View Customer Ship-To Addresses


Use this screen to display a list of orders based on a cross-reference of customer name, address, and zip code.  You can use this screen for Multiple Ship-To Addresses as well as other order ship-to's.  Note that you can also use this screen to reassign the history for a particular order to a new customer (see the note below).  

Enter any combination of name, street address, and zip code into the fields provided. Use the Order field to view either completed or open orders. The grid displays all orders for customers who match the specified criteria.  You can change parameters and re-select data as desired. Click on the Select button to display your search results.

This inquiry is available only if Multiple Ship-To Processing is active on your system (via the Allow Multiple Ship-To Addresses field in the Point of Sale Control Settings).  

If you access this screen via the Actions button in the Advanced Customer Settings or the Action button at the Original Document field in the Enter a Service Order routine, you can use this screen to move customer purchase histories in the event the customer associated with a service order is not the same as the customer who purchased the item being serviced.  

Address Exception List Settings

Street name suffixes (for example, St., Blvd, etc…) can interfere with your address search. For example, if you enter 18 Winding Way but the customer lives at 18 Winding Lane, the lookup will not find the address.

However, this lookup ignores any street words or phrases you add to the Address Exception List Settings.  So, if you enter "Way" and "Lane" into the Address Exception List Settings, the program ignores those words in the search and returns all invoices for customers whose address includes "18 Winding".  STORIS recommends you enter all street name suffixes you can think of into the Address Exception List Settings.

In addition, the program ignores all punctuation (for example, commas, periods, etc.) in both created ship-to record and the search of the file.


You can wildcard the address entry through the use of the apostrophe character. For example, to search for all addresses containing MAIN, enter


This entry returns all addresses containing the word MAIN.  Searches are case-insensitive.  

Searching on Word Fragments

You can also enter a word fragment in any of the search fields.  For example, if you enter “JO” in the Name prompt, the grid displays all orders whose ship-to name contains the text “JO”, such as “JOHN SMITH” or “ROBERT JONES”.