D-Tools is a licensed third-party systems integration tracking tool (Windows® based) you can purchase separately to do detailed cost, labor, pricing and product tracking. STORIS has a utility you can use to import line item data from a D-Tools project into a STORIS sales order.
First, you use the "Export to Excel” utility in D-Tools to export the project data to an Excel® file. Then, open the file in Excel and save it to CSV (comma-separated-value) format. In this format, you can import the file into STORIS via the D-Tools Import option off the Actions button at the Product field in Sales Order Entry.
To export D-Tools project data to Excel, open the project you want to import into STORIS. When you export a D-Tools project to an Excel spreadsheet, the following columns are required:
Manufacturer (for line selection display purposes only)
Product Description
Unit Cost
Unit Price
Make sure all required columns are shown on the screen in D-Tools. If any of the required columns do not appear, right-click anywhere on the column heading line and select the columns you want to display. These columns must be the same columns specified in the column-mapping fields of the D-Tools Import System Control Settings.
In its initial setup, STORIS assumes all required columns have the same column heading as the default for D-Tools. STORIS also assume that export files include column headings in the first line of the exported data. Column headings must be included in the export file or the import will fail. If the column headings have been changed, you must update the D-Tools Import System Control Settings screen to match the changes in the D-Tools project.
The following columns are optional and do not currently exist within D-Tools (but could be added via user-defined fields or renamed from existing columns, for example SKU to Vendor Model):
Vendor Model
These columns, if exported, can be convenient if defaulting new product on-the-fly information within STORIS.
Since D-Tools does not store a quantity for line items (that is, each item is listed separately with a quantity of one), STORIS groups similar lines together and keeps track of the quantity.
After you export your data file from D-Tools and save it to CSV form using Excel, you can import the file into STORIS.
First, use the D-Tools Import System Control Settings to specify the default import path for D-Tools, as well as the exported column headings cross-reference list and any other information needed for this process. STORIS' default settings at these fields are based on the default settings of the associated fields in D-Tools.
Next, use the D-Tools Import option off the Actions button at the Product field in Sales Order Entry to import an exported D-Tools CSV file. The import path defaults from the D-Tools Import System Control Settings.
STORIS places the D-Tools import file into a temporary grid where you can examine the data and decide which line items you want to import. You can select all by clicking on the ‘All’ button, or you can select individual items by clicking on individual check boxes. Also, a checkbox appears above the grid that, when checked, automatically generates a purchase order from the imported line items.
Sales Order Entry accepts the imported line item data based on the column-mapping cross-references specified in the D-Tools Import System Control Settings. That is, you can specify the STORIS fields to which you want to map the D-Tools columns. The system considers all imported products to be regular stock (that is, not special-order). In this way, the system does not have to stop the import unless it is to specify a missing data point .
When importing line item data, if a product does not exist within STORIS, the system prompts you to create the product on-the-fly (that is, assuming you have access to on-the-fly maintenance). Otherwise, the import fails and you must create the product before trying the import process again.
STORIS does not provide the ability to adjust an already imported D-Tools project from within a STORIS sales order. Instead, you must delete all D-Tools-related line items (or delete the entire order), and then run the import process again to import the modified D-Tools project data into the STORIS sales order.
D-Tools' pricing proposals include items that do not show up in the D-Tools DataMatrix (the project data view). Labor is included in the Install Price but labor is not broken out as a separate line item in some cases. Also, users can specify miscellaneous costs that are included with the proposal but do not show up on this list. There are two percentages that affect the installed price as well that are not listed in these columns.