Review Warehouse Management Interface (WMS) Errors
Use this screen to display WMS import records that have been updated with a WMS Mode of “E”rror. You can select records from the grid for update. You can use the WMS Mode field to change the WMS mode from “E”rror to “P”ending, which causes the WMS phantom to reprocess the record. Additionally, you can use the Remove button to delete the record from the WMS Import file.
WMS KeySpecify the record from the WMS.IMPORT file you want to view.
WMS Mode
OperationThe WMS operation code representing the type inventory update displays.
Order/POThe order, transfer, or purchase order affected by the update displays.
SKUThe SKU (model number) affected by the update displays.
LineThe order line displays.
Serial NbrThe serial number displays for as-is inventory update or a special-ordered product.
Ship WhseThe model number affected by the update displays.
Tag IDThe WMS Tag ID (if any) associated with the piece displays.
Receipt WhseThe warehouse (if any) from which the piece was received displays.
ErrorThe 70-character error message associated with the error that occurred during import processing displays.
ReasonFor as-is inventory updates, the as-is reason code displays. For adjustments, the new reason code displays.