Page Headings: Step 1 - Customer, Step 2 - Return Merchandise, Step 3 - Sale Merchandise, Step 4 - Payment
Use this routine to enter merchandise exchanges. Both the return merchandise and replacement products are entered on a single document. Exchanges can be even or can include refunds or additional merchandise for which you can take payments. You can enter exchanges for Delivery, Customer Pickup, or Take With transaction types.
When issuing an exchange, you cannot select a gift certificate payment
type via the Payment
Summary Window.
If the Exchanges on Hold at Entry field is active in the Point
of Sale Control Settings, the system puts exchange orders on E1
Hold status pending approval from a user authorized via the field in either the User
file or User Group
STORIS restricts certain edits to existing exchanges, but allows some of
those edits if you split
the exchange.
If the Automated & Manual POS Numbers field on the Miscellaneous page
in Warehouse/Store
Location Settings is blank and you enter a completed or voided order
number at the Exchange Number prompt, you have the option of viewing the
order in read-only mode. Once you indicate the order number, a message
appears stating that the order exists and asks if you want to view it
in inquiry mode. You can answer Yes to view the read-only version of the
order or you can answer No to reenter the number.
Depending on your permissions set in the Point of Sale User Verification
section on the Advanced page of Point
of Sale Control Settings, you may be required to enter your user ID
and password in order to create a new order or update and existing one.
If required to enter your credentials, a prompt opens after a new or existing
order number is entered into the Exchange Number field.
Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension,
Primary Email Address
Address 1,
Address 2, City, State Zip
Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Email Address
Address 1, Address 2, City, State Zip
If the original sales document you entered on the Customer page exists on the system, the Original Order Piece Selection screen appears listing the products purchased on the original sales order. Use this screen to record the items being returned. The Customer Name, Current Document, and Original Document display.
add or delete line items on orders to which deposits and/or financing
have been applied, user access must be granted via the Able to Delete
or Add Lines When Deposit Applied field in either the User
or User Group files.
For unqualified users, line items on such orders are inactive.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
After adding an item to the order, the line is checked to ensure the route
capacity has not been exceeded. If exceeded, a warning displays "Route
X is full for MM/DD/YYYY. Do you wish to override the capacity limit?".
If Yes is selected, the capacity limit is overridden, which requires permission
found in Override capacities when scheduling
routes that are full in Create
a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security; if No is selected, the
line is added to the grid as unscheduled. The warning appears every time
merchandise is added or changed that causes an increase to route capacity.
If the added or changed merchandise reduces the already exceeded route
capacity, no warning appears, even if the reduction still results in over
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
After you add the returned-product information to the Line Item Display,
the Inventory
Selection screen may display in order for you to provide entry
of the
- Quantity
of the return product,
- Reference Number
(if applicable),
- Storage Location
(if tracked), and
- Reason Code
(reason for return).
Use the fields on this tab to specify the replacement merchandise.
the Prompt
User in POS setting
in Advanced
Product Settings is activated, the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window displays when a product is added to the exchange.
You can then select one or more prep codes to be associated with
the line item. Please note, if prep codes were defaulted based on
the prep code setting in Advanced Product Settings, those will show as
already selected in this screen. The defaulted codes may be deselected
if needed.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
After adding an item to the order, the line is checked to ensure the route
capacity has not been exceeded. If exceeded, a warning displays "Route
X is full for MM/DD/YYYY. Do you wish to override the capacity limit?".
If Yes is selected, the capacity limit is overridden, which requires permission
found in "Override capacities when scheduling routes that are full"
in Create
a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security; if No is selected, the
line is added to the grid as unscheduled. The warning appears every time
merchandise is added or changed that causes an increase to route capacity.
If the added or changed merchandise reduces the already exceeded route
capacity, no warning appears, even if the reduction still results in over
Exchange Number, Available Credit and Customer Name appear as read-only fields.
The subtotal discount amount on the sale portion of an exchange
will not exceed:
-the subtotal amount of the sale portion. If it does, the subtotal sale
discount amount is reduced to match the sale portion subtotal.
-the subtotal discount amount on the return portion of the exchange. If
it does, the subtotal amount of the sale portion is recalculated.
This applies to fixed discount amounts only; percentage discounts and line
discounts are not affected by this.
If an uneven exchange is made for merchandise of lesser value, all subtotal
discounts applied to the order are subject to the Amount
field of Minimum Eligibility
Required in Sales
Discount Settings. If this is the case, a message appears to alert
the user who can determine if the transaction should proceed as a Split
Delivery Charge Refund/Pickup Charge
Installation Charge Refund/Restocking Fee
Delivery Charge Refund/Pickup Charge
Installation Charge Refund/Restocking Fee