Use this screen to create pricing groups for items on the current sales order. For example, assume you have a bedroom set and a living room set you would like to move. You offer the customer a discount if they buy all the items - 10% off for the bedroom set and 25% for the living room set. You enter the items onto the sales order, then use this screen to
separate the items into two price groups, and
apply group pricing to each group.
STORIS provides two methods for modifying group pricing:
manually by selecting an item from the grid and editing the Group and/or Price fields.
automatically by clicking on the Action button at the Product field and accessing the Enter a Group Price screen.
recommends you organize product sets into kits.
Alternatively, you can use this screen to apply group pricing to
products while in the Enter a Sales
Order routine. Note that if a product has a check at the Kit Component field in the Advanced
Product Settings, you cannot use it in this routine.