View a Purchase Order
(Purchase Order Detail Inquiry)
Tabs: Logistics,
Billing, Cost, Quantity
Use this inquiry to view detailed information on
a selected purchase order.
If you select a direct-ship
purchase order, the customer ship-to address displays in place of the
receiving warehouse location address.
The output of this report may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Header Area
The following fields display at the top of each page in the inquiry.
Purchase Order
Order DateThe purchase order creation
date displays here.
purchase order status displays - either OPEN or DELETED. For DELETED
orders, the date of deletion also displays.
Transaction Type
Purchase Order Type
Buyer IDThe
initials and name of the person who entered the order display here. If
the order was created on-the-fly from
Sales Order entry, this field displays ZZZ.
value of the Total Volume field (if any) in Enter
a Purchase Order displays here.
value of the Total Weight field (if any) in Enter
a Purchase Order displays here.
EDI Flag
Number of Pieces
Receiving LocationThe
code, name and address of the location where the ordered items are received
into STORIS is displayed here.
Requested Date
DateThis field displays the date that the order is
scheduled to be delivered from the vendor.
On HoldThis field indicates whether
or not the purchase order was placed on
hold. If on hold, you must remove the hold status before you can
acknowledge or receive the purchase order.
Acknowledgement Date, NumberIf the
purchase order was acknowledged via Acknowledge
a Purchase Order (Purchase Order Acknowledgment) the acknowledgment
date and number assigned to the acknowledgement display in these fields.
Shipping InstructionsIf Instructions for the vendor were
entered during creation of the purchase order, they display here. This
is text that prints on the purchase order.
Ship To Location
CarrierThe code of shipping company
used for this order displays.

Receiving LocationThe
code, name and address of the location where the items ordered were received
into STORIS is displayed here.
MerchandiseThis is the total cost
of items ordered on this PO, excluding tax, freight, or miscellaneous
Freight, Miscellaneous, TaxIf any
Freight, Miscellaneous, and Tax costs were entered during purchase order
creation, the amounts display here.
TOTALThis is the total cost of the Purchase Order,
including merchandise, tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges.
Payable TermsThe
AP Terms Code displays from the Vendor record .
Estimated Exchange RateThis
is the estimated exchange rate determined by the Country code for the
vendor for whom this purchase order was created.

The Dollar tab displays the following information for each line item
on the purchase order. To view discount
information for a line in the grid, double-click on it.
code for the Product(s) ordered on this purchase order will display in
this column.
description from the Product record for the item(s) ordered on this purchase
order will display in this column.
invoice amount (before discounts applied) for each item will display in
this column.
Net InvoiceThe
net invoice amount (Invoice amount less discounts, if any) for each item
will display in this column.
extended amount (net invoice x quantity) for each item will display
in this column.

The Quantity tab displays the following information for each line item
on the purchase order. To view additional information including line
items linked to sales orders, double-click on an item.
Product CodeThe
code for each product ordered on this purchase order displays in
this column.
description from the Product record for the items ordered on this purchase
order displays in this column.
LinksThe quantity of each item
on this PO that is linked to a sales order displays in this column.
quantity ordered for each item on this PO displays in this column.
quantity received for each item on this PO displays in this column.
open quantity (not received) for each item on this PO displays in this
quantity of this product that was approved for payment via Enter
Multiple Vendor Invoices (AP Approval Process) displays in this column.