Warehouse Management System (WMS) Interface Overview  

The Warehouse Management System (WMS) Interface allows you to share data in real time between STORIS and a third-party WMS.  Use this feature only if you want to interface a third-party WMS with STORIS. At this time, STORIS supports an interface with RedPrairie® Dispatch-WMS software.  

STORIS' WMS Interface enables you to run a third-party WMS application while maintaining accurate inventories on STORIS' database.  When active, the WMS application replaces STORIS’ current warehouse operation processing. The interface runs based on inventory events affecting ownership or status that occur in either the STORIS or the third-party application.  All STORIS processes that impact inventory for designated WMS warehouses are passed to the WMS application for processing and completion. All WMS processes that impact inventory for designated warehouses are passed to the STORIS application for processing.

The WMS application interfaces only with locations set up as WMS warehouse locations in STORIS. When you first designate a warehouse for WMS, STORIS loads any existing product information from the Product Settings into the third-party WMS.

If the Bar Code module is active on your STORIS system and you transfer a product to or from a WMS warehouse, you must remove the product’s bar code label and re-label the product.  Failure to do so may cause miscounts resulting in inaccurate inventory values.

If you remove an order from a manifest, you must change the order status to “EST”, “ASAP” or “CWC”. Otherwise, your third-party WMS will not know the order has been removed from the manifest.  

Setting up the WMS Interface

To keep inventory in sync between STORIS and your third-party WMS, STORIS disables the inventory functions for each WMS location.  In this way, STORIS permits the WMS interface to control the inventory functions.  

Data Communications

STORIS and the WMS interface communicate by writing update data to a shared Unidata® directory created by STORIS.  This directory contains an EXPORT file (WMS.EXPORT) to hold pending transaction records from STORIS to WMS, as well as an IMPORT file (WMS.IMPORT) containing pending transaction records from WMS to STORIS. The pending transactions are written as Unidata-formatted records.  

Data Flow

STORIS writes pending inventory-related transactions to the EXPORT file for all warehouse locations flagged as WMS locations (that is, flagged via the Warehouse Management System Active field in the Warehouse/Store Location Settings).  

STORIS writes pending transactions using data formats agreed upon between STORIS and your third-party WMS.  Additionally, STORIS writes a copy of pending transactions to an archival file for auditing purposes.

The WMS Interface polls the EXPORT file, thus making the interface more forgiving in periods where communication between the two systems breaks down.  If the processing is successful, the WMS Interface deletes the transaction from the EXPORT file.

The WMS Interface writes pending inventory update transactions to the IMPORT file for all transactions that either effect inventory counts or initiate non-inventory updates associated with an inventory action such as sales order delivery completion.  The WMS Interface writes the pending transactions using formats agreed-upon between STORIS and your third-party WMS (for example, Red Prairie).  

A STORIS WMS phantom runs a program to read the record and perform the proper updates based on the transactional data provided. If the processing is successful, then STORIS deletes the transaction from the IMPORT file.  For any transactions whose updates did not successfully complete, an error report generates during the STORIS End-of-Day process.  STORIS also provides an interactive screen to review the errors and either resubmit those transactions or remove them from the IMPORT file.

If the WMS Interface is active:

Product File Updates

The WMS Interface requires that the following pieces of information exist for all inventory products in STORIS. These key pieces of information are:

For all products except non-inventory products, if you edit any of the above fields in the Product file (or if you create or delete a new product), the WMS interface writes the changes to the WMS EXPORT file.  

When creating new products, if the WMS interface is active on your system, the program the defaults the shipping volume (if any) from the associated Product Group into the Shipping Volume field of the Product Settings and the Advanced Product Settings.

Purchase Order Updates

For all purchase orders whose receiving location is a WMS location, if you print, transmit or change the PO after the initial transmission, the WMS Interface writes the changes to the WMS EXPORT file.  


Tracking Inventory in STORIS When WMS is Active

When creating ship or return-to-vendor (RTV) notifications in your third-party WMS, if you provide a reference/truck number, STORIS can read it in.  In this way, you can track inventory for transfers, deliveries, and RTVs within STORIS even if WMS is active for the selected location.

The reference/truck number appears in the Reference Column in the following inquiry screens:

You can also access the reference/truck number for use in the Report Builder.  Use the TRUCK_NO dictionary in the PIECE.INVENTORY source file.