Customer > Point of Sale > Settings > Reason Code Settings
Customer > Customer Service > Settings > Reason Code Settings
Customer > Settings > Point of Sale Settings > Reason Code Settings
Customer > Settings > Service Settings > Reason Code Settings
Customer > Electronic Interfaces > Credit Application > Credit Application Settings > Reason Code Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Settings > Service Settings > Reason Code Settings
Accounting > Receivables > Credit Application Settings > Reason Code Settings
Accounting > Receivables > Receivables Settings > Reason Code Settings
Accounting > Settings > Payables Settings > Reason Code Settings
Accounting > Settings > Revolving Receivables Settings > Reason Code Settings
Accounting > Settings > Credit Application Settings > Reason Code Settings
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 8 - Sales > Reason Code Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Sales and Service System Settings > Reason Code Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Interface System Settings > Credit Application Settings > Reason Code Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Accounts Receivables System Settings > Reason Code Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Credit Application Settings > Reason Code Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Revolving Receivables Settings > Reason Code Settings
Use this routine to create and edit reason codes. STORIS places Reason Code fields throughout the system so users can indicate why certain activities were performed. You create the codes here, then your users apply them throughout the system as necessary. For example, you can use reason codes to:
indicate why an order was deleted or returned,
segregate As-Is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. inventory such as damaged items, floor samples, and service items (Floor Sample, Not in Location, and In-Service reason codes are indicated in the Inventory Control Settings), or
mark products removed from saleable Inventory item that can be sold on orders; "regular" inventory that is not designated As-Is. Can also represent the total quantity-on-hand less the as-is quantity. inventory during the Physical Inventory Update process.
Creating explicit reason codes allows you to uniquely identify damaged pieces. For example, you can use
CRK to indicate that the item is cracked,
CDL to indicate that the "customer did not like" the item,
PHY for physical inventory updates.
Some reason codes come delivered with STORIS,
for example NIL (not in location). You cannot delete these codes. If a
reason code is used as a default elsewhere in the system (for example,
the Inventory Control Settings), this program prevents you from deleting
Reason CodeEnter the code you want to
represent this reason. You can enter a maximum of three alphanumeric Consisting of both letter and number characters and often other symbol characters such as punctuation marks. characters.
text that describes this reason code.
Use this field to associate a usage code with the selected reason code. Usage codes classify reason codes. That is, in certain situations where the system requires a reason code, the reason code you enter must be associated with a certain usage code. For example, when exceeding a price variance (see Price Variance Percent field in the Point of Sale Control Settings), an exception occurs. If "Reason Required" is specified at the Price Variance Percent field, the system requires that you enter a reason code to proceed, and the reason code you enter must have a usage code of Exceptions.
For reason codes assigned to NIL, Floor Sample, or In Service products
(Inventory Control Settings),
select Not Required at this field.
Click the Arrow button to select a usage code from the drop-down list. At this time, the following options are available:
Not Required - Use this option if the reason code is not required for use with any of the processes listed in the drop-down (Exceptions, etc. - see below). Reason codes with this setting appear in inventory lookup drop-down lists.
Exceptions - the reason code is used for exceptions for which the "Reason Required" alert option has been specified.
Credit Application - Identify the reason codes you want to use with the Credit Request Review process when making manual decisions on credit applications.
Revolving Adjustments - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with the Adjust Revolving Plans, Adjust Balance action option. When you make adjustments to a plan using the Adjust Balance screen, you access the drop-down list at the Reason field and select reason codes with this usage code indicated.
Revolving Disputes - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with the Adjust Revolving Plans, Update Disputes action option. When you make adjustments to a plan's dispute status using the Update Disputes screen, you access the drop-down list at the Reason field and select reason codes with this usage code indicated.
Revolving Plan Closure By Customer - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with the Enter a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions process when you close a customer's plan at their request. When you enter a Closed date in Enter a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions, you are prompted to enter a reason for the plan closure. Reason codes with this usage code indicated are available selections in the Enter Reason Code window.
Revolving Plan Closure By Retailer - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with the Enter a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions process when you close a customer's plan. When you enter a Closed date in Enter a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions, you are prompted to enter a reason for the plan closure. Reason codes with this usage code indicated are available selections in the Enter Reason Code window.
Installment Receivables Adjustments - Indicate the reason codes you want to use when making an adjustment to a customer's installment plan. Reason codes with this usage code indicated are the available selections.
Installment Plan Closure by a Customer - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with Update Contract Status when you close a customer's installment plan at their request. Reason codes with this usage code indicated are the available selections. If you associate this reason with an Account Status, when an installment contract is cancelled the Metro 2 file is updated automatically and no manual entry is required.
Line Item Deletion - Indicate the reason codes you want to use when deleting lines from an existing transaction (including sales orders, layaways and exchanges). Reason codes with this usage code indicated are the available selections. To prompt for reason code when lines are deleted, check the box at the Enter Reason Code For Line Deletion field on the Advanced Tab in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
Installment Plan Closure by a Retailer - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with Update Contract Status when you close a customer's Installment plan. Reason codes with this usage code indicated are the available selections. If you associate this reason with an Account Status, when an installment contract is cancelled the Metro 2 file is updated automatically and no manual entry is required.
Change of Delivery Charge - Indicate the reason codes you want to use with DELIVERY CHARGES - Prompt for Reason Code if Overridden when changes are made to delivery charges. Reason codes with this usage code indicated are the available selections.
Obsolete - Reason codes with this usage code can be selected when prompted for a reason code during processing of products with a status of Dropped, Discontinued, or Purge.
As-Is - Select this option to indicate that this reason code can be used to associate a PO type with a purchase order created for As-Is inventory. Reason codes with this usage code can be selected at the As-Is Reason field in Purchase Order Type Settings.
Removal of Orders from a Manifest Exception - Use this reason code to allow orders to be selected for removal during the Build a Delivery/Service/Transfer Manifest process. During the build a manifest process, orders with this reason code display a prompt for removal. This code is applied when the Require Reason Code if one or More Orders Removed field is checked in Point of Sale Control Settings.
As-Is Restricted - Use this option to designate a reason code as restricted, meaning that only users with adequate security (or who obtain manager override credentials) are permitted to assign or remove this reason code in inventory. The Create a User/Group Logistics Security setting Apply or Remove an As-Is Reason Code to Inventory controls who has this permission.
Letter TemplateIf
you select Credit Application in the Reason Usage Code field, you can
use this optional field to select a form letter. (ie. Credit Conditional
Letter or Credit Declined Letter)
This field is only active if the "This Reason is Used for" field is set to Installment Plan Closure by Customer or Installment Plan Closure by Retailer.
If you want to automatically update the Metro 2 file when you cancel an installment contract, use this field to associate an account status with each reason code you want to utilize in the Reason field of Update Contract Status within Manage and Adjust Installment Contracts.
If you choose to use this field, enter the account status code or click the Search button to access the Read-Only Lookup Window and then double-click the account status code to select it.
DescriptionThis field
is display only. If you selected an Account Status in the field
above, the description of that account status displays in this field.
As-Is Products from being Sold
Check the box at this field to restrict as-is items with this reason code from being added to a sales order. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Warranties to be Sold on As-Is Products
Check the box at this field to allow warranties to be linked to as-is products with this reason code. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
in the Saleable Quantity for Transfer Limits
Check the box at this field to have this reason code included in the saleable quantity total calculations for transfer limits. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Spiff Table - Select this option to access the Reason Code Spiff Table, where you can specify the spiff percentages to be earned for the reason code based on gross profit ranges.