Dynamic Escape Settings


Use this routine to add or remove dynamic escapes within routines in your STORIS system. Dynamic escapes appear on right-click menus in selected routines, allowing you to "escape" from your current routine to another routine without having to exit your current routine to select the new routine from a menu.  Only inquiry routines are eligible to be dynamic escapes.  Entry routines such as Sales Order Entry are not available.

Accessing Dynamic Escape Routines

You access escape routines by right-clicking on the screen or tab from which you want to "escape", then choosing a destination screen from the menu that appears.  For example, if you select Enter a Sales Order in the Screen field and Customer at the Tab field below, the escape routines you select from the grid below appear when you right-click your mouse anywhere on the Customer tab of the Sales Order Entry screen.

When you escape to another routine, the new routine stacks on top of the previous routine (as opposed to replacing it), so you can still access the previous routine by exiting the current routine. To return to menu level, you must exit all open STORIS routines, including any routines you opened via the Dynamic Escape feature.


In order to add dynamic escapes to the right-click menu, the user must have permission by checking the Add programs to a Dynamic Escape screen listing field in the Create a User/Group Actions - System Security settings.

