Substitute Product Selection


Use this routine to select one or more product substitutions for the current component in a component or product priced soft kit. This screen is available from the Enter a Sales Order, Enter a Quick Sale, Enter an Exchange, and Enter a Service Order processes.

When you add a component or product priced soft kit to an order, the kit is "expanded" and lists the individual products in the kit. Each component is checked for the existence of an associated substitution list. If lists were assigned in Product Kit Settings, this screen displays for each component with an associated list. You can use this screen to select the product to be used as a substitute for the current component product.

The screen functions as a worksheet, allowing you to choose the quantities of one or more items in the list. When you first access this screen, the default component product for the kit contains the entire quantity required for the kit and the substitute products all default to a quantity of zero. You can select one or multiple substitute products by changing the quantity. As you select substitute products, quantity totals and prices are updated. The quantities entered must balance to the total component quantity of the kit.

Substitution List

This List is


Quantity Balance

Extended Price