COD Worksheet


Use this screen to access customer C.O.D. information when entering sales orders or scheduling deliveries. This screen is unavailable for direct ship items. You can use it to re-calculate C.O.D. amounts if, for example, you need to withhold one or more pieces on an order from delivery. The calculations are strictly "what if" calculations within this worksheet, and do not affect amounts in the system. Initially, the Ship column contains zeros, but you can use the Ship field below to edit those amounts and calculate C.O.D. costs for one or more items on the order.

For example, assume you have an order with 5 line items with a quantity of one each. The grid on the COD Worksheet displays the order amounts for that order.  If the customer asks to withhold one of the line items from the order, you can immediately re-calculate the C.O.D. costs for the reduced shipment and inform the customer.

 The C.O.D calculation includes the

    - deposit hold-back percent (if any) as defined in the Accounts Receivable Control Settings as well as

    - the customer's previous AR balance.   

The total required for any future invoice is the amount required to pay for the merchandise being completed plus the minimum deposit requirements for the undelivered merchandise.  Any money paid is first applied to the merchandise being invoiced.  Any balance of money paid is then applied to satisfy the minimum deposit requirements on the undelivered merchandise.   

Header Area

The header area of the worksheet contains information from the current order. If the order contains multiple line item types (for example, delivery and take-with), you can edit the Status field to calculate a selected line item type. Otherwise, you cannot edit these fields, although system updates the dollar amounts based on changes you make to the grid or the Status field.

On the right side of the header area, the following rows display:

For each of the above rows, the following columns of information appear:

total balance - deposits

or, in other words, the

Anticipated C.O.D. amount from the Total column - Anticipated COD amount from the Next Delivery column.

Grid Area

The grid contains the line items from the selected order. Use the fields below to calculate C.O.D. costs for one or more items. In the event you need to withhold one or more pieces from the shipment, you can enter the updated ship amount and get a re-calculated C.O.D. amount.  



