Credit Request Review
Tabs: Display-Only Fields,
Credit/Review Status
Fields, Extra
Actions Buttons
Use the Credit Request Review screen to manually
review and decision credit
requests/applications. This screen appears when you double-click on
a grid item in the Review
Pending Credit Requests routine.
Once you select a grid item in the Review Pending Credit Requests routine,
STORIS security references the Access Other Credit Applications and Score
Reporting field on the Extended
Security screen to determine if you have access. If you do not
have this security setting active, you are prompted for a security override
when you attempt to access this screen via the Review Pending Credit Requests
routine. A user with this extended security must enter their initials
and password in order for you to access this entry version of the screen.
If comments have
been updated for the selected review item, the system displays a message
informing you that comments were entered for this credit request and asks
if you would like to review the comments. Click Yes to access the Credit
Review Comments Entry/Inquiry Screen.
If you are requesting credit for a customer for whom a credit request was
recently completed, the system displays a message stating the customer
has a recently closed credit request that can be viewed using the View
Completed Credit Requests routine.
The following information
displays in the top portion of the screen:
Sales Order
Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, Email
Credit & Review
Status Fields
The following information and entry fields
appear in the bottom half of the screen:
LimitUse this
field to establish a new AR credit limit for the customer. Enter
a whole dollar, numeric value between 0 and 999999. If you leave
the field blank, you establish unlimited credit for the customer. Any
updates you make here reflect in the Credit Limit field in the Customer
If Advanced Receivables is not active on your system (General
System Control Settings), the credit limit field on this screen is
active. If Advanced Receivables is active on your system, you cannot edit
the credit limit field via this screen. You can use Customer
Credit and Scoring Information to edit the customer's credit limit,
provided you have permission via your User/User
Group settings.
AvailableThe amount
of credit currently available displays here.
UsedThe amount
of credit currently used displays here.
Suggested Limit
ScoreThe credit
score returned by the credit bureau displays here, provided you have access
to information via your User/User Group settings. (See Security above.)
If you do not have access, the credit score is masked.
Review Status
the user ID of the credit application reviewer. Your user ID defaults,
but you can override the default. If using InterConnect, the reviewer
shows as 'AUTO'. If you click on the Search button, a list of users appears
from which you can choose.
CurrentThe current
status appears. You can edit the status. If you click
on the Arrow, a list of review statuses appears from which you can choose.
If you enter an approved, declined, or deleted review status code,
the credit request is moved to history. If you specify a credit review
status code for which one of the following associated credit request statuses
has been specified, the program requires you to enter a reason code.
5. On Hold Awaiting Further Information or Verification
6. Conditionally Approved
8. Credit Declined
the reason for the new status. This field is active and mandatory if your
entry in the Current field (above) is a status code whose Associated Credit
Request Status field is set to 5, 6, or 8 in the Credit
Review Status Code Settings. If you click the Arrow button, a list
of credit reason codes
(codes with the Reason Usage Code is set to Credit Application) appears,
from which you can select a reason. If you edit this field, the program
writes a credit request audit comment when you click Save on this screen.
You can view the comments via the Credit
Review Comments Entry/Inquiry Screen. If using InterConnect, the Reason
is set to 'AUTO'.
Print LetterThis field
is only active if the review item has been decisioned (approved, conditional,
or declined). If you want to generate a status letter for the current
review item, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Actions Buttons
This group of extra actions buttons appears on the lower right side
of the screen. Click a button image below to see a description of the