Manage and Adjust Installment Contracts


Tabs: Installment

Use this routine to view installment receivables contract activity for a specified customer and to access installment entry screens that you can use to manage and adjust the customer's contracts.  

The header portion of this screen prompts for the customer code. Once you indicate the customer, the customer name and Co-Applicant, if any, displays. The Installment tab displays additional customer information and a grid that lists the customer's pending, active, and historical contracts. You can then select contracts from the grid and use the extra action buttons to perform additional installment functions, such as cancel, delete, or reinstate a contract; merge and refinance contracts; defer installment payments; adjust contract balances; change contract due day; forgive late fees; etc. (See the Extra Action Buttons section below for more detail.) 



The customer address displays in the header portion of this tab.

Home, Cell, Work, Ext



Credit Limit $

Open Receivables $

Potential Receivables $

Available Credit $

Installment (pending) $

Revolving (pending) + $

Unpaid Open Orders + $   

Additional Action Buttons

Once you select contract(s) from the grid, one or more of the following action buttons are activated. Use these buttons can be used to perform additional Installment functions, including Review Contract Details, Update Contract Status, Merge/Refinance Contracts, Adjust Payment Terms, Defer Installment Payments, Adjust Contract Balance, and Forgive Late Fees.

Review Contract Details

Update Contract Status

Installment Worksheet

Adjust Payment Terms

Defer Installment Payments

Adjust Contract Balance

Forgive Late Fees


When you do not have any contracts selected in the grid, availability of the following extra action buttons is based on the following settings in Create a User/Group Actions - Receivables Security:

The availability of these buttons also depends on the following:

- Enter a Sales Order

- Enter a Customer Payment, Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate

   - Request Credit Information

- Credit Request Review


 The following conditions also affect your ability to use the four extra action buttons shown above.

If your system is set up to balance by cash drawer via  Cash Balancing Control Settings, and you did not log in with a cash drawer, the Enter a Payment extra action is not active.   

If the customer's account is closed (charged off, for example), only the Enter a Payment extra action is active.

Regardless of the user settings mentioned above, if an open credit request is on file for the customer, the Credit Request Review button is active and the Request Credit Information button is not active. To maintain the credit application, use Credit Request Review action. If you do not have access to the Credit Request Review process, the Request Credit Information action remains active instead and you can maintain the credit application via the Update a Credit Application Actions option on the Request Credit Information screen.

If an open credit request is not on file for the customer, the Credit Request Review action is not active and the Request Credit Information button is active.

Both the Request Credit Information and Credit Request Review extra actions are never active at the same time.