View Route Capacity Settings

(View a Service Route; Service Route Inquiry)


This inquiry displays service route capacities for the month/year and route specified.

This is a read-only version of the Route Capacity Settings. You cannot edit any data on this screen. The documentation below describes the entry version of this routine. You can use it for reference purposes.



Route Type

Route Code

Once you enter a valid year, month, and route code, the calendar for the selected month displays. The calendar indicates which dates are closed (either because a cutoff limit has been reached or the date is prior to the current system date) and which dates are available. The dates and days of the week for the selected month, along with the current cutoff settings for each, display on the screen.






 Use the Volume field the Advanced Product Settings to enter the measurement used in calculating the delivery volume is entered. This field must contain a value for the delivery scheduling program to properly calculate maximum capacity units.