Use this feature to move customer purchase history information between customers, for example in the event that the customer associated with a service order is not the same as the customer who purchased the item being serviced, such as when an item was purchased from your company by a builder who then sold it to the customer requesting the service.
This feature is available from the following screens, which are accessed from Advanced Customer Settings and Enter a Service Order.
From Advanced Customer Settings, click the Actions button and select Look-up by Serial Number to access this screen.
From Enter a Service Order, click the Search button at the Original Document field and select Product Serial Number Lookup to access this screen.
From Advanced Customer Settings, click the Actions button and select Look-Up by Ship-To Address to access this screen.
From Enter a Service Order, click the Search button at the Original Document field and select Customer Ship To Address Lookup to access this screen.
When you are in either of these look-up screens, you can select a completed order document from the grid. If the customer for the selected order does not match the customer specified in the original screen (customer settings or service order), a question appears asking if you want to move the customer history for the selected completed order to the customer on the original screen. Answer Yes to move the history or No to return to the screen without moving the history.
If you answer Yes to the prompt, the system copies the completed
order history to the customer history record of the "move-to"
customer, causing the completed order information to exist in history
for both customers (that is, the original "move-from" customer
who purchased the item, and the "move-to" customer requesting
the service).