Product Configuration
Use the Product Configurator file to set up option type prompts for specific products.
You cannot maintain configurable products within eSTORIS - only within STORIS.
If a soft kit is set to Expand on Web (via the Product Kit Settings), you cannot add configurable products to the kit.
When setting defaults for the web, the program does not reference the Rules, so be sure your web defaults do not conflict with any rules you have set up.
For configurable products in a web collection, you cannot set the web collection as “one product per row”.
VendorEnter the code of the vendor for whom you are configuring the product. To select from a list of valid vendor codes, click the Search button to the right of the entry field.
Vendor ModelEnter the vendor model code of the product being configured.
Option Type
RequiredTo designate the selected Option Type as a required prompt on the Configurator entry screen, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
ListsSpecify the lists of available options/fabrics (if any) you want to add to this product. If you click on the Search button, all valid lists display on the screen that appears. If you click on the Action button, the Multiple List Selection Window appears from which you can select a list.
DefaultSpecify a default fabric/option for this Option Type. Default options display only on initial entry into the Special Order Configurator process if a default option is associated with a price, as established via the Option Price Configuration process. If you click on the Arrow, a list of valid options appears from which you can choose.
DefaultEnter the web default value. When using configurable products on the web, eSTORIS allows only one value for each configurable option. Define that value here. If you click on the Arrow, a list of valid options appears from which you can choose.
DescriptionEnter the description of the default value you want to display on the web. If you on the Action button, the Description Field - Language Translation Entry screen appears.
ImageEnter the filename of the image (if any) you want to associate with this item, for example productname.jpg. To upload and store this image to the web server, please contact STORIS.