Special Order Information Window
If the product you specified (for example, at the Product field in Purchase Order Entry) is a special-order product, this screen appears in which you can enter special order information for the selected piece. The following fields are available for entry.
When creating inventory products, as well as special order products, you can enter additional order information for the product by accessing the screen on the General tab, Actions button, Special Order Info option in Advanced Product Settings.
FrameEnter the frame number for this special order product.
Color/Grade, Fabric/Finish, Misc/Grade (CFO's)Use the Customer Formulated Options (CFO) fields to collect "cosmetic" information about special order products, such as Color/Grade, Fabric/Finish, and Misc/Grade. The labels for the three CFO prompts that display here derive from either the Vendor Special-Order Option Settings or the Special Order Control Settings.
Detail InformationIf you accessed this screen from Advanced Product Settings, this field is inactive. When the field is active, for example when accessed from Enter a Purchase Order, you can use this text box to enter detailed information on the special order or inventory item.