customer Number field. You cannot edit this default response.
For In Shop service orders, the system references the location associated with the selling location (that is, the store or warehouse where the piece is being serviced, whether dropped off by the customer or brought in following pickup from the customer).
For In Home service orders, the system references the customer's zip code to determine the normal ship location, after which it determines that location’s service location (that is, the store or warehouse from which the in-home service order originated).
If the system cannot find a location through the above methods, the Default Service Location established in the Service Control Settings appears.
The locations you can access at this
and other Location fields may be restricted by Regional
If the Store Location is Same as Service
Location field in Service
Control Settings is checked, the store location is automatically
set to the service location once the customer has been indicated and
the service location determined. If you change the service location,
the store location is updated again to match the service location.
Enter the estimated or scheduled date for all service lines on the order or click the calendar icon to select a date from the calendar that appears. If you click on the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
Override Route Capacity Date - To access this screen, you must have permission via the Override capacities when scheduling routes that are full field in Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security settings.
Routing Cutoff Calendar - This option can only be selected if a route is selected in the Service Route field below.
For In Home orders, if the Original Document referenced is an Open
Sales Order and the Route specified is the Delivery route of that
Sales Order, the sales order delivery date defaults and you cannot
edit it until you select Service Merchandise from the open Sales Order.
Once you select lines, the service date becomes available for change
and is validated to ensure it is in line with the linked order’s delivery
date (on or after that date).
the scheduled time (if any) of the service for in-home orders only.Service
TimeEnter the scheduled time (if any) of the service
for in-home orders only.
Enter the current status of the service order. You have the following options:
Scheduled - indicates that the service date is a scheduled date and all service lines on the order are considered to be scheduled.
Estimated - indicates that the service date is an estimate only and that the order has not yet been scheduled.
Pending - indicates that the service order is incomplete and requires additional information before the service can begin. If the user does not have security to create a full service order, the system assigns a status of Pending.
Enter the current status of the service order. You have the following options:
EST - Estimated - indicates that the service date is an estimate only and that the order has not yet been scheduled.
SCD - Scheduled - indicates that the service date is a scheduled date and all service lines on the order are considered to be scheduled.
PEN - Pending - indicates that the service order is incomplete and requires additional information before the service can begin. If the user does not have security to create a full service order, the system assigns a status of Pending.
The system uses the route code entered here for In Home service orders to identify the service route for this order. The technician associated with this route code is the default technician on the service and labor lines of the order. The route code defaults from the Service Route Code field in the Zip Code Settings, based on the customer's zip code. Click the Search button to select a route code from a list of valid service route codes.
If the original document referenced for this order is an open sales
order, the route code specified in this field may be the delivery
route on that sales order. The system assumes the service will
be provided as part of the delivery. A warning message appears and
you can select a customer service route instead. If you change this
field to a valid service route, you have the option to update all
existing service and labor lines for the technician associated with
the new route.
InstructionsUse this
field to enter two lines of text you want to appear on printed In Home
and In Shop service orders.
To print additional instructions for this order, check the box at
this field. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If you check the box at this field, the contents of the Extended Delivery
Instructions field (if any) in the Advanced
Customer Settings prints on the order.
If you click on the Action button, the Extended
Instructions Text Box appears where you can enter or edit the
extended delivery instructions.
Specify the code of the delivery
contact status (if any) you want to assign to this order by clicking
the Arrow to choose from a list of available contact statuses.
Note that to update this field, you must have clearance via the Change Delivery Contact Status field
in the Create
a User/Group Actions - Sales Security settings. If no delivery
contact statuses exist in your system, this field is inactive.
Enter the contact date or click the Calendar Icon to select a date from the calendar that appears. Note that the Contact Status field above must be established before this field can be accessed.
DateEnter the date of the last
contact with the customer. Today's date defaults, but if you click on
the calendar icon, a
calendar appears from which you can select another date.
Use this field with the coordinator and technician tickling
Enter the date of the next
contact with the customer. Tomorrow's date defaults, but if you click
on the calendar icon,
a calendar appears from which you can select another date.
Use this field with the coordinator and technician tickling
process. Next
DateEnter the date of the next contact with the customer.
Tomorrow's date defaults, but if you click on the calendar
icon, a calendar appears from which you can select another date.
Use this field with the coordinator and technician tickling
After you specify an order number, a paper
clip icon appears on the button bar next to the Help button. If
this icon is active on a page, it indicates a file
attachment exists for the selected page or for an item
in the order related to the selected page (for example, a customer or
product). If the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for selected page.
The following standard escapes appear if you right-click your mouse anywhere on this page (except over a grid). To view a right-click menu, you must first make a valid entry in the key field (usually the first field in a routine). You can customize your escape menu options by selecting Add Escapes to Current Screen to access Dynamic Escape Settings.
Convert to In-Home Service - converts in-shop service orders to in-home service orders. The merchandise must be in the customer’s possession. Open COG (customer's own goods) A feature of the Customer Service module via which you can identify an item on a service transaction as customer goods, for example the repair of a customer-owned item. documents cannot exist on the order.
Convert to In-Shop Service - converts in-home service orders to in-shop service orders. This option is available only to users with full service access. No non-merchandise service lines can exist on the order.
If the original sales document you entered on the Customer page exists on the system, the Original Order Piece Selection screen appears listing the products purchased on the original sales order, where you select the item(s) to be serviced. If the original order does not exist in the system, a message appears prompting you to enter the product information on this Merchandise page.
Enter or search for the code of the product for which this service is being performed. Click the Search button to select a product from the Search for a Product window. If the original document has been indicated, you can click the Action button to access the Original Order Piece Selection window to select a product(s). Once the product has been entered, information populates in the Line Item Display below. If the camera icon is active, you can click on it to view a picture of the specified product. If the camera is inactive, no image exists for the product at this time.
You can enter a product that doesn't exist in your system, for example
to repair a product you don't carry. The product information is for
reference purposes only and is not added to the Product file.
DescriptionThe description defaults
and cannot be changed if you select a product found on your system. You
can enter a description if you indicate a product that is not found on
your system.
Serial/Reference NumberIndicate the Serial Number
of the specific piece being repaired. The reference defaults from the
original document, if available. For stock service orders, you can click
Action to locate a specific piece.
Specify the problem that lead to the initial service call. Entry in this field is mandatory. Click Search to locate a problem code from the Problem Code window. Once a code is selected from the list, the Service Problem Entry Screen displays.
Indicate the technician responsible for the repair. Either enter the name (Staff ID) or click the Search button to select an ID from the list. For In Home service orders, the technician defaults from the indicated route.
Enter the code of the status that best describes the selected line
item or click on the Search button to choose a status code from the
Lookup window. For new line items, the system defaults a status defined
in the Status for New Orders
field or Status for Closed Orders
field in the Service Control Settings.
You can edit this field.
If you assign a
status that is ineligible for a Close
Without Completion status
as established in Status Code Settings,
an error message specifies the reason, e.g. the line is linked to
an open sales order.
ScheduledA checked
box indicates this service item is scheduled for the date defined on the
Customer tab. You can schedule specific lines, while placing other line
items on hold by removing the check in the box.
This field is used to indicate the current location of the repair merchandise:
Customer - The default for In Home service and cannot be changed. If this option is selected, a COG must first be scheduled to pick the merchandise up.
Warehouse - The default for In Shop service and may be changed. The default for In Shop stock service and cannot be changed.
Vendor - Merchandise has been sent to an outside vendor for repair. If this option is selected, two COGs must be created: 1) to get the merchandise back from the vendor and 2) to return the merchandise to the customer.
At this and any other Location field, the list of available locations
may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
This field is used in conjunction with the Current Merchandise Location field on this page to indicate the current location of the item to be repaired. If Customer was selected in the Current Merchandise Location field, the Customer Number populates in this field and cannot be edited. If Warehouse was selected, the Service Location defaults in this field and cannot be edited. If Vendor was selected, use this field to enter the code of the outside vendor to whom the merchandise was sent for repair, or click the Search button to access the Vendor Name Search screen.
This field is used to enter the In Shop storage location and is active if a warehouse location was entered in the Location Code field. If a default location has been indicated in the Service/Repair field in the Inventory & Logistics page of Warehouse/Store Location Settings, it defaults in this field. The contents of this field appears on the printed work order.
At this and any other Location field, the list of available locations
may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
GroupThe product group defaults and cannot be changed
if you select a product found on your system. You can indicate a product
group if you enter a product that is not found on your system.
VendorThe vendor defaults and cannot be changed if
you select a product found on your system. You can indicate the vendor
if you enter a product that is not found on your system.
Purchase DateThe date
defaults from the original order/invoice, if available, and can be changed.
If the order is still open, it defaults the document date from the open
sale. If the order is completed, it defaults the completion date of the
sales order. If the original document does not exist on the system, you
can still indicate the date of purchase.
This display-only field shows the status of the COG order, if any. This field populates after the COG page is updated.
Click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null.
Click the Save button to add the current item to the order.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated by you. When the product information has been entered, click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click the Save button to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item with its information contained in its own row. Rows cannot be edited; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove link to delete the row from the order.
Each row in the Line Item Display displays the following information about the product on the order:
Problem Code
Service Status
Current Merchandise Location
Scheduled Date
Click to display additional information about the line item. The following additional information appears:
Second Description
Vendor Model Number
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
Use this page for services not related to any specific merchandise. For example, to enter service to repair damage to a customer’s house that occurred during delivery. Enter it as Non-Merchandise service. Because the system assumes non-merchandise service to be in-home service, this page is active only for In-Home service orders. These lines can also have linked parts and labor. This page is not active for Stock Merchandise service orders.
the code of the non-merchandise service item. Click the Search button
to use Search
for a Product to locate a product code.
Problem CodeSpecify
the problem that lead to the initial service call. Entry in this field
is mandatory. Click Search to locate a problem
code. Once a code is selected from the list, the Service
Problem Entry Screen displays.
the technician responsible for the repair. You can click the Search button
and select a code from the list. For in-home service orders, the technician
defaults from the indicated route.
Service StatusEnter the code of the status
that best describes the selected line item. Click the Search button to
access the Status Lookup
window from which you can make a selection. For new line items, the system
defaults a status defined in the Service
Control Settings. You can edit this field.
If you assign a status
that is ineligible for a Close Without Completion status as established
in Status
Code Settings, an error message displays specifying the reason, e.g.,
the line is linked to an open sales order or the line is linked to parts,
labor or charges.
check-box indicates whether this service is scheduled for the Date defined
on the Customer page. This allows the scheduling of specific service lines,
while other lines may be placed on hold by leaving this field un-checked.
Click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null.
Click the Save button to add the current item to the order.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item with its information contained in its own row. Rows cannot be edited; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove link to delete the row from the order.
Each row in the Line Item Display displays the following information about the product on the order:
Problem Code
Service Status
Scheduled Date
Click to display additional information about the line item. The following additional information appears:
Second Description
Vendor Model Number
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated by you. When the product information has been entered, click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click the Save button to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
Use this page to access the Customer Service COG Entry window in order to create new COG (customer's own goods) A feature of the Customer Service module via which you can identify an item on a service transaction as customer goods, for example the repair of a customer-owned item.documents and edit existing ones. COG documents can only be created for In Shop orders.
To add an item, click the Add Item button and select from the Item Selection for COG window that opens. Once the item(s) are selected, the Customer Service COG Entry window opens where you enter the details for the COG entry. After you click Save, a message appears stating "COG Delivery Document XXXXXXX created." Once you click OK, the item is added to the Line Item Display of the service order.
To avoid scheduling conflicts, the system links service merchandise movement
scheduling and in-shop scheduling.
If the item is on an open sales order you cannot ship COG to customer,
you must use sales order to ship the item to the customer.
Click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null.
Click the Save button to add the current item to the order.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated by you. When the product information has been entered, click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click the Save button to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item with its information contained in its own row. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove link to delete the row from the order.
Each row in the Line Item Display displays the following information about the product on the order:
COG Order Number
Movement Date
Movement From
Movement To
Click to display additional information about the line item. The following additional information appears:
Second Description
Vendor Model Number
Click to hide the additional line item information.
To edit an item, click the associated Edit button and the Customer Service COG Entry window opens where you can edit the line item. Note that the row itself cannot be directly edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
After adding an item to the order, the line is checked to ensure the route
capacity has not been exceeded. If exceeded, a warning displays "Route
X is full for MM/DD/YYYY. Do you wish to override the capacity limit?".
If Yes is selected, the capacity limit is overridden, which requires permission
found in Override capacities when scheduling
routes that are full in Create
a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security; if No is selected, the
line is added to the grid as unscheduled. The warning appears every time
merchandise is added or changed that causes an increase to route capacity.
If the added or changed merchandise reduces the already exceeded route
capacity, no warning appears, even if the reduction still results in over
Use this page to specify the parts needed for the service order. All parts on a service order must be linked to a Service Line.
Line items containing parts must be linked to a Service line, and to link
a part to a service order the part must have been received into inventory.
Parts cannot be returned or exchanged, but you can perform dollars-only
adjustments on these line items.
Use this required field to indicate the service line to which the service part is linked by selecting the service line from the drop down menu.
Use this field to establish the code of the service part needed to complete the repair. Either enter the part product code directly into the field or click the Search button to choose a part from Search for a Product. Once a line is saved to the Line Item Display, the service line selected defaults in the Service Details screen when new parts are added. If "All Service Lines" is selected, all linked parts are displayed in the Line Item Display.
the Prompt
User in POS setting
in Advanced Product
Settings is checked, the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window displays when a part is added to the service
order. You can then select one or more prep codes to be associated
with the line item. If prep codes were defaulted based on the
Code setting
in Advanced Product Settings, those show as already selected in this
screen. The defaulted codes may be deselected if needed.
The Service Method code selected on the Customer page displays here.
BrandThe product's
brand automatically displays from the Advanced
Product Settings record.
The Service Location selected on the Customer page displays here.
At this and any other Location field, the list of available locations
may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Purchase Order NumberIf a
parts purchase order has been created, the PO number displays here.
Select this field if using an As-Is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. service part. Click the Search button to access the As-Is Inventory Inquiry screen.
Special OrderThis
field indicates whether or not the parts product may be special ordered,
as indicated in the Special Ordered field in the Advanced
Product Settings file for this product.
Serial/Reference NumberIf an
As-Is piece is selected, a serial number must be entered.
Enter the order quantity for this part. Click the Action button
to open the Purchase
Order Reservations Screen (if the screen is active via the Sales Order Linkage Access field
in the Purchasing
Control Settings).
The field defaults to a quantity of 1, but you can edit it. When linking
to a service merchandise line where the work order has been printed,
any quantity entered must be fully reserved.
Quantity AvailableThe quantity
ordered that is available at the service location is displayed.
Unit PriceThis
is the selling price of the part. The price entered here is used to calculate
the liability of the party responsible for the charges. If the retailer
is assuming responsibility, enter 0.00 (zero) as the price.
Extended PriceThis
field displays the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity Ordered, less
any Discount amount for the current parts product.
If the product is set as Discountable in the Advanced Product Settings, this field is available. Enter the Sales Discount Settings code that represents the discount to be applied to this item. Click the Arrow button to select from a list of valid discount codes.
If the discount code you select is set as an Amount type discount and is set to allow an override, the Override Discount Amount window appears. You can accept or override a defaulted amount, or enter the amount when a default does not exist. You can access the Override Discount Amount window for an existing discount by clicking the Action button and selecting Override Discount Amount.
To enter multiple discounts for this line item, click the Action button to access the Enter Multiple Discounts Per Line.
The amount of the discount from the code selected in the Discount Code field displays here.
Click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null.
Click the Save button to add the current item to the order.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated by you. When the product information has been entered, click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click the Save button to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item with its information contained in its own row. Rows cannot be edited; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove link to delete the row from the order.
Each row in the Line Item Display displays the following information about the product on the order:
Part Product
Expense Responsibility
Quantity Ordered
Quantity Reserved
Discount Code
Discount Amount
Unit Price
Extended Price
Click to display additional information about the line item. The following additional information appears:
Second Description
Vendor Model Number
Special Order Information
Quantity Assigned
Purchase Order Number
Regular Selling Price
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
The following standard escapes appear if you right-click your mouse anywhere on this page (except over a grid). To view a right-click menu, you must first make a valid entry in the key field (usually the first field in a routine). You can customize your escape menu options by selecting Add Escapes to Current Screen to access Dynamic Escape Settings.
Sales Discount Settings - Accesses the read-only version of this routine.
Warehouse Stock Inquiry (View Product Availability)
Enter a Discount on Multiple Lines - Select this option to apply a discount to all eligible lines.
Purchase Order - Select this option to create a purchase order for special order parts.
View Order Discounts - View a ledger of how line discounts have been applied to the order.
Note that you cannot return or exchange labor items, you can only perform dollars-only adjustments on these line items.
This is a required field that defaults to the first item on the service order. This field is used to indicate the service line to which the labor product is linked. All parts, labor, and charges on a service order must be linked to a Service Line. Select from a drop-down list of existing Service Lines. If a specific line is selected, only labor products linked to the service line display in the Line Item Display and the service line selected defaults in the Service Details screen when new labor codes are added. If "All Service Lines" is selected, all linked labor products are displayed in the Line Item Display. Note that this control exists on the Parts, Labor and Charges pages and will always be in sync with each other. Specifying a service line on one of these pages forces the same change on the other two pages.
Enter the code of the service labor product or click the Search button to use Search for a Product. The product must be designated as a Labor product. The labor product may be special ordered and may be created “on the fly.” Click the Action button and select Product Group/Coll. Select to select products by Vendor, Price Range, Group, and/or Collection. A purchase order can be created on the fly for special order products by clicking the Action button and selecting the Special Order Sales option.
Following entry of the service labor code, click the Save
button or the Save + Add Another
button to link the labor product to a service line. The
Service Details screen displays.
Service MethodThe Service
Method selected on the Customer page displays.
Labor VendorThe vendor
code for this labor product displays.
The Service Location selected on the Customer page displays.
At this and any other Location field, the list of available locations
may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Purchase Order NumberIf a
purchase order has been created for this product, the PO number displays
the technician responsible for the repair. You can click the Search button
and select a code from the list. For in-home service orders, the technician
defaults from the indicated route.
Special OrderThis
field indicates whether or not the product is a special order product.
Enter the approximate amount of labor time (hours, minutes) required for this service line in the format HH:MM. If a labor product is selected, this field is mandatory. Once this time is entered, the system multiplies the Labor Time by the Labor Rate and displays that value in the Extended Price field.
The labor rate defaults from the Create a User record of the technician, from the labor Advanced Product Settings file, or from the Service Control Settings. The system multiplies the Labor Time by the Labor Rate and displays that value in the Extended Price field.
The extended labor price displays, based on the Labor Time multiplied by the Labor Rate, less any discounts.
If the labor product is set as Discountable in the Advanced Product Settings, this field is available. Enter the Sales Discount Settings code that represents the discount to be applied to this item. Click the Arrow button to select from a list of valid discount codes. To enter multiple discounts for this line item, click the Action button to access the Enter a Discount on Multiple Lines.
If the discount code you select is set as an Amount type discount and is set to allow an override, the Override Discount Amount window appears. You can accept or override a defaulted amount, or enter the amount when a default does not exist. You can access the Override Discount Amount window for an existing discount by clicking the Action button and selecting Override Discount Amount.
The total dollar amount of the discount displays here.
Click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null.
Click the Save button to add the current item to the order.
Click the Cancel link to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated by you. When the product information has been entered, click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click the Save button to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item with its information contained in its own row. Rows cannot be edited; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove link to delete the row from the order.
Each row in the Line Item Display displays the following information about the product on the order:
Labor Product
Expense Responsibility
Labor Time
Discount Code
Discount Amount
Labor Rate
Extended Price
Click to display additional information about the line item. The following additional information appears:
Second Description
Vendor Model Number
Special Order Information
Regular Labor Rate
Purchase Order Number
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
The following standard escapes appear if you right-click your mouse anywhere on this page (except over a grid). To view a right-click menu, you must first make a valid entry in the key field (usually the first field in a routine). You can customize your escape menu options by selecting Add Escapes to Current Screen to access Dynamic Escape Settings.
Sales Discount Settings - Accesses the read-only version of this routine.
Warehouse Stock Inquiry (View Product Availability)
Enter a Discount on Multiple Lines - Select this option to apply a discount to all eligible lines.
Purchase Order - Select this option to create a purchase order for special order parts.
View Order Discounts - View a ledger of how line discounts have been applied to the order.
Use this page to specify the charges (for example, disposal fees or trip charges) for the service order. Note that you cannot return or exchange charges, you can only perform dollars-only adjustments on these line items.
This is a required field that defaults to the first item on the service order. This field is used to indicate the service line to which the charge is linked. All parts, labor, and charges on a service order must be linked to a Service Line. Select from a drop-down list of existing Service Lines. If a specific line is selected, only charges linked to the service line display in the Line Item Display and the service line selected defaults in the Service Details screen when new charges are added. If "All Service Lines" is selected, all linked charges are displayed in the Line Item Display. Note that this control exists on the Parts, Labor and Charges pages and are always be in sync with each other. Specifying a service line on one of these pages forces the same change on the other two pages.
Enter the code of the service charge product or click the Search button to use Search for a Product. The product must be designated as a Charge product. Click the Action button and select Product Group/Coll. Select to select products by Vendor, Price Range, Group, and/or Collection. A purchase order can be created on the fly for special order products by clicking the Action button and selecting the Special Order Sales option.
Following entry of the service charge code, click the Save
button or the Save + Add Another
button to link the labor product to a service line. The Service Details screen displays.
Service MethodThe
Service Method selected on the Customer page displays.
The Service Location selected on the Customer page displays.
At this and any other Location field, the list of available locations
may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
product's brand automatically displays from the Advanced
Product Settings record.
Purchase Order NumberIf a
purchase order has been created for this product, the PO number displays
the technician responsible for the repair. You can click the Search button
and select a code from the list. For in-home service orders, the technician
defaults from the indicated route.
Special OrderThis
field indicates whether or not the product is a special order product.
Quantity OrderedEnter
the quantity of the charge item you want to use to calculate the total
Unit PriceThe price
of the service charge product, if any, defaults from Advanced
Product Settings and can be changed.
The extended charge price displays, based on the Quantity Ordered multiplied by the Unit Price, less any discounts.
If the charge product is set as Discountable in the Advanced Product Settings, this field is available. Enter the Sales Discount Settings code that represents the discount to be applied to this item. Click the Arrow button to select from a list of valid discount codes. To enter multiple discounts for this line item, click the Action button to access the Enter a Discount on Multiple Lines.
If the discount code you select is set as an Amount type discount and is set to allow an override, the Override Discount Amount window appears. You can accept or override a defaulted amount, or enter the amount when a default does not exist. You can access the Override Discount Amount window for an existing discount by clicking the Action button and selecting Override Discount Amount.
The total dollar amount of the discount displays here.
Click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null.
Click the Save button to add the current item to the order.
Click the Cancel link to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated by you. When the product information has been entered, click the Save + Add Another button to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click the Save button to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item with its information contained in its own row. Rows cannot be edited; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove link to delete the row from the order.
Each row in the Line Item Display displays the following information about the product on the order:
Charge Product
Expense Responsibility
Quantity Ordered
Discount Code
Discount Amount
Unit Price
Extended Price
Click to display additional information about the line item. The following additional information appears:
Second Description
Vendor Model Number
Special Order Information
Regular Selling Price
Purchase Order Number
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
The following standard escapes appear if you right-click your mouse anywhere on this page (except over a grid). To view a right-click menu, you must first make a valid entry in the key field (usually the first field in a routine). You can customize your escape menu options by selecting Add Escapes to Current Screen to access Dynamic Escape Settings.
Sales Discount Settings - Accesses the read-only version of this routine.
Warehouse Stock Inquiry (View Product Availability)
Enter a Discount on Multiple Lines - Select this option to apply a discount to all eligible lines.
View Order Discounts - View a ledger of how line discounts have been applied to the order.
The customer name defaults into this read-only field.
Miscellaneous FeesIf any miscellaneous
fees were applied to the order, the total amount displays here.
Sales TaxIf the customer and/or products
on the order are subject to tax, the running total of calculated sales
tax for this order displays here.
The total dollar amount of the parts from the Parts page displays here.
The total dollar amount of the labor from the Labor page displays here.
The total dollar amount of the charges from the Charges page displays here.
The payment type and amount appears, if specified. To enter or edit the payment, click on the Action button to access the Payment Summary Window. Use that screen to enter deposits for this order. Or, if you enter a valid payment type into this field, the associated payment entry screen appears into which you can enter the payment.
ability to enter deposits as cash, check, third-party-financed, credit
card, or gift certificate depends on various system settings.
After you enter a payment via order entry, the payment amount becomes
a deposit liability. The deposit remains linked to that order through
order completion. For open or deleted orders, you can use the Deposit
Maintenance screen, available from Actions
on the Payment
Summary screen to
- move the deposit to other open orders,
- put the amount on-account, or
- refund the amount through accounts payable.
The total dollar amount of the deposit displays here.
If financing all or part of the work order, enter the 3rd party Payment Type in this field. Once the payment type has been selected, the Finance Entry screen displays. The screen prompts for entry of the Account Number (supplied by the finance company), Insurance (None, Single, Joint), Amount (to be financed), and Authorization Number (supplied by the finance company). If no Authorization Number is entered, the order is placed on F3 credit hold. See Approve Orders on Credit Hold for details regarding credit holds.
The total financed dollar amount displays here.
If additional expenses arise from Factory Warranty, Extended Warranty, and/or Other Vendor, those expenses are categorized into Parts, Labor, or Charges. The total of these fields display in their respective Total fields.
The total of the Customer Expenses and Other Expenses defaults here.
The total of the Miscellaneous Fees and Sales Tax defaults here.
The amount of the Subtotal and Taxes and Fees field defaults here.
The amount of any deposits or financing displays here.
The balance due from the customer, the Net Total minus Payments, is displayed here.
Print Service
OrderTo print a copy of the service
order when filing out of this order, check the box. You can also print
the work order from the Document Print menu, Print
an In-Shop Work Order or Print
an In-Home Work Order.
There are multiple ways to release an order for completion:
Check this box to access the Select Service Lines to Close screen then select the lines that are eligible to be closed
Check the Action button at this field to access the Select Service Lines to Close screen then select the lines that are eligible to be closed
On the Merchandise and Non-Merchandise pages, change the status of a line in the grid to closed which automatically checks this box
Once the line (or lines) have been closed, click the Save button to access the Completion Date Entry Screen. In the Completion Date field, enter/select the date of completion for this order then click OK.
This field is not available during
initial entry of the service order. It becomes available once you
print the work order. Note that the Closed status code is determined
at the Status for Closed Orders
field in the Service
Control Settings.