Adjust Payment Terms
Use this routine to make various changes to the payment terms of a contract such as due day, grace days, extensions, same as cash date, and reverse payment.
This screen is available for active contracts and if a user has security via Installment; Exclude Contracts from Auto Pay in the receivables security settings then it is also available for pending contracts.
ContractThe contract number displays here.
Due DayUse this field to specify a new due day from the drop down.
Grace Days
Total $ Keyed-offThis field is read-only and displays the total keyed-off amount.
Credit ReversalUse this field to enter the credit amount. This field is only active when there is a value in the Total $ Keyed-off amount field.
Same as Cash
Exclude Contract from Auto Pay
RevokedClick this check box to remove the expiration date for the same as cash agreement for this contract. The check box is only active if there is a Same as Cash date and the date is in the future.
CommentsClicking the actions button at this field brings up the Text Entry Screen where you can enter comments pertaining to the contract.
Comments are required when making a change to the payment terms of a contract.