Tabs: General, Product, Web Collection
Use this routine to specify products and/or web collections you want to associate with selected soft kits so that when customers view the kits on eSTORIS , the products display as add-on options. That is, eSTORIS provides the option to purchase those add-on products along with the kit's standard components.
Web item add-on products appear on eSTORIS in the Optional Items section just below the kit's standard components. To include the add-on product in their purchase, customers place a check in the box next to the product description.
You can designate add-on products as one of the following:
kit additions - if Include appears next to the check box, eSTORIS customers can add the product to the kit. Each product listed includes the name of the add-on product and the amount to add to the kit price if adding the product to the purchase,
kit substitutes - if Change appears next to the check box, eSTORIS customers can substitute the add-on for a product you specify in this routine. If you specify multiple substitution options for a kit component, eSTORIS displays a radio-button group instead of a check box. However, customers can select only one button option per order. Each product listed includes the name of the kit component to be replaced, the substitution product, and the amount to add or subtract from the kit price if substituting the product in the purchase.
Web item add-on products display only on eSTORIS.
You cannot maintain web-related groups within eSTORIS - only within STORIS.
You can associate web item add-ons with.
If a product has an add-on product and that add-on product has an add-on product itself, then the system considers only the first add-on product. This is true for soft kit components as well.
The following cannot be web add-ons:
- special-order products
- soft kits that contain special-order products
- web collections that contain special-order products
- soft kits set to Expand on Web (via the Product Kit Settings)
- web collections set as “one product per row” in the Web Collection Settings.
Use this tab to arrange the order of the items in the selected group. Select an item from the grid and click on the Up or Down arrows to move the item up or down, respectively.
Use this tab to maintain products for the selected web-related group.
Use this tab to maintain web collections for the selected web-related group.