District Pricing
Use this routine with the product configurator settings to establish regular and sale district pricing for a specific option/grade.
Vendor, Base FrameThe Vendor code, Base Frame and Fabric Grade that you selected on the previous screen display.
Fabric GradeYour selections from the previous screen display.
DistrictIndicate the code of the district for which you are establishing special pricing. If you click the Action button, you access the Read-Only Lookup Window, where you can double-click to select a district from the list.
Selling PriceEnter the regular selling price to be charged in the selected district.
Sale Start, Sale EndIf you are establishing a sale price, you can indicate the start and end dates of the sale.
Sale PriceEnter the sale price to be charged in the selected district. If you specified sale start and end dates, the sale price is valid only for that time period.