Option Price Configuration
(Option Price)
Use the Option Price Configuration file to establish up-charges/pricing/costs for each of the options for a specified product used by the Product Configurator.
VendorEnter the code of the vendor from whom these options are available. To select from a list of valid vendor codes, click the Search button to the right of the entry field .
Base FrameEnter the vendor model code of the base frame.
Option TypeEnter the code of the option type to which this up-charge applies. To access a list of Option Types for this vendor, click the Search button to the right of the entry field.
OptionEnter the code of the option for which this you want to establish this up-charge. To select from a list of valid Option codes, click the Search button to the right of the entry field.
Regular Selling PriceEnter the regular selling price you want to apply to this option.
Regular CostEnter the regular cost you want to apply to this option.
Sale Starting Date, Sale Ending Date, Sale Selling PriceYou can establish special sale pricing using these fields.
Cost Sale Starting Date, Cost Sale Ending Date, Sale CostYou can establish special sale costs using these fields.
If using Regional Processing, you can establish regular and sale pricing by district. To access the District Pricing screen, select the Actions button located at the bottom of the screen.